Why do feminists feel threatened by sexualized drawings of women?
Why do feminists feel threatened by sexualized drawings of women?
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3D women literally cannot compete
They will give you a lot of complex explanations. The basic gist of it is men having fun = bad.
I want the mods who actually does his job to wake up
Invalidates the appeal they had before. Our imagination is a better tool to aid in our pleasure within this age ot technology.
Teach me, senpai.
Envy they will never be as attractive
Realization that men don't need to put up with their bullshit in order to be happy when we have 2D waifus we can soon impregnate with with new TrumpTech inc technology
You're not getting away with it this time, faggot
Supply and Demand
Right now women still have more demand than they can supply.
If more men go 2D their market value relative to men sinks.
I'm not even kidding, fucking kill these faggots
I'd report but I just get "Bad Gateway" I try. :(
they want to shame healthy attractiveness and promote obesity as the new socially approved attractive.
Fucking die you shitfuck
execute yourself
They do?
Its woman behavior they constantly want to see you are a man and see them as an object but lie to see if you are the real deal or not.
They dont like competition, especially when the competition is better than them.
literally fucking kill yourself
fucking die
I don't care. I'm married I can jack off to whatever I want if she's not willing to do her duty.
You deserve to be fucking blown up
...even if it's somehow related to mlp thats just a drawing of a hot human girl.. You guys are pathetically over sensitive and retarded. Worse than bronies
make 2D 3D again #Make Anime Great Again
Better question, why do feminist typically draw them in this fashion?
not really
It's just Barneyfags that do that.
Because 2D is better.
And I hate them.
Also can someone give me a quick rundown of this barneyfag meme? It's one of the only ones I haven't bothered to follow
hang these fucking faggots
Sleep snug, smug.
Women aren't actually angered by this stuff. They see an opportunity to complain and be the victim and they snatch it up.
Fucking hang these pieces of shitfuck
As far as I can tell, at some point a network played Barney and Friends either right before or right after that show about the cartoon horses. A group of sane, rational individuals not taken in by the horsefucker initiative of the gay agenda began to use that as a reminder to the degenerates of /mlp/ that horsefuckers were literally watching and sexualizing something that's on roughly the same intellectual level as well-known hate magnets like Barney.
super-compact fpbp
Something like this, actually, yeah.
Can someone explain what this autismal rage is about
Because they feel threatened by the superiority of 2D women
He can't tell the difference between anime and MLP
Legendary autistic Sup Forums faggot who aspires to be a janitor spams all boards with anti MLP propaganda for the mere mention of it because as a special needs student, he claims him and others were forced to watch barney every day, and according to him this permantly ruined his life, and he related MLP to Barney because he has autism.
any OP that has any mention of MLP will summon him, even if it is a crop of a object in the background of a youtube video. Funnist part is he got doxed and half his FB pictures were at brony conventions posing with the voce actors, it's very clear that his hatred of MLP and Barney, which he calls degenery, is because he hates himself.
His name is Lee Go0ldson, and you can google him to learn more
Because feminists feel threatened by everything, other women that are more attractive than them, pictures of more attractive women, statues/statuettes of more attractive women, mentions of more attractive women, end of their favorite TV shows and doors that aren't double wide.
fippy bippy boo
firsty posty besty posty
cuz as soon as theres waifu tech from führer trump its over for em, we literally dont need em anymore
Can I just point out that oversexualized pictures of women don't really threaten them except in their minds.
Think about it, even an ugly woman has sex on tap. If you want it, there's always a man who wants it worse. They talk about this shit raising men's standards when men really don't have any standards. Men settle on what they can get immediately.
The real problem is women's unrealistic standards. Somehow women are entitled to a rich, handsome, and respected 9/10 and they'll hold out for one until they realize they should have compromised 8 years ago.
As women see it, the problem is with every rich, handsome, and respected 9/10 for having unrealistic standards, and it's caused by these images.
Just done fapping to a good doujin and there's nothing roasties can do about it.
Their two dimensional personalities don't measure up to two dimensional beauty.
3DPD can't compete with superior 2D
fucking die
Feminist affirmative consent laws have made sexual activity illegal.
2d provides an outlet, so naturally that must be sealed off as well.
execute them