ITT: We drop the deepest, darkest redpill


Other urls found in this thread:

Superman would beat Goku in a fight.

Cake and pie are both SHIT

Jews did nothing wrong.
It's a "lost" tribe deep in africa that rules this world and they use jews as a distraction.
I know because I'm a jew

Fapping to traps is gay


Finland isn't mongolian

The "Palestinian" people is a lie created during the 60s and it has never existed before.

"West Bank" should be called "Judea and Samaria".

Also the USA is not real.
It's a virtual concept made by said africans to use as a tool to control the world

I was phone.

black women is the ultimate red-pill

Islam actually isn't the religion of peace.

exactly, i'm not too fond of globalist jews but those fucking arabs need to get out of christian land.

The Frankfort School -

Fascism is inevitable.

The stars are just lights projected on the ceiling of our slave farm.

>deepest darkest redpill
>drops a bluepill

Ultimate redpill:

We all live in a Yellow Submarine

holy fuckin makes so much sense now

Illuminati is 100% real.

Try this illustration: Assuming you are reading this in your own home, look around the room. Note that everything in your field of vision—furniture, paintings or posters on the walls, stereo set or absence of same, rugs, TV or not TV, etc.—is, in a sense, your creation or co-creation. You and/or your spouse or room-mates(s) selected everything that got into the room. You also selected or co-selected that particular room, out of the millions of rooms on this planet where you might otherwise live. The tunnel-reality of that room, then, in a very real sense has been "created" or "manifested" by you, out of a universe of infinite possibilities. Silent meditation on one object for many weeks, Of course, only the most fanatic Freudian or Buddhist mystic would claim your whole life history has been similarly "selected" by you. But, stop and think a moment: the life-history you think you have, the part that is stored in your brain as "memory," has certainly been selected. You can't even remember everything that happened in the last five minutes. If you try to be inwardly silent (passive; non-verbal) and notice everything happening in your field for one minute, you are overwhelmed by thousands of impressions that you cannot catalog and retain. Conclusion: who you are, and what you think you are, is a creation edited and orchestrated by your brain

As for the universe "outside" you: of course, you didn't create that. But just because you didn 't create it, you can never know it... except approximately. What you do know, and consider "the universe outside" is another, part of your brain, which has made of its circuits a model which you identify with the universe outside

The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly colored, and it's very loud, and it's fun for a while. Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, "Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, "Hey, don't worry; don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride." And we … kill those people. "Shut him up! I've got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry, look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real." It's just a ride. But we always kill the good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok … But it doesn't matter, because it's just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.



NASA will drop it today, it's happening

Nuclear holocaust and the end of civilisation will happen in the next 2-500 years


Canada will fall

We are wrong.

This isn't a blackpill because we are still in the pursuit of truth, but generally speaking it is far too early for any of us to figure out the real solution to most of our questions and it's very likely we're misguided at best, evil motherfuckers at worst.

You are not actually racist and you would go to Julius' party to eat cake

I held this understanding, from 10 year old research (helped with inside intel), long before i heard Alex speaking about it.
I always thought of him as interesting, but he did get a huge boost of respect from me because of this.
Interesting thing is that this will not be understood before the veil of secrecy is broken, until full blown disclosure and breakthrough trough the threshold of transformation. So getting people to understand full story is pointless

What if the leftists are right and we really are all just narrow-minded racists?

Also the bogpill


ok George

Western medicinal advances are ultimately responsible for western countries being flooded with shitskins.

Bluepilled is being a Gokufag

Some faggot on my fbook said this. What's up?

The good guys lost WWII and we'll never be able to fix it.

Being homo is a bit gay desu baka


>Sup Forums thinks it's ayyys

In reality NASA will say that some planet 16546513134655132 light years from us, maybe, some 60 million years ago had a 30% chance of microscopic life.


Copying eugenics thread here
As there are no longer any filters that prevent the dumb and sick from breeding, humans will devolve until we become as dumb as the average African. The smart will interbreed with the dumb gradually tainting their superior genes with each generation. Infrastructure will crumble along with our once rich culture. This process will only accelerate as European and American whites are displaced by Negroids, Middle-Easterns and Hispanics due to their higher breeding rates and immigration.

>tfw npc


>Mexican intellectual
Get off the pot and clean some pans, Paco.


>who you are, and what you think you are, is a creation edited and orchestrated by your brain
not entirely no

white people are genetically inferior to other races and all Western advances in all fields are solely from contributions made by Jews and other West Asian peoples


Australian posts on average aren't really any funnier than any other country's posts

(You) (OP)
Yet there is a solution to this. By restricting the spread of bad genes and encouraging the smart to breed this process can be stopped and humans will raise to a higher form. To some of you this might seem disturbing as fellow Sup Forums members might become "victims" to this. This isn't neccessarily the case as eugenics can be done humane ways. Instead of sterilizing people they might simply be paid fines for breeding while regaining the same rights as those with better genes.

are you retarded pie is good



that was the hardest i've laughed in a year

its about an habitable exoplanet 40 light years away

I believe you I believe you

you are what you think you are. The world is what you think it is. The line between greatness and madness is very thin.

After all I read this had to be the last lol.
Fuck that meme. Jews did 911 Jews control fed reserve and world Bank and imf. Hitler was right and warned us about the free masons and international bankers. Mandela effect is real, probably due to dwave Quant computer or others like it. Gold and silver are money. World currency 2018. Rex 84 fukushima Jews did it. Haarp tesla. Oak island.

All sandniggers out of the holy land that means you too jews

This is completely true, these "Palestinians" were shipped in during the early 20th century to combat all the jews moving there. Almost all of them are at best third generation migrants to the area. Also under the Ottoman empire the area was a fucking desolate wasteland.
It's easy to jump on the anti Israel bandwagon because of the constant media lies and propaganda, but you have to realise it is exactly that, lies and propaganda.

Palestine is literally Taqiyya: The Country, a necessary lie to fuck with Israel. If you support that fine, but be honest about it.

Also if you're in favour of white ethno states, it's only fair to support the same for other groups even jews is it not?

99.9% of blind people are faking it. We can weed out the fakers by making a campaign for allegedly blind people to donate their eyes to science since they don't need them anymore and those who refuse will be hot leads to follow up on. They're up to something and it's time we get to the bottom of this.

I've heard they can see trough clothes and walls.

Nice satire, satirefag.


Electricity would be free for all and in unlimited resources, if Rockefeller and J.P.Morgan didnt fuck up Tesla

>A philosophical zombie or p-zombie in the philosophy of mind and perception is a hypothetical being that is indistinguishable from a normal human being except that it lacks conscious experience, qualia, or sentience.[1] For example, if a philosophical zombie was poked with a sharp object it would not feel any pain sensation, yet could behave exactly as if it does feel pain (it may say "ouch", recoil from the stimulus, and say that it is in pain).

The first redpill was a trick to make the white Neo man fight and die to save *Zion*

just sayin'.

This is just scratching the surface, there's way worse shit in there.

My favorite is: "Telling a gentile about what we think about them is the same as killing all Jews, because if the gentiles knew what we think about them they would kill us openly."

I forgot to remove that, I usually do when I start seriousposting

Women are ultra-impressionable beings and therefore are easily controlled by aliens and the elite. The main purpose of women on Earth (that is, what aliens have programmed them to do) is to enslave men via relationships. Women are obsessed with relationships and love (due to alien programming), and don't care about anything else in life. They would have men believe that being in a relationship is one of the most important things in existence, not realizing that men couldn't care less about being in a relationship--and rightly so. Furthermore, women force men to waste their precious time and resources on them. This demonic charade (i.e., relationships) has gone on for far too long and obviously has no end in sight. Thus, you can blame women for the downfall and utter hopelessness of humanity.

Make no mistake: It is indeed tragic that a man cannot satisfy his sexual needs without also getting trapped in a relationship at the same time (otherwise, he will be accused of rape, since non-relationship consensual sex does not exist on Earth, due to the aforementioned programming of women). Demonic enslavement traps such as this are the standard modus operandi of the Reptilians and Darkness. Now, just imagine if you had to buy an entire pizza restaurant just to order a pizza--an evil absurdity indeed.

Another thing that makes women insufferable is the fact that they are, essentially, babies. That is, they possess the emotional maturity of a 4-year-old boy. Women cry, throw fits, and need men to take care of them. Um, adults shouldn't need other people to take care of them.

All in all, women promote the enslavement, rather than the liberation, of humanity. It's bad enough that aliens and the elite already control us. Now, throw women into the equation and you have absolute misery. They are like sheep dogs helping out a shepherd (hence the term "bitch," in case you didn't know).

And to think, women are actually proud of their controlling ways. What a disgrace.

Atheism as a cultural perspective reduced birth rates, and increased suicides(Not saying that its incorrect), which was ultimately the cause of white replacements from immigration.

Many of the elite are manipulated and controlled by transdimensional entities which feed off the suffering of human souls and desire to trap humans into eternal bondage for harvesting; all media and societal manipulation is meant to glorify and normalize the elites' inhuman and twisted behavior

More or less this. The region has always been a dumping ground for Europe's "undesirables" for centuries. The Jews just were the first to claim territory in what was effect free land, look at 1948 Israel and see if the borders make any sense aside from "and heres a clusturing of mostly Jewish people"

i think you maybe on to some here
what if zionists are redpilled and are only treasonous kikes to help us wake up from this reality?

>Approximately one-half of the human beings on Earth (about 3.5 billion people) are organic portals--soulless human beings who keep real human beings in line with the status quo, on agenda with the matrix control system. "Organic portals form the backbone of the Matrix’s social control infrastructure. They are what keeps society running in a state of preoccupation with the mundane. From cradle to grave, souled humans are pressured to stay with the status quo and not ask dangerous questions" (Thomas Cox,

>Organic portals possess no true free will or individuality, and are used, unknowingly, as agents by the Reptilians. You yourself may be an organic portal.

>A philosophical zombie or p-zombie in the philosophy of mind and perception is a hypothetical being that is indistinguishable from a normal human being except that it lacks conscious experience, qualia, or sentience.[1]

>Women are ultra-impressionable beings and therefore are easily controlled by aliens and the elite.

Have you pieced it together yet faggots

>implying the redpill is deep at all

>not embracing the blackpill


We are the real jews


Fuck off with that nonsense, here's a real redpill.
Charity makes people poor.
Food donations puts food producers out of work, clothes and shoe donations put the makers of those out of work.
Charity bankrupts the workers of the countries that recieve it while allowing the takers to produce unsustainably which ensures the situation never improves.


their pie is pizza


mind = blown

Breivik did nothing wrong


Earth is the flat motionless center of the universe

Space doesn't exist

Jews are the vampires of myth

Women retain DNA from every male they have sexual relationships with and this can pass into future pregnancies

Rugrats is actually live footage of us outside of the hologram

We're supposed to be dropping redpills not bluepills

The ones that really are in need I have no problem with helping.

If you don't feel so, it's not like I fucking care.

Oh dear, somebody's got anger management issues. Haha. Keep burning.

These posts in sequence are the worst type of fresh prince of bel-air esque bullshit I've come across recently from shareblue/CTRfags.

Take notes Anons.

Black pill = slowly extinction event and the masses don't know it yet. Having children is waste of time because we can't do nothing to stop the extinction event of most life on earth will go extinct.

so if stacy fucks chad and then I find her drunk on a bench.. do I become chadified?



People who care about you actually trying to fulfill their own needs. They are using you.

Here's the biggest red pill of all:

White women are based.

All this talk of roasties and sluts and shit like MGTOW is a psyop to get racially-conscious whites to not reproduce with white women.

This is the most successful psyop I've seen on Sup Forums, since most people here seem to buy into it.

Reminder that white women voted Trump in the last elections.

Reminder that white women in the UK support Conservatives over Labour.

Don't let the jews cuck you out of a relationship and white children.

Did you just make a racist anti muslim joke?