/Good Sup Forums Feels Thread/
>that qt in my class that i'm completely in love with says she hated trump
No longer have to obsess about that dumb bitch.
/Good Sup Forums Feels Thread/
>got my crush to say "hitler was a genius in some ways"
Shouldn't be a problem, you should stop caring about other countries.
very sour grapes
>qt who is staying at my hotel wen't full Sup Forums with me and we both are afraid of white genocide, I'm going to ask her out soon.
I made a very nice tarte today and my chef was quite happy
my crush is a God fearing, innocent, modestly dressed qt who's apolitical as they get.
>still getting crushes like a beta cuckold
Grow up kid.
my gf is redpilled
>knows about the holohoax
>knows niggers are sub human
>likes nazi stuff
it's nice to be able to show my power level
oh fuck your macho alpha edginess just came through the fuckin screen and punched me in the face watch out with that edge my man
that's all it takes. sure, people are attractive on the outside, but that's what gets you in trouble. you than get a shallow relationship based on looks, but in the inside you guys hate eachother. HA, FUCK LOVE AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE
would rather not, she doesn't want her face given out on the internet and i respect that choice
>not bogpilled
So true boi
gookmoot fuckery is over for now
you fool!
america is the world leader now as embarassing as it is to admit,they rule the waves
and with that what goes on in america impacts what goes on in europe
trump winning has caused shock waves,hold onto your cuck skjull goy,its gonna get real bumpy soon......hes already calling your cuckoldry out!
Wow, you guys are 100% cucked to us even though 99% of Americans don't give a fucking shit about Europe and most likely couldn't even identify the UK on a map. That's sad--how irrelevant you are.
>tfw my crush moved to Bodö.
Fuck that town.
It looks like a comfy place aside from the shitskins.
go eat a burger you fat fuck and get shot while you are at it
come off it we're all white men here!