Milo's defense of pedophilia

Is it really right to defend pedophilia, albeit indirectly, as Milo has just done?

I think that's plainly wrong and morally unacceptable.

And please, before you say it, pedophilia is not the same as homosexuality because two homosexual adults can consent, while an underage person can't.

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Its typical victim behaviour, especially among men.

you guys retarded? pedophilia is NOT same as ephebophilia. Around 14 you deffo can consent, and you deffo have sexual traits. he NEVER advocated for pedophilia, he just joked around on ephebophilia. it's a political assassination and i feel sorry for the guy

exactly, when i was 14 and a freshman in high school I hooked up with this senior girl and there is no fucking way you can say i was not completely consenting in everyway

No it's not. No victim says Sexual relationships “between younger boys and older men … can be hugely positive experiences”

Milo is a genuine coal burning homosexual though, nu-Sup Forums

>hurr some gays can be allies
>not all blacks are niggers
>not all muslims are terrorists

Yeah fuck off back to /Reddit/ and worship your attention whoring faggot there.

To me fair he joked about giving head to that priest, not necessarily defending ephebophilia, and definitely not pedophilia.
And fags doing fag things isn't exactly a huge surprise.

Being sexually mature doesn't make you sexually mature, too.

Sorry, I meant "being sexually mature doesn't make you psychologically mature, too".

>advocating faggots having sex with 14 year old boys

Back to /Reddit/ you nu-Sup Forums queers. ALL homosexuality is wrong.

Really made me think.

Yes they do, men dont like being victims so they decide it was "just sex" and okay.

why didn't you discuss this a year ago, actually curious

you have to define "pedophilia" when you come here

also consider that homosexual males are a fuck-folds more sexually deviant than heterosexuals males

>bottoming fags don't like being victims
Yeah right

so you really cant see how his jokes dotn hurt anybody and this is made into a huge deal just to censor the shit out of anybody who doesnt conform?? while real allegations of torture of infants etc in pizzagate stay widely censored and derided??? losers. drones.

Nobody cares shill..we already closed that topic

Is it true?
Are we in a civil war?
The BBC seems to think so.

So what, people should only wait till their 20's to become sexually active? Jorge pls

Im not sure we're even the alt-right

It's not even a civil war, those that hated milo continued to hate him, those that liked him continue to like him, those who didn't give a shit still don't give a shit.

It's not like Milo raped a child.

People should never be homosexual and encouragement of any faggotry should be enough to have your opinion discarded by the right.

Fuck off back to /Reddit/ you milo loving nu-Sup Forums queer.

anything outside of John McCain/Malcolm Turnbull/David Cameron faggot conservatism probably falls into the alt-right category.

Doesn't mean you're a nazi or a faggot like Milo but by the definition you are part of the "alternative-right" because you reject the mainstream.

Lol noone gives a shit, alt right is a meme given form because leftists cant comprehend grassroots movements

>Milo's defense of pedophilia


I didn't even know who Milo was until today.

there is nothing wrong with teens having sex with adults.

I'm not talking about homosexual activity at all, retard, get glassed.

The age of consent is 16-18 in most countries.

What, so everyone who's not an establishment Rep is alt-right?

14 in Germany and Austria, bless their hearts

wtf i hate Sup Forums now

you do realize the whole thing was a smearing campaign and only an idiot would look at the accusation and not the accuser

I really don't give a fuck what people do. Milo is a jew, i'm glad this is the end of his bloodline. Like I said i was talking about me at 14 with an 18 year old girl which probably was illegal even though I looked older at that age and I knew what i was doing

Indirectly defending that faggot pedo Jew is directly defending his faggotry.

Back to /Reddit/ with you.

>14 in Germany and Austria, bless their hearts

how else will the muzzies get laid?

In Milo's case I think it's partially he was raped and likes to think he at least had some control in the matter. That said what he said is not defendible and is disgusting.

It's been like that long before the great Mohammedean Import though.
>how will the muzzies get laid
Rape, obviously

Seth (((MacFarlane))) has been normalising it for years and nobody in the (((MSM))) ever called him out

And I would argue that 16-18 year olds aren't all that psychologically mature. Even if it stupid choice, it still just that, their choice.

>interview from a year ago
>as Milo has just done
Fuck off shill.

Try saying that to Chris Hansen and see what happens. Ephebophilia is just a stupid meme by twisted people to feel better about themselves.

14 -18 is nothing. Milo was talking about 13- 29 which is completely different.

>reddit formating.

Shill thread.

lmao fake news fake wars

Not a bad idea.

If your 18 and fuckimg a 14 year old your going to jail too..nice try cunt

Milo isn't even alt-right. Alt-lite would be a better term because he's only tangentially connected to the Alt-right movement.

He didnt defend pedophilia, not even indirectly you easily brainwashed fucks.

says the pedo trying to hide behind less scary names like a fucking lolicon.
A pedo is a pedo

Agreed, it's the same if you had a mate joking about fucking one of his teachers back in high school. You'd probably shake his hand.

It's obvious that this is character assassination, but adults really have no business touching people under 18 (where I believe 18 to be the age of consent).

He's not a monster he's just European (I know, same thing)

Us brits can get our fuck on at age 16 and germans at age 14. Hell, I know a lot of people who lost their virginity (although it was to people of their own age) at ages 12 or 13. Also youth culture is weird here because you can drive at age 16 and drink at age 18 (younger than most of America) but because the economy has been tanking for years, most people between the ages of 16 and 21, although they can legally fuck n suck, don't have a home, don't have a car, probably don't have a job and are seen as children in the eyes of society/culture.

I watched all of the "offending" content when it came out months ago and I thought nothing of it. Milo got too big for his boots and forgot that things work differently over in Amerishart. He really shouldn't have said any of that stuff even if there was nothing inherently wrong with it.

I agree, there obviously are some people who 'mature' faster as Milo says but for the general population I'd say 16 is a good age of consent.
Now, touching as in molestation is a whole other beeswax of course.

is it really alright to so openly shill, albeit directly, as you have just done?
I think that's plainly wrong and morally unacceptable.
And please, because you've already demonstrated it, shilling is not the same as astroturfing #because two Sup Forumsacks can consent, while and ShareBluepills shekelmeister can't.
>I could watch you kill yourself a hundred different ways, and I still wouldn't be satisfied

Sincerely- I hope that everyone you've ever loved or known eventually hurts you so deeply that you take them out first before blowing your own brains out

Oh so it was a Divide and conquer tactic by the (((liberals))))

Stupid would ant real right winger or traditionalist support a faggot like Mylo in the first place...

BBC are fucking morons..Mylo is and always was in it fir the shekels but he just happened to be uself to the cause due to his snowflake status of gay Jew.

He may even be more useful discredit all faggots and gay adoption as he already stated the "gay community" pretty much share his opinions

He is a chickenlover.

He got too confident.

That's for the better.

16 is too young to make those kinds of choices.
18+ only and that's pretty fucking young

Are you retarded?

Liking a 14yo kid is already too young. But liking a 14yo is also liking a mature 12yo.

Sick fuck.

Well you cunts don't even let people under 21 have a beer with their mates, wouldn't trust you on anything like that

he didnt


Cause we try to give 3 years after highschool to give a young adult time to find what they want to do without the stupor of alcohol to hold them back.
At least we try.

After watching Milo's statement
I'm back to supporting the guy

I'm sick of the sight and sound of him
Knock it off

Yeah 16 is right on the edge, from my personal experience, I'd think I was consenting. However an 18 year old is definitely an adult and therefore is allowed to act like an adult (drinking included).

He didn't defend pedophilia at all

Exactly. This. First pewdie and now fag lord. Don't like either of them but the left are playing the games they play best, crying and complaining and getting people silenced. I do not like where this is heading

At this point its pretty clear the Bill Maher interview was a set up piece

Mylo didn't call himself a victim..that I'm aware of..

But according to what the baseline for child abuse is...grooming of underage kids by adults..

Then Mylo is an atypical victim of molestation

He also exhibits the typical rationalisation of an abuse victim..that's why lots of them go on to abuse..they rationalise it as normal and even healthy..

It's also why "marriage equality" is a kike globalist meme designed to destroy the west via legalised pedo adoption

Still though, the idea that having a beer is more of a serious, life changing decision than voting, joining the military or going a hundred thousand dollarydoos into debt for learning is pretty fucking crazy to me mate

you expect mere facts to sway them?

To the chamber with you


i wanna know, honestly- did Brock take you out to dinner before he bent you over and fucked you?

13-14 is when he was abused, the 29 number comes from when he was 17 with a 29 year old man. People seem dead set on conflating those two together to make him out to be an advocate of 13/29 yo relationships.

>I think that's plainly wrong and morally unacceptable.
as does every sane and decent person

not that they're that common on Sup Forums as

don't forget to reposition the dead baby before you start wasting film

>>doesn't realize the definition of pedo changes arbitrarily

>>how can one be this ignorant

Now that I think of it that is pretty fucked up.

Without knowing the full story since im not a whiny millenial child that follows youtube personalities, milo is a victim of a sex crime that isnt a Generic Amerifat Female. Only gafs can engage in sex then regret it moments later or years later, usually for monetary gain and 15 minutes of fame.

GAFs are victims all of thier life, but men and sometimes faggots arent.

>two homosexual adults can consent, while an underage person can't.

Ahem... I remember when your countrys age of consent was _12_. A FUCKING NATION of pederasts, RIGHT?

Furthermore, are you saying it would be a double rape for two minors to have sex with eachother? Because it wouldn't

>Is it really right to defend pedophilia, albeit indirectly, as Milo has just done?
Link to the "pedophilia defense", I dare you

First they came for pewdiepie, and i said nothing, because who cares about e-celebs.
Then they came for Milo and i said nothing, because the degenerate had it coming.
Then they came for Trump and i did nothing because he was always just a meme.
Then they came for the republicans and the worldwide right wing, and i realized i was a cuck all along.

>Is it really right to defend pedophilia, albeit indirectly, as Milo has just done?
milo didn't defend pedophilia. the term is misused to label everything below the age of consent when in reality it means prepubescent (below 11-13 or so, depending on the person)

At least he pointed out the fact that homosexuality and pederasty are inseparably connected.
For some reason Westerners don't like it when you bring that up.

For the record I get a laugh out if family guy..but that's how (((they))) subvert (you)

Is the gay baby and old pedi neighbour stuff even funny? IMO not at all...but it's repeatedly stuck in the show to normalise it..not just that but it's a cartoon too.

Check out all the (((names))) in the shows credits too.

And remember ((((Seth))) miraculously missed his flight on 9/11.

Family Guy was do shit in the early days it got cancelled..but mysteriously brought back..until eventually they got better writers and animators and EVENTUALLY it got a following

It's one if, if not, the most subversive kike shown on the TV..but the make Jew jokes too? they reel you in.

There's literally nothing wrong with fucking teenagers 13+


Typos fucking everywhere

He said word for word "13- 29" in the Amazing Atheist video. He just gave it as an example.

You're a fool if you buy into this nonsense. ((They)) made up this term in the first place in order to lump all of us together and discredit us.

What's beyond the mainstream right is the far right, which is what most of us actually fall under here.

your the minority here. go back to creddit yourself.

Sup Forums
Really is defending a kike, fag, coal burner who defends pedophilia. This site has been breeding nothing but degenerates now.

>rapes kids in eyes wide open parties
>stole the white male grant fund he started
>subverts the right wing
good goys everyone of you

You can kill yourself for defending a hit job orchestrated by:
1. MSM
2. Egg McMuffin
3. CIA niggers
4. The Kilnton Kamp
5. Antifa
6. (((Others)))

Die. piece of shit swine.

He never defended pedophillia you dumb shit.

>defending a homosexual kike greek that stole money from poor white people

why don't you drink a bottle of drain opener, shill
>1 post by this ID

Its not right but hes done a lot of shit that isnt right. I dont really care about this issue, he has no power to change lawsn so whatever. Ill continue supporting him

not an argument

Alfred Kinsey.
Craft the Key.
Follow the Money.
Praise Kek.

just look what he fucking wrote, literal fiction

like you..

meh. age of onsent is as low as 13 in parts of europe. it's 14 in germany.

you just have to draw an age difference line, otherwise the legality can be abused.