Why are female Trump supporters always so attractive?
Why are female Trump supporters always so attractive?
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Because they're white.
Democrats are losing the white working class.
I heard one Democratic strategist say that there actually isn't a gender gap in voting, but rather a marriage gap. Married women almost always vote conservative.
if we're talking total numbers liberal women are more attractive on average. conservative women look like fake overdone bitches (like that bitch in the pic w her dark filled in eyebrows and tons of eyeliner also she has linebacker shoulders) because the only real goal they have in life is getting married and popping out kids so they.
Just one more reason the (perpetually ugly) left is so triggered.
pop those little maga caps on and hope they'll meet a hubby at the hate rally, if they aren't already doing it to impress a man
Rich people are more likely Trump supporters (except celebrity virtue-signalers) and rich men marry hot women, passing on good looking genes.
my waifu
Right minded people look better.
MMMMM. no.
Because it's time user.
I remember this confederate girl streamer was posted on here once. She was stunning with the most perfect rack.
Watched one of her streams then she vanished.
>no dick
Kinda looks like Britney Spears before she's was all used and worn out.
link to video in thumbnail?
got ya senpai
this kid has obviously never actually been around rich people
>claim to be conservative
>no tasteful blouse
>no skirt past the knees
>no heels
>caked with makeup
Fucking whores, all of them.
This is Xev Bellringer if anyone is interested.
if it got that chin shaved it would be 8/10
>those eyes
is that Xev Bellringer
that's just some retarded washington post story, the best looking people become actors and models, liberal. the Scandinavian and Euro countries you worship w women who look better than your basic midwest/southern american women also are liberal.
Anything more middle class wannabe than this image with its beats, iPhone and bottled water. Plus they're both fat. Only bad image posted so far except for the ones with dicks.
You rang?
I want to smell a female Trump supporter ass so badly.
They aren't filled with hate and fake oppression
Far better than being an SJW, a commie, a democrat or a fat bitch....
cuz they're healty
are you posting this pic to prove trump supprting women are ugly or something? yuck
holy fuck I think you guys are right
Anyone remember that Twitter thing the women on the left were trying to do to show how attractive they were? Backfired big time, they were so ugly.
Wtf my mind is full of fuck
the only thing good looking about her is her eye color
I wanna bleach her
Because you dont have to think
that bitch looks like a pig ew look at the cellulite. tie their hair backs and take their makeup off they're beyond basic and will age horribly
Congratulations. You're retarded
>My Waifu.
She brought Trump the entire Japan vote, key to his presidential victory, and he didn't even mention her or invite her to his inauguration.
>Mic Foley's daughter on the right
>Tfw ywn bury your nose between those massive cheeks.
also fake looking as hell
whores everywhere
these broads look like pornstars. ever seen the pornstars before and after makeup set?
No hymen no diamond, lads.
what a retard. This bitch will look ugly in 10 years politics are way more important than being a cum dumpster
fuck off ctr shills
Maybe female Trump MAGA supporters want white babies and have rejected the new world order brainwashing bullshit.
>tfw I don't know if she's being real or if she's just playing hard to get and saving face
fuck all yall it's real in my mind
get better standards retard is that really the best you can do melania looks better than these bitches and she's 30 years older and hates trump
>triple negative
>Democrats are losing the white working class
That's because people are losing their jobs. I honestly never understood why anyone making medium wage would vote for a Republican.
So much butthurt
lol ok you're posting a pic of something ugly fat bitch to prove what exactly? fuck off blind bitch
mAKE AMERICA full of Whores again
because they're not intelligent
SJW chicks aren't hot and usually stink. it turns even the hottest girls into disgusting husks of human beings.
Oh sweet bb jesus
Weak af
Me thinks the lady doth protest too much
Thanks for sticking up for us
basic albino looking bitch get that ho some sunscreen her face is matching her shirt
>if we're talking total numbers
>if we're talking total numbers
The dunham horror is the reason imcant sleep sometimes.
That's a man.
w-w-whatever m-muhammed!
Holy shit its Andy Milonakis
Unattractive whites exist but they tend to be leftists.
Female Asian trump supporters are the best ever
M8 forget cottage cheese. She's a full village
They know that they are at a higher chance of being raped by refugees if mass immigration is allowed. People who look like Lena Dunham obviously doesn't want to get raped either, but they know that the rape epidemic would get so bad that immigration would be halted before the refugees got around to raping them.
She's not that attractive