>created by jews
>created by jews
makes you think
>created by jews
>created by jews
makes you think
Pope has a foot fetish for BBW?
>created by anglo
makes you think even more
Pick one Chang
>serves satan
>serve satan
Really fires the old sparkplug, lad.
It should probably be noted that almost every single major figure in the atheist movement is Jewish. You could make a compelling argument that atheism is specifically being pushed by Jews in today's society, and they seem to largely be targeting western Christians and only them.
For example, Sam Harris, Chapman Cohen, David Silverman, Michael Newdow, Gregory Epstein, Sherman Wine, Bill Maher, Eric Kaufmann, and of course, Richard Dawkins's mother has a Jewish surname and was stated to have lived in the only Jewish suburb of the city she grew up in. But he hasn't explicitly named her religion.
But that's only a tiny part of the list. We could discuss the Jewish atheists who aren't pushing atheism so much as atheism-enabling political views like Marxism. For example Soklonikov, Trotsky, Deutscher, Lenin, Uritsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev and Sverdlov.
And what about atheist Jewish public entertainers that constantly run down Christianity? We can go ahead and recycle Bill Maher here and also include Jon Leibowitz, Stephen Fry, Woody Allen, Rob Reiner, Daniel Radcliffe, Larry David, David Silverman, and... I'm sure I'm close to the post cap, so rather than just name the rest of Hollywood, you get the point.
quality shoop
>washing of the feet
Was Christ actually a foot fetishist?
>created by yakub
>christianity has a great track record that has birthed the most successful civilizations of all time
>marxism did the opposite
>jews literally have had to resort to alternative, drastic tactics to defeat freedom, NOT using christianity
Really got my almonds activating, kid
>people dont always have good ideas
>christianity having a good track record
>christians are the minority of scientists
>Created by Jews
Gee, I guess there's no option left.
its all kikenigger trash
This. I never understood how atheists could genuinely call any other belief Jewish when (((atheism))) is just judeaism for the goyim.
I mean they even vote the same. Pic related.
>god created Adam in his own image
> Christian West: Conquered almost the whole world. The beauty of the white race was the world standard. The white man was feared by their wives. There were almost no gays. The family was regarded as sacred. Westerners control Muslim Nations.
> Secular West: Getting cucked by mudslimes. BLACKED. White Women falling in love for niggers and sandniggers. Full of beta men. Muslims control various Western cities.
Red pill me on why Atheism is not a Jewish invention to turn Westerners into miserable cucks.
It is the contrary tho
Based Racist Germanic Barbarians were Christians while Cucklord Racemixing Romans weren't
What's wrong with Marxism?
>god created the man in his own image
god has a tail
god is reptillian
> Christian West: Conquered almost the whole world. The beauty of the white race was the world standard. The white man was feared by their wives. There were almost no gays. The family was regarded as sacred. Westerners control Muslim Nations.
> Secular West: Getting cucked by mudslimes. BLACKED. White Women falling in love for niggers and sandniggers. Full of beta men. Muslims control various Western cities.
Red pill me on why Atheism is not a Jewish invention to turn Westerners into miserable cucks.
>Be a kike
>Literally own the most based book ever written(an eye for an eye, do not racemixe, and so on)
>This book document your history
>Shit on it
why are you shitting on your own history ?
>created by Hellenistic Judaeans
I thought that's there so your turds come out with a slight triangular shape? Sorta like squeezing Play-Dough thru a mold or similar?
Jews hate Jesus though.
cuckoldry, I mean christianity, was an invention of the jew. Guess what faggots, atheistic Marxism was too.
Pick your poison goy
stop being a dumb nigger
Nothing Sup Forums is just retarded and doesn't know how to self reflect.
Still doesn't explain the difference in skin tone and cranial features
>birthed the most successful civilizations
lmao good one kike worshiper
explain what?
>Angela Merkel, a Christian and leader of the Christian union party invited 2 million refugees to the west
>Xi Jinping, an atheist and leader of chinese government party, accepted only 5 refugees
hmmm u really made me think
See that constantly grow since 1600s? That's counter reformation.
Also, acording to you, Dark Ages started during pagan times.
>Not atheist
>Not the most xenophobic nation on earth by definition
>using Merkel as an example
>a commie who's dad was a commie
>using the Pope as an example of all Christians
>not realizing he is a globalist plant and that all Christians aren't Catholic
>Angela Merkel
>hurr all christians I don't like are not real chrisshtians!!!
lmao good one, I guess ISIS aren't real Muslims either right?
>Doing EXACTLY what's in Koran
>Doing EXACTLY what is FORBIDDEN in Bible.
and what did Merkel did that is forbidden in the bible?
They actually are the real Muslims.
he's not wrong
>created by jews
It was created by Romans, Jews had some contributions to it, very minor.
Being an antichristian for that matter. Or being Socialist. Or supporting abortions. Et ceter et cetera
"Lol at these stupid subhuman pagans!"
That's ridiculous look at the early history of Cucktianity. The biggesst debate was whether to spread the new religion to gentiles
There was no big debate, whatever kikes had predated Christianity, true Christianity began with the Roman Catholic Church that is our religion.
>supporting abortions makes you non christian
by your logic real christians must be way fewer than you think
>You don't know what you're worshiping. We Jews know what we're worshiping, because salvation comes from the Jews.
what did Yeshua mean by this Sup Forums?
You realize kikes have nothing to do with our 2,000 year old Roman religion, right?
Why do you think kikes attack it?
Point me a passage in the bible that justifies papal supremacy.
Either way cucktianity is cancer and should be wiped off the face of the earth
>kikes attack christianity
you do realize the majority of aid money to Israel and to the Israeli lobby are by Zionist Christians right?
you do realize Zionist Christians are the biggest supporters and reason why USA is so friendly with Israel right?
and you think kikes want their supporters gone? lmao
It doesn't matter, that's my religion, the bible serves the Church.
Yes, protestants are kike slaves if they were Catholics they would send money to the Catholic Churches.
My religion is the Roman Catholic holy traditions, as well as the all mighty God of Justice.
That image really makes you think doesn't it
>He doesn't read Rerum Novarum
Lel what a cuck
>by your logic real christians must be way fewer than you think
I estimate that there is like 400 000 real Christians
Samaritains were Swedes of Middle East.
Also, why do you but jewish meme picture my dear cuck?
They're heretics. Plan as that. The Jews subverted a lot of us.
>Made of matter
>Made of matter
Amazing... That's really deep. I will share this with my friends on Facebook, hopefully it will make them think and open a dialogue.
>That there may be one flock and one shepherd
>Peter, guide my lambs
Now you're just being nasty.
>tfw named peter
New Testament was written in Greek.
so protestants suck kike cock, catholics suck BBC is there any real christianity left? was the only period of real christianity the dark ages?
Catholicism is more pagan and apostate than truly Christian. They circumvent the words and doctrines that had originally been written int he Old and New Testaments. I don't listen to these Vatican sycophants at all. They spew this vacuous self-righteous dogma only for themselves like every other liberal.
>Trusting a man that said that Jesus committed adultery three times and cursed Moses for being appointed by God in theological matters
Yes. And Peter is translation of Cephas (i.e. Rock), see gospel of John
Protstnatism is more pagan and apostate than truly Christian. They circumvent the words and doctrines that had originally been written int he Old and New Testaments. I don't listen to these heretic sycophants at all. They spew this vacuous self-righteous dogma only for themselves like every other liberal
He was right about the Jews. And why do you Cathoic types need a pope?
THIS! old testament is great, we have alot to learn from the chosen Hebrew people
Cool, we are monotheists and still the most dominant faith of God in the world.
Nigger it was one guy that created Christianity. Jews hate Christians.
Because the pope centralizes the billions of people in a single doctrine and order.
It's amazing how some Jews are able to convert given their centuries of butthurt.
funny how things work
But you guys can't remove him in case he happens to be a globalist plant like Francis?
If he goes against the purposes he is removed or would get disobedient clergy.
I think what he has done warrants removal. You lot still burn people at the stake right?
You just copied my fucking post and put in Protestant. How is Protestantism more pagan than Catholicism? Please explain to me!
no, take them to court or dismissal.
The many different interpretations of God and thus the many different God's = paganism.
Christianity has always been the true enemy of the Jew. They fight it wherever they can. The real reason Russia is the big bad guy now is because it is the only white country becoming more religious instead of secular.
Darn. The wonders of progress.
He was so right about the Jews that chose the canon of scriptures that rejected New Testament as Valid and created the most philosemitic religion ever made.
And we need Pope because someone has to lead flock where True Shepherd is away. It cannot be some sort of council because even original apostles had a dick measuring contest to figure out who will lead. Jesus stapped in and siad it will be Peter.
He will stop to be Pope if he will commit heresy by sole act of committing heresy. That's how papacy works. He did not committed heresy yet.
Not that it will be new, we had this guy John XII once...
By adopting non christian (i.s. Pagan) doctrines like Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, everyone is equality inspired to make interpretations.
And you suck Jews dick on daily basis.
>Jews hate christians, the people who love jews the most
>Jews promote Muslims, the people who hate jews the most
Sup Forums logic
stupid filth.
Well, Hitler said that all ideas of equality are of Jewish origin. That may be a too-easy analysis - Christianity is easy to throw in there - but it's a true statement anyway.
>He was so right about the Jews that chose the canon of scriptures that rejected New Testament as Valid and created the most philosemitic religion ever made.
>And we need Pope because someone has to lead flock where True Shepherd is away. It cannot be some sort of council because even original apostles had a dick measuring contest to figure out who will lead. Jesus stapped in and siad it will be Peter
Uh huh.
>He will stop to be Pope if he will commit heresy by sole act of committing heresy. That's how papacy works. He did not committed heresy yet.
Not that it will be new, we had this guy John XII once...
>hasn't committed heresy yet
I think Heresy radar is off if you don't see Francis as a heretic.
Christianity was largely anti Semitic for almost 2000 years. If you read the Bible you would know that. It's only within the last century or so that zionists tricked all these American protestants that Israel should belong to the Jews, when it doesn't say that anywhere in scripture. A literal interpretation of the Bible would mean that Israel should be a Christian state.
>Jews promote Muslims and bring them in to kill everyone who isn't them
I read the bible. it says I have to worship a kike
>Jews promote Muslims, the people who hate jews the most
It was the Mudsklims who made Nazism?
Nope the shitskins were always the good goy of the jews.
Jews never conquered a christian land, meanwhile they conquer easily the land of the shitskins.
The shitskins are so cucked that they are now low iq mongrels, mudslims are the Master Piece of the Kikes and what we will become if we do not stop them.
when did jews conquer a land? it was given to them by brits
Marxism is just Christianity 2.0: Jewish Utopian horseshit designed to agitate the underclass into serving as footsoldiers to overthrow the current Jew-unfriendly order. Happened to Rome and Happened to Russia and is happening now in the US.
>was an invention of the jew
Yeah-- not just one. It was a whole bunch of them scribbling away, with they and their duped goyim producing fake news, just like they do today.
Ach. Nietzsche was no sucker for Jewish thought in any form - he called Christianity out as slave morality, remember - and he realized that God was dead for Western man. Now he noticed it had died out /for others/, and he was just observing that fact, but he was no believer himself.
We wuz kangz for almost 2000 years.
Well that's right - in the great struggle for survival, people with triangle shaped turds have out-bred and out-competed those with round turds.
White Christians was kangs for 2,000 years, other races no.