Polls suggest that 65% of Sup Forums users are in support of a homosexual, nigger loving, ethno-nationalism hating, pedo sympathizing, attention whoring JEW.
Sup Forums is dead.
Polls suggest that 65% of Sup Forums users are in support of a homosexual, nigger loving, ethno-nationalism hating, pedo sympathizing, attention whoring JEW.
Sup Forums is dead.
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As long as he thinks the Marxists are retards he's honorary
JIDF control this site man
they brainwashed everyone
and dumb burgers believed them
Polls suggest that 35% of Sup Forums is shills.
>no TRUE Scotsman: the post
We already let the fags in. The barrier of entry was already quite low. Besides he said Jews are over represented in are society.
There were 100,000 Jewish Nazi soldiers. Not all Jews hate nationalism
This is the price we had to pay to get Trump in office, getting flooded by politically correct redditors.
Ask yourself, was it worth it?
ad hominem fallacy
>66% with men
>salty threads saying disavow and ignore milo
>threads reach bump limit
>make new thread
>"i-ignore Milo you cucks!"
Polls suggest 50% of asian men are virgins and the majority of marriages are sexless
Kill yourself
"Gamers are dead"
fuck you and fuck off media shill
I didn't vote for him because I like him, but because I despise the MSM for carrying out what was quite clearly a concerted effort to destroy him for being popular and right-wing, even if his flavour of rightism is to the left of my own. We can't afford to be obsessed with ideological purity here, Milo and guys like him are useful tools for exposing normies to nationalistic ideas and so we should support them.
how will Sup Forums ever recover?
Recognise political expediency when you see it.
tfw Lazia is a bigger faggot than Milo
>We can't afford to be obsessed with ideological purity here, Milo and guys like him are useful tools for exposing normies to nationalistic ideas and so we should support them.
>literally supporting a Zionist in the name of natsoc
Sup Forums is dead, you win JIDF.
Who gives a shit about Milo? He's kinda funny, and triggers the shit out of lefties and that's about it. He doesn't represent me and I've got no loyalty to the faggot
If you thought Sup Forums existed as Stormfront 2.0, you came here for the wrong reasons.
Sup Forums was only ever about talking about taboo subjects and burning down the bullshit with flamewars, memes and shitposts.
Fuck national socialism, fuck ethnonationalism, fuck communism, fuck anarcho-whatever, fuck it all.
But most importantly, fuck you.
Anyone who now disagrees with his logic because of his comments regarding hebephilia is fucking retarded.
Since when does sexual or partner preference have an intervene in political opinion?
Stop taking the bait
After years of shilling JIDF finally won its over,the nigger loving kike faggot was accepted by nu-Sup Forums redditors.
40% of pol is bi or gay.
I'm not a natsoc you mongrelized yank autist.
>in support of a homosexua
What if I think it's not my business? Is it so important to kill gays with an axe to be a good white patriot?
Black girls have been good to me recently, they have been actively hitting on me for like a year.
No idea why it started.
gettin real tired of these threads
reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight
This. It's funny watching him cause riots but Redditors take it too far and always defend him and borderline worship him.
He's got a vested interest in the alt-right and the resurgence of right-wing ideology in general. He knows he's a novelty and so he's making a name and a business out of it. He doesn't really fucking care about tackling cultural marxism, he just wants to be the 'gay right winger'. That's why all he does is make the discussion about him, how he's gay, and how many black men he fucked.
Milo thrives on being a contradiction. And in his fit of showing the world how debauched he was, he let it slip that he fucked men when he was 13 years old. He didn't care then, and he doesn't care now. All that's changed is he apologized and shat his pants when a $250,000 book deal was on the line.
You fucks who side with Milo are in for a nasty surprise, he's a shill.
>le Milo is innocent meme
the guy is a troll that talked too much shit and got called out on it
What OP said is the equivalent of a half nigger half spic from new zealand calling himself a true scotsman if we want to talk in fallacies.
That's because arranged marriages by family wishes is still a thing over there. Literally living with a stranger.
The guy isn't even from America. He's from Red Coat land.
Why is the Sup Forums cartoon figure brown? Absolutely disgusting, white femboys should be with white femboys.
>Polls suggest
... that Hillary Clinton is the president of US.
Honestly whoever cares so much about another persons sexuality is a fucking weird cunt, unless its hurting people like ACTUAL PEDOS then why should you give a fuck what happens in their bedroom? Milo is still a conservative no matter where on the right he falls he fights agaisnt globalism and SJW cucks, plus hes funny af
How many fucking polls do you need to fucking do.
Why is there no "fuck off" option?
gee that really made me think.
Lets talk about Ed McMullin
>"former" cia guy
>ties to soros
>ran for president in Utah yo be a spoiler and make sure Hillary was elected
>member of the CFR
>spent 250k working with leftist organizations to stop someone that wasn't a neocon from speaking at CPAC
This. I might have respected him if he just tripled down on his statements and waited for breitbart to fire him. But now he's let it slip that his edgy persona is just a front.
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend.
cia are definitely diddlers, too
>Why is the Sup Forums cartoon figure brown?
you are correct, for it to be representative of the ethnic markup of this board the pol figure should be black as coffee
Probably a consensus composite drawing of an average Sup Forumsack based on "am I white?" threads.
Because according to Sup Forums, the only definitively white person in the entire world is Shaun Kang
too many shill posts. fuck off!
we're not stupid enough to fall for this shit.
None of you faggots understand optics and strategy.
I don't have to like Milo to support his destruction of the left. He is essentially their kryptonite. If we lose him, we lose an essential resourse.
fucking this