well deserved
Well deserved
Laws of consent are the dumbest shit ever created. Same with alcohol and tobacco laws. Governments just can't be happy unless they regulate every single thing.
I hope she's raped and tortured daily in prison. Pedophiles deserve no mercy.
But that would be legal here
Are we bad people?
>only 10
No you're just Spanish. That's why your empire imploded
Lucky fella that cunt
Nice, that sucks for her though.
Nice try CTR. There's literally nothing wrong with hebephilia you shill. You're just playing into the hands of the MSM
In a gender reversal, how many years does that get you in the US?
Pol in 1 thread
Hey, Milo said that's not wrong though.
nice but still creepy
>Warriors fan
Yep, checks out
Sharelblue, pls go. 13 year olds are often sexually mature. It's not pedophilia to have sex with them.
>can't get a real man so I'll use a kid as my dildo
Milo is a healthy morning beverage you cuck
This has nothing to do with AoC laws pedo shill. Relations between teachers and students are unethical
It's a South Park reference. Calm down you cunt.
Nothing wrong with adults providing a loving guidance for 13 year olds, CTR. This board approves these relationships.
>Relations between teachers and students are unethical
>Love is unethical
Really makes me think
You sound homophobic.
But there is something wrong with a student teacher relationship, so still well deserved.
equality bitch
Then why is it a hot category in porn? You just got redpilled faggot
Cum hard
Nah I'm arachnophobic you shitlord
Pick uno
How else would a 13 yo meet non-family adults in a safe environment? Well, maybe in a church
If this was a male teacher sleeping with a female student would you still feel the same way? I doubt it.
10 years seems a bit much but she should lose her job and be banned from teaching. She is obviously a stupid cunt.
What if the teacher is ugly and abuses the teenager's hormones and lack of established standards for sex?
Are courts supposed to decide cases based on attractiveness?
Fuck off Muhammad.
Take it easy Austrian cunt
Pic related
Men must provide loving guidance for 13 yo boys and girls, Shareblue. How much are they paying you for these posts?
can i fap to this
this bitch is next
Nice try, CTR. This is a hebephilia-friendly board. You're just colluding with MSM
>i made out with my teacher in 7th grade
I was such a fucking chad as a kid
What's ethical porn anyways? Just 2 people fully clothed having a chat on camera?
How did you get over the fence?
They know if they let this go, they'll have to let it go for females as well, and that will DESTROY the feminist agenda.
Spidey has four limbs. He's cool with me.
i lost my virginity around that age
5/7 would fuck I wonder what her cunt tastes like. Sauce?
Shill! It's not pedophilia to fuck a sexually mature 13 year olds. Here's your 0.02$ paid by Clinton.
You shills are pathetic. Day of the rope is coming. Pedo scum like you will hang.
Exactly because it's taboo.
The more taboo something, the hotter it is.
Anyway, I can't imagine any healthy 13 year old that wouldn't give his left nut for an opportunity to be in that kid's place.
All of them.
Seriously, this is Texas. A male teacher fucking a 13 year old female? You would die in prison.
also she got off easy. 10 years for the public, it will get reduced when no one is paying attention, and she will make it out
a man would have been destroyed, perhaps got a life sentence. it's a very sensitive situation the jews had to control very skillfully.
if they want to both keep the age of consent laws so aging late 20s sluts have value AND allow women more rights than men.
But seriously I hope the bitch rots, have a fun thread.
She must have blown the kid harder than the Warriors when they blew a 3-1 lead.
>10 years in prison
that's it? That's just too fucking soft.
Seriously, just hang yourself you pedo scum. Day of the rope is coming soon.
This is now a pro-hebephilia board, we had a vote. Also pro-gay. Gtfo you leftist shill.
Rapist get their ass beat in jail. She's in for a rough ride. She's going to get plenty of deserved punishment.
And this cunt got 10 years easy. By the time she's out they can legally fuck. The legal system is fucked up
fuck off back to the Middle East, Ahmed and Mahdi.
I'd let her get off easy, if you know what I mean ;^)
Does that explain my sexual attraction to cats?
I didn't know they let you have Internet Josef
>t. Bill Maher
i dont fucking care faggot, don't reply to me\
I can't stand imbeciles like you.
Some of these female teachers are so hot though.
>pic related
>This is now a pro-hebephilia board
no its not, piss off, communist.
Get a real job, CTR. 13 year olds are fair game, everyone here knows this.
If my son was fucking his teacher I would give him his first beer and first hug, and then tell him that I always knew he was my son
Yes, it is, we had a vote. Gtfo shill. 13 year olds can be sexually mature.
Age of consent in the US should be lowered to 16. That's the bottom line. Perhaps should not do it with their teachers but everyone else should be OK. I mean it ain't like 15yo boys are watching 18yo girls frig-themselves with toys and "oh-my-bod's" on Chatur bate already!!
Countryman, please
I don't tolerate kiddie fiddling scum like you. This is Sup Forums. Most of the people on this board would want to put you in an oven, you dirty goat fucking cunt.
All those cucks out there who feel that 13 years olds should be able to fuck whoever they want: just because their sexual organs are working doesn't mean that they have the mental capacity to make good decisions you cunts
I'd approve of my son fucking that, too.
maybe but that doesn't mean that a 13 year old wants to have sex with a fucking 60 year old you disgusting far-left winger.
.......ten. Years.
Ten. Fucking. Years.
It's like we're still in the dark ages.
I hope his father shook his hand after that
Sup bruh where you at? Good thing there's a lot of dead strays at yishun nowadays
She could be pretty hot if she didn't destroy her face every morning.
> t. stormfag
This board is now by r/the_Donald now. We approve of healthy consensual relationships between adults and 13 year olds.
Are you fucking kidding? That 13 year old boy had the time of his fucking life! Dream some true.
ITT: Nonces
If she bit your dick like she's biting her lip in that picture, you wouldn't give a fuck.
Are you sure about that?
People are fucking cunts nowadays. You can't even trust a 13 year old to brush their teeth and do their homework. How can you expect them to know who to fuck?