Populist correctness: the new PC culture of Trump's America and Brexit Britain

>Populist correctness: the new PC culture of Trump's America and Brexit Britain

>Rightwing snowflakes are offended by everything from Kermit to holiday greetings and Starbucks cups


Is Sup Forums the new >muh feelings movement? are you guys the new "PC"?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes. Anybody who says niggers deserve to live absolutely hurts my feelings and is an insensitive poopy head.

to be triggered by untruth is a fundamental human right

also sage

honestly what planet do these people live on

Having strong feelings about stuff is WAYCISSSSSSS

Why does your flag come up with such garbage posts? You are the Canada of Europe.


Their Taqiyya is fucking stale. The liberals are the over-sensitive cunts that can't stand, oh horror, "trigger words".

>some people are offended by other people being relentlessly obnoxious cunts


>n-no you

>rightwing snowflakes
This will never be a thing. Stop trying to make this a thing,

>You are the Canada of Europe.
That's a compliment, thank you.
Canada is the crown of the Americas.

God, I can tell by her facial structure that her mother is white.
Obvious because she has a shitskin surname.

Sup Forums has been one big safe space for conservatives for years. It allows them to shut out any information that doesn't fit their world view without actually having to counter it.

Does anyone have that smuggie "Can't you two see that you're exactly the same?"

It's one thing to be offended. It's your right to be offended and voice that. It's a whole other thing to attempt to silence freedom of speech over being offended. Everyone in America has the right to be offensive. Nobody in America has the right to never be offended. Also you don't see any of us torching dumpsters and breaking windows and pepper spraying people over hats and beating people with shovels and etc etc... the list goes on and on. Sure. We bitch. We moan. Then we get up. Get dressed. And go to work because at the end of the day... we won. Now if we can stop the children from causing more property damage and rights infringement we will be good to go.

leftards think 'snowflake' means 'easily triggered'

i seem to have skiped a meme, why are we offended by Kermit?

There's some underlying truth in it. City people who supported Hillary have absurdly high IQs that allow them to function in a dynamic, globalized environment and have the intelligence to adapt to and assimilate new information.

Rural and suburban retards who supported Bernie or Trump have extremely low IQs and simply cannot assimilate new information, so they get offended by everything that contradicts their narrow world view.

Bernie and Trump supporters are the same in the sense that they are extremely unevolved and unintelligent, so even though their opinions diverge, they are the same species of subhumans, so their behavioral and cognitive habits are very similar.

Interesting article as a general read. I think it is far to early to really comment on whether this is happening among the right yet


>take what they call us and call them it whether it makes sense or not

you're literally the only one forcing the city vs urban people meme, how do yu deal with it?

Sup Forums is so diverse that this doesn't hold up to the mildest scrutiny.

because Jim Hanson is a judeo bolshevik propagandist


Haha yeah man check out these genius urban voters, totally.

>show Clinton scoring slam dunk
>city voters out the wazoo
>"suburban retards", the majority of America's >100k incomes and post-graduate degrees are retarded
>implying that people who unironically post "rural and suburban" retards aren't just insecure about their niche hipster status and identity, i.e, "New York" is just a part of their branding.

Is Sup Forums being confused with evangelical Christians?

save a few brain cells and a few rakes.

>Newspaper complains that most people dont agree with it

I see closing down in its future.

Wow, that's a great post. Didn't expect to find such quality on Sup Forums

For the record though, sage isn't pronounced that way in this context.


I see doctors lawyers and politicians. Sorry racist, I'm better than you, because I was taught that everyone is equal.

You know, it's fucking hilarious when you actually scrutinize who voted for who. On one hand you got the rural retards. I get that. They typically thump bibles and work jobs. Then in my area the only places with trump signs out front were houses of people who obviously got their shit together. Then you have the coastal city centers. Huge Hillary voting populations. The left would have you believe that millions upon millions of highly educated progressives sipping Starbucks with glitter beards won Hillary the popular vote and a good chunk of her totals. Realistically it was more like a very vocal several hundred thousand of those types padded by ghetto trash and women that thought 1) it was her turn or B) first woman president. In reality these "well educated liberals" had their vote padded heavily by the worst dregs in society. Thank god for the electoral college. It's sole purpose was to prevent those dregs from voting against their best interest... again.

How would you pronounce 'sage' in this context?

I'm genuinely curious.

No, but if they blaspheme kek they can expect death that are for sure.

Watching them try to appropriate 'snowflake' is hilarious. I read the guardian every day. It's definitely a concerted effort.

She looks like she is perpetually triggered.

PC doesn't refer to "things that offend x group" it refers to "things that are forbidden because they offend x group". I wouldn't expect a lefty to understand that difference since they can't tell the difference between charity and theft by forced charity.

>"haha nigger"
>who are the real niggers? by cumslut mcgee, editor in chief of The Guardian
>"when you edumacate the explicativativatesplain the intersectionstopsigniality of co-gender rulenorms, fucking white males are niggers"
>"haha but I'm not a nigger"

why are these people so horrible at everything that they have to pretend to be journalists? fucking christ, "educating" women was such a giant fucking mistake.

well, libs are basically that slow kid from grade-school that just couldn't keep up with banter

>"you are retarded"
>"n-n-no, uh... YOU'RE retarded"

sah - gey

>I'm better than you
>everyone is equal
The sad thing is that even though you're just shitposting, a lot of liberals actually think this way. That's the attitude that drove me away from the left actually




Well Sup Forums is a jap imageboard, so it is actually short for a jap word meaning "to lower".

The pronunciation is similar to what you'd say if you want on /lgbt/: "Saw-Gay"
The more you know.

You can talk shit all day if you want to, but the fact of the matter is that the higher your IQ is, the more likely you were to support Hillary.

By supporting Trump or Bernie you're basically saying "sorry but I'm not smart enough to support Hillary"

>Still not archived
Goddammit Sup Forums

>YWN get paid to make up bullshit like this and shitpost IRL

lol'd at that pic
is it your OC?

The Guardian. Lel.

Why is that important? to not give Guardian clicks?

Did they just hire street trash to post nonsense here?


The only people who read the Guardian at this point are Sup Forums trolls looking for fresh bait and Chinese bots.

It's like they're begging us to make Kermit a "hate symbol"

But seriously:

>Get offended by fucking everything, including the way people sit on the train, for a decade
>Right wing people make equally inane complaints about a few things

Hans, get the gas.

way to put 1 and 1 together and answer your own question

also, femanon here, teehee, your voice is cute can I suck your dick?

No. I just don't want a hemispherical free market with open borders, my president to have, and openly advocate for, a public and a private stance, and I want to keep any and all guns of as many types and styles as I can afford because I'm not a criminal. Also the bill of rights is a pretty big one. You can't have the kind of globalism she wanted and still have the bill of rights. To have a successful globalist empire you have to have the ability to snuff out dissent with an iron fist publicly. And you can't take away the 1A without taking away either the 2A or just doing away with it all together. Normally I wouldn't care because normally that would never happen. But this time the incoming POTUS got a scale tipping SCOTUS pick. This time it wasn't worth the risk. I was a lifelong dem voter. Actually voted for Hillary in obamas first primary and voted obama twice and Kerry once. We will survive trump. This country wouldn't exist anymore after 2020 with Hillary and we wouldn't have gotten the chance to try again in 4-8 years.

every click they get is one more shekel from their advertisers, and thus one more shekel in the pockets of the propagandists themselves

>also, femanon here, teehee, your voice is cute can I suck your dick?
Only if you let me suck yours first.

I imagine almost every Sup Forumstard uses shekelblock addon

>Canada is the crown of the Americas.

are you posting from 1989 or what?

Canada hasn't been good since the early 90s

Yeah, lefties are trying to steal the word snowflake, since it has been so successful against them


Keep spewing that shit, someone will believe you eventually

the site's worth to advertisers is still appraised by its clicks.

you just having adblock on isn't going to nullify the effect on a page view count, a Youtube view count, etc.

>Yeah, lefties are trying to steal the word snowflake

they couldn't even retain control of sweetie-posting, my little honey bun silly billy. AND they invented it.

TIL something

Once again, you're missing my point entirely.

ALL high IQ people voted for Hillary. All.

There were no exceptions.

The higher the percentage of intelligent people is in one place, the more their voting results approaches 100% for Hillary.

The Guardian has been haemorrhaging millions of pounds every year, which is why they have to beg for donations in every article.

Perhaps they should have realised that millenial liberals and geriatric socialists are not a large enough market to sustain a daily broadsheet.

>Populist correctness
im down with this

jew gassing and nigger lynching when? they are not correct for this populous...

Stop giving attention to Guardian bloggers. We already know they are retarded. How many of them do you have to read before the penny drops? Just stop giving them attention.

you understand his filename actually says "sageru" don't you?

"I'M NOT STUPID! YOUR STUPID!" level argument.

Non-densely populated areas like Alberta are still fun vacation spots with lots of natural beauty. You can get dumb minorities to leech off cities because they're inherently second-rate and codependent on society but you can't get them to pioneer or develop virgin territory. Robinson Crusoe is a fucking white male.

>City people who supported Hillary have absurdly high IQs
Get the fuck out of here Shareblue. Jesus fucking christ the shilling can't get more obvious.

okay, you know how you lost it at "absurdly high IQs"?

You should have dropped out at "City people"

There's no such thing. Only city mongrels, city pussies, or city niggers.

Kek, that's the spirit!

hence why you should whip any unwashed serfs who pronounce sake, as in the alcoholic fermented rice beverage from Japan, as "sockey" instead of "sah-kay".

t. rural and suburban retard

pray tell, then, why congregations of high IQ people also tend to have the highest crime rate?
Is it because, perhaps, there's a high population density, and therefore a greater average amount of smart people?
And pray tell, why would IQ matter if these supposed enlightened folk can't even prevent the decay of their cities?

If you believe you have a high IQ and voted for Hillary-- you might want to have it tested again.

This isn't to say educated people didn't vote for Hillary-- because they did. But as we are all currently acutely aware, higher education is a fucking joke-- and most of these 'educated' people have what was considered sixty years ago to be a grade school education.

Sorry, sorry. What I meant to say was:
>muh education

>Non-densely populated areas like Alberta are still fun vacation spots with lots of natural beauty.

>You can still engage in white flight, he says.

Not an argument. Not even a salient point. That you have to engage in white-flight activities is not a good sign, dear frend.

Lashing out at a frog, what monster would do that

wtf i hate kermit now apparently

I like that she is turning right wing insults on the right wing haha very clever haha rofl such wit

funfact, the city has to pay me money because I generate electricity and sell it back to them.

Your utility bills are cucking you. I'm making money.


>Searching for posts that contain ‘"Rural and suburban"’ and from ‘CA’ and posts after 2016-12-01. 2139 results found.

when you grow up you will be smarter and learn that what you just said is not true. genetics and race matter

the nigger has malt liquor in the baby carriage, but hey, at least he can match his pants to his shirt...

This. It invalidates my existence and is a deliberate attempt to impose post-colonialism on my white body, thus erasing my identity as a person of whiteness

You know what else there are large percentages of in those places? People that vote for gibmedats at a rate of 3 of them for every highly educated liberal. The H vote was padded by dindus trying to nuffin more free shit into their pockets from the American taxpayer. Nobody's buying into the "all smrat ppl voted Hillary guise" narrative. A lot did. But they've always voted blue. Like I used to. But the ones paying attention that voted obama both times were fist pumping and hoorahing when he won in 2012. Then things started happening. The wars didn't stop. He sided with criminals when police or armed civilians shot them with justification. Obamacare royally fucked those that were responsible enough to already have their own coverage. Small business owners "didn't build that". Then Hillary was dumped in front of us and started in on things like "we need to check our white privilege" and parading Mike Browns mother out in front of everyone effectively showing that if she won she'd still side with criminals. She said she had another useless AWB locked and loaded which is nothing more than a stepping stone for useless regulation that's been proven time and time again to do fuck all to reduce crime. Either way. We won. It's a non issue now. Sure. Trump isn't the best pick. But Hillary was immensely worse. It's time for America to get a job again.

Also college towns aren't great measurements for who the smartest voted for. Paying for a chance to score points for memorization doesn't always equal higher intelligence. Not saying being educated is bad. It's just not the best thing to use when calculating that figure.

Keep going Guardian.

I'm not Canadian in the slightest btw, my mother's family just owns a home in Alberta and it was comfy af. I was raised in an east coast US city.


reported and downvoted, you hurt that guy's feelings

(please think I'm cool)

Trips of truth.