>tfw white
Tfw white
Other urls found in this thread:
Sauce on the hot blonde?
>I wish I was in Europe right now
>My feet hurt
>Why can't these niggers invent a bra
I have a real question. Is it possible to desexualize breasts by overexposure? One option might be that these African men still see breasts as sexual, then again, who would mind every woman walking around with their breasts out? And this isn't likely to be toxic in such a small community. So, can breasts be just as sexual as an arm?
>Be Albino
>Still be nigger on the inside
>Be killed so witch doctor can made medicine
the thing is, she's gotta be careful every day of her life.
Not only from skin cancer
but because their shamans and witch doctors think their body parts are magical and will kill them and chop em up. And use their body parts in magical elixors. I fucking kid you not.
google it.
i love white women...
Wonder if she smells different than the rest.
I think I read somewhere that some tribes of african men found legs to be really sexy because they weren't really revealed that often due to the long skirts the women wore.
>Is it possible to desexualize a secondary sex characteristic that men look for when choosing a mate.
Nothing to do with hivemind, there is a genuine hunt on albinos in some African regions to turn them into miracle cures. As absurd and idiotic as it sounds, in Africa it's a thing.
Those are, if I recall correctly, South Africans; the activity is more of a traditional/ceremonial activity than regular attire.
On a day-to-day basis they likely dress like westerners. So there probably isn't an over-exposure problem from bare-breasted women walking around all the time, even in rural/tribal areas of the region, sans the San people maybe.
Human Breasts are a sexual characteristic so no
Every other mammal has mammary glands that return to normal when not lactating except for humans.
it use to be a thing in germany to kill jews so there you monster you are no better then the Africans
That inbreeding though
>tfw you have 3 sons but only 2 daughters
this fuckin post lmfao
>it use to be a thing in germany to kill jew
not really
That's an albino Indian.
And the Himba
looks like swordswoman in GoT
Desexualize woman and see how far humanity goes...
Tfw white.
Tfw really really fucking white.
stop it with your lies over 9 trillion jews die because of Hitler the history book say so
- If it happened, it mostly happened in Poland.
- If they were killed, they weren't killed to turn them into magical cures.
- If it happened, it was done in a proper fashion, rather than some unsanitary chop block out in the sticks.
pewdiepie really went crazy this time
>when i was
>a young boy
>my father
>took me to the gulag
couldn't resist
each of your IF's are excuses to shift blame to others, when will your country take responsibility for killing jews in poland, because you feared their magical power to govern, and gassing someone to death is monstrous
it was ok
Had no idea they were southern African. Guessing they're a different Bantu subgroup?
Go ahead and jerk it you white loser.
Coz you ain't never gonna get it
literally wojak with eyes closed
Shift blame to whom? Pointing out that you got the location for the supposed camps wrong isn't shifting blame but merely nitpicking your post for fun. And let's say it did actually happen, so fucking what? Also it was not "their magical power to govern" you esoteric sperg but their active attempts at corroding and destroying European socities at large such as during the Spartacist uprising.
she's cute i'd mate her for life
seeing as jews were judged based on their actions and plitical beliefs jews were actually treated less horribly than how americans treated Japos when we shoved them into internment camps.
i.e. communists who tried to destroy Germany were not appreciated.
>tfw you realize the majority of communists were jewish which is why the camps were filled with jews and there was a decent amount of anti-jewish anti-communist sentiment
Tfw you are sacrificed, cooked, and eaten to cure the tribe of the plague of fleas
Tfw white.
dunno why though.
Oh look, she's also blind. Fucking shocker.
Pretty sure I don't need permission to vomit.
not pretty
Even crocs are extra-ugly.
You sir are a barbarian and a filthy despicable waste of a human being. You and your people are worst then any witch doctor. Good Day
Looks like every white person ever.
>implying indians aren't aryan
t. butthurt brown
That's nice, good to know I fit in despite my parents being from Britain. I guess integration works after all!
Nope. Human hating white.
Awesome. Now most of their men want to breed with the albino. Watch how the ones left behind start to blame the albino for their unfavored genes. Better be quick and call it a witch or something...
proof that even if you manage to make your subhuman self look white, you shitty nigger proportions stick out like a sore thumb and still make you undesirable
I'd like to remind everyone that she is still a negroid and if you COLONIZE her your kids will be black.
Race mixing is bad, gents.
>albino nigger
>best of both worlds
I'm starting to think it's a good thing, just to piss people like you off.
Don't get me started on the Brits. I wish the Romans would had killed them all during their invasion
>I have a kids that looks nothing like me and has a lower IQ than if I procreated with a woman of my own race
>That'll really show that one Sup Forums poster
He is squinting.
I have an albino friend, their irises are transparent, so all the light goes right in.
I mean the only one who is throwing their genes down the shitter is you so yeah go for it.
They are predominantly functionally blind as well.
>Is it possible to desexualize breasts by overexposure?
No, faces are always exposed and continue to be the most sexy body part. We could become desensitized so that we do not pop a woody every time we see a pair, but they would still be a pillar of beauty and sexiness.
>implying you wouldn't fugg the albino qt3.14 on the left
do Brazilians actually think that is attractive?
Finnish girl?
Fuck white people!
Probably voted for Trump.
Best nigger titty ever made right there.
that looks fucking yummy
kek the daughters look like they have spotted something they want to kill and eat
more snek pls
Don't care. I hate humans. Good.
>not white
pick one
My dad is scared of albinos.
no joke
>tfwe she has the best dress and don't need to use that neck net
I bet they made her the leader of the tribe just for being white.
>learn to fucking read
>learn to read
tfw Jewish Albino
>be whites of them all
>yellow tooth
hey its the indian guy who feels the pain of not being white
Albino nigger and a native european = same thing.
Are these Finns?
Looks like a Scotsman?!
Larry Wilmore looking fine
albino sneks make my otherwise stone cold dead heart smile.
Nordics are nothing more than albino Caucasians. Nothing special at all. A true genetic mutation and defect.
Brunette : master race
Your body smell is a product of your immune system, so not likely
They still don't look Caucasian, even if you lighten their skin up. Weird because I find a lot of Indians living near Afghanistan and Iran do look a bit European looking. Just with darker skin. But they're probably genetically Persian or Indo-Aryan.
Even her nipples are pink...interesting.
Is this in Namibia? Weird seeing one of the Tribals shopping in a modern grocery store..
Cutie!! Would probably breed with tbqhwy
holy kek