Brit/pol/ - The Locarno Suite Edition

>Lamont: Remainers' 'duty' not to undermine Brexit talks

>Street parties planned to remember murdered MP Jo Cox

>UK economy picks up in late 2016 but signs of Brexit hit appear

>France's Macron meets PM May in London, vows to stand up for EU

>Minister seeks big changes to farm policy post-Brexit

>Retreat on rate rises as Philip Hammond considers extra funding for independent shops and small companies

Hansard Committee Reports

>The process for exiting the European Union and the Government's negotiating objectives

>Brexit: the options for trade

>Brexit: future UK–EU security and police cooperation

>Brexit: UK-Irish relations

>European Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 1 February 2017
Subject: EU-UK relations in preparation for Brexit
Witnesses: Sir Ivan Rogers KCMG, former Permanent Representative of the UK to the European Union

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>The fact is there are certain people that if i saw dying in the street, not only would i continue walking, but id have a spring in my step and a smile on my face doing so.

>Sup Forums """Christians"""

the final solution

Save Iran, remove Turkey.

>missing turkey

Does leave Turkey though.

How does this serve their constituents?

Turks are based Ottomans, they oppress Arabs and bomb Kurds.

It shows they care user, you wouldn't want to be seen as not caring now would you.

>to see the situation unaccompanied minors are living in

Boy are their faces going to be red when they don't find any.

Turkey survives the quick initial blast but dies within a week due to horrific and unimaginable rad poisoning from the death cloud.

Not unless they truly mutate into Turkroaches. Might need to call in pest control if you know what I mean.

>god sends strangers into your homeland as punishment, as he did with the jews many times
>thinking helping them will save your soul
What kind of logic is this? Pakis aren't my neighbours, they are the vehicles of God's wrath. Read the parable of the good samaritan again.

Lads, would you spend two years in Guantanamo for £1million

>Buy a comfy house and never have to work again

>being killed by radiation

his house was shit desu

considering I don't have any information to give up, probably not. That nigga sang like a canary and had the best treatment possible

reminder the guy who makes that is a 40 year old third world chink who makes money off christcucks like you

The parable of the good samaritan is literally about helping a foreigner

If they promised to lock me in with books I'd jump at the chance.

I'd get more done in those 2 years than I've got done in the last 20


And I am pretty sure you are allowed books.

>mfw they only give you harry potter books out of spite

enjoy your 2 years
I wonder if david irving would be allowed in.

REALLY gets the almonds activating


>mfw every 6th page has been removed for the lulz.

Enjoy reading over piped in "safety dance" at 120db whilst strobed.

well it says anti-Semitic topics are restricted

So a friend sent me a link last night to an event taking place in Liverpool. It's by some dude called Florian Cramer and its about the rise of the alt-right. With specific reference to websites like Sup Forums. Should be fun.

Why are people I meet in the US so focused on Thatcher and Blair?

Why not relive the glories of John Major and Gordon Brown?

Did Tony do the biggest JUST in British history?

At least they're acknowledging he existed. Triggers me when illiterate fedorafags say that Jesus was never even a real person

Not all of Irvings books are.

Isn't Irving at least a little bit of a troll? At least a little?

Just as retarded as a christcuck if you say that

>The parable of the good samaritan is literally about helping a foreigner
Yes, in the same way separating the tares from wheat is about a field.

The parable of the good samaritan is about who your neighbours are.

i guess it then depends on if there's a blanket ban on an author if any of their books are anti-semitic, or if it's an individual case by case basis

Why do you say this?

It beats whining about Hillsborough.
> Mr Blair woke his wife, Cherie, one morning and told her: “If John dies, I will be leader, not Gordon. And somehow, I think this will happen. I just think it will.”

Blair killed the Labour party, in more ways than one.

>Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Somalia untouched
>Egypt partly intact
I mean I guess it's a start

the parable suggests we should judge people based on their actions, i.e. postjudice
if we look at the immigrants in europe, a rational postjudice would be to keep the cunts out.

>get given nothing but Ayn Rand to read for 2 years

I'm just saying he may have been sexually attracted to "revisionism" and other ways of challenging people's beliefs. It's a good thing but at the same time his "Hitler was a good chap" Schtick he used really got out of hand and was used against him viciously.

That would be like some kind of Twilight Zone episode.

would you read the twilight books if you were locked up with nothing else?


You guys are just larping, right?

the fuck is with these martin schulz threads i was off pol for a while, new meme?

just bought a water filter lads after reading last thread.

I'd be thankful for my fancy new toilet paper.

i don't think it matters, if they're doing it to stand up for important conservative christian viewpoints. in fact i'm grateful

He's unironically going to be Germany's next Chancellor


Big Berkey?

New-ish, seems to be the sole labour of love from a deranged Polish chap.


t. Alex Jones

The Samaritan had no way of knowing whether the wounded man was good or evil when he helped him

>actually enjoy it and come out of gitmo convinced of the immorality of any coercion (except beating up trade unionists), posting the link about children unironically, and a strident believer in financial deregulation and the abolition of the state
>eventually realize that it was state coercion, not rational self-interest, that lead me to this conclusion as to how the world should be ordered
>begin revolution so i can make pol pot look like an anarchist while I reset humanity to year zero, coercing the latent coercion-fetishism out of humanity with an iron fist (except iron doesn't exist because we burned down all the smelters.)

>ywn go back in time and filter all of the ponds in America to save the frogs from turning gay

I don't see that it has anything at all to do with immigration in the first place.

truthfully, you will read ANYTHING when locked up with nothing else.

I've been locked up for just shy of a week with no contact with anyone except the eyes at the doorslot checking to make sure i was still alive and i read anything they tossed my way.
Anything is better than a full day of nothing in a beige room with a piss stank mat and horse blanket as company.

Anyone who says they wouldn't read anything with reckless abandon it talking utter shit.

But why? It's just a lie. I see people doing this all the time.

>I don't believe in God, but I wish that I did, so I will defend Christianity on the internet

for what purpose

Some interesting shit going down at my leftist Uni.
>How the uni should 'deal' with Right wing attitudes in the classroom.
>anything right wing is racist and homophobic

A few weeks ago there were right wing stickers triggering everyone

Change is in the air lads, bring on the signing of Article 50!

>have black bag on head and white noise being played

What does the fox say?

Filters only work for the minerals.

They do fuck all against biological agents.

>The various images depict British fascist Oswald Mosley, symbols of the British Union of Fascists, a far-right political party in the 1930s, and provocative statements including “Right Wing Death Squad” and “Britain Awake”.



(Note C4's emphasis on "cup of tea", she's just as british as you goy!)

I'll become a mindreader.

>Britain Awake
>fascist slogan

you can't filter out xenoestrogens you mug
*literally shaking*
>somebody please think of the manfrogs!!

>them redpilled comments




This gives me hope that things aren't completely fucked.

>just as british as you
>have to cover my neck and side of face so that the men in my culture don't feel entitled to rape me

because people use this board to try out arguments that they might employ in real life discussions, so it's good practice for someone who might want to say they are christian in real life.

>hubby joins isis
>go find him and live there
>live with terrorists and support them
>they jail you
>run back to the UK to claim benefits and badmouth your terroist friends

jesus fucking christ

>implying the world government doesn't have filtration technology decades ahead of what is currently considered possible
They're storing hundreds of thousands of genetically engineered organic hyperfilters in the pyramids at the south pole

Nobody's buying it

What's funny about this particular cunt is she said she was motivated by watching ISIS propaganda vids that showed an idyllic life.

Like yeah, you saw their nice propaganda vid, but not the extremely graphic execution vids? Go do one

What's up with our security services? Why doesn't she have a bullet in her head?

yes but our judgement of the samaritan is based on his actions, and that is a way of viewing people that i am favourable of. we should judge people on what they do.

It's larpfaggotry because people resist atheism without having any actual faith themselves.

I read that in his voice, too realistic.

Are you the user who attacked a guy who your wife cheated with?

If England and Wales were separate from Scotland would Westminster be more conservative?

If it were would it be enough to actually start defending against The rise of Islamic culture and terror?

You are posting this from prison or did you just get one week in prison because of

Is the madman actually going to do it?

i think there's a nature to faith which requires "playing along"
fake it until you make it

I don't know but I say we need a total ban on foxhunting and a total legalisation on hunting the Irish.

+Kind of look like dogs
+Tip over bins in cities (where all the pakis live)
+Kill babies (since the white birth rate is so low they were probably niglets anyway)
+Have British cunning.
+Tony Blair kind of regretted going to all the bother of protecting them in law.
-Gave us Furries

-Look like niggers and smell like dogs
-Probably brew Whiskey in the bins of honest Englishmen, eating through the bottom and leading to -council tax hikes to fund replacements
-Have 18 babies because the potato-famine of the mind never ended
-Made Britain look really weird on the map
-Tony Blair is still pretty happy with protecting their terrorists in law
+Gave us Father Ted

So it's all bullshit then? I was mainly talking about the Sup Forums NEET variety of "christians" desu

>a far-right political party

She's acting like her husband went off on a lad's holiday or something.


it isn't all bullshit, but the idea that people go from atheists to believers overnight is vastly untrue. hell even real devout christians have crises of faith

Nah, my time in jail was for something completely moronic.
I learned enough to know that Prison would suck ass, and up till that point i was of the "i could take it" brigade.
After less than a week solitary, i know i most definitely could not take it.

Fuck ever being locked up ever again, shit is bad. and i want even "tortured" outside of the standard prisoner regieme, if i had white noise plying and strobing lights with periodic waterboarding and butt stuff. id have killed myself.

our prisons are too soft

i want this

This is hands down the funniest thing I have ever seen Americans do, just watch the whole video, what the fuck were they thinking?

Why do people have so much trouble with the concept of a cow born in a pig pen not being a pig?

>If England and Wales were separate from Scotland would Westminster be more conservative?
It would have a greater saturation of Conservative MPs
Conservative MPs are very rarely conservative

>If it were would it be enough to actually start defending against The rise of Islamic culture and terror?
Not even close, most of the Conservative party are perfectly happy to import half a million pakis every year. Keeps labour cost down and state dependency high.