Why do people in america get silenced for daring to question their flawless and perfect age of consent?

Why do people in america get silenced for daring to question their flawless and perfect age of consent?

Funny thing Milo doesn't even disagree with the age of consent.

Cucked country

>Why do people in america get silenced for daring to question their flawless and perfect age of consent?
i thought loli shit was banned on this site

even fucking Sup Forums doesn't think paedophilia is acceptable lmao

You obviously don't understand how the internet works :^)

nice thread op

So having a romantic relationship with a 15 year old girl when you're 20 should get you on the electric chair?

becauze homophobic conservatives are using old bigotry to vocally assasinate him and hypocrite liberals are going along because Milo is not a racist

i understand how Sup Forums works
>muh death penalty
it's still not ok to say that paedophilia is acceptable
>inb4 muh ephebophilia

It's the normal ebb and flow of society deciding on its values in real time. At the moment, society isn't ready to change its views on this subject and anyone trying to be provocative will run their head into a wall. If your whole public personality is pushing the envelope and being outrageous, most of the time you'll get approval or minor pushback about the things we are ready to reevaluate (Islam is not compatible with Western values, say, or women are not really oppressed in modern day life), until you hit upon whatever currently happens to be immovable.

>perfect age of consent
if there is grass on the field, play ball.

because reality makes people uncomfortable in puritanical north america.

it is socially taboo to discuss babies touching themselves in the womb or children masturbating at age 6.

in north america we try to pretend sexuality is like a jack in the box that springs open when the magic age in whatever country is hit.

the knights so often posted on here as paragons of whatever virtue were married to 12 year olds in medieval times.

even 3 seconds of wikipedia history points out age of consent in us was 10-12 with Delaware being 7.

>ancient greece

>quick shank Delaware for chomo

This faggot has noting nice to say about his own faggot community. His narrative is simple:

Sexually abused as a child and enjoyed it, therefore other kids (like him) also enjoy abuse... besides 13yr olds give good head apparently.


Because everyones either a feminist or hardcore christfag(not that anything close to the modern AOC existed in Jesus's time but that doesn't matter to them).

If you're not either you'll get demonized by both, similar to how both the left and right worship jews.

This should be law.

Because there is no such thing as free speech in term of social culture. It's pretty much a buzzword used by whatever party to score political points. It's kinda like the whole patriotic thing. Every debate is shaped based on how patriotic you are. It's harder to convince people at first if you say, for example, that American state is very violent and is partly the reason why ISIS exists due to blowback of supporting dictatorships in Middle east, coups and invasions. So in order to argue against wars, some make claim that it's waste of money (which is true but that's not the only issue).

If you say something very politically incorrect, you get shut down unless you work around by easing the issue.

Jesus was born to a teenage girl so I wouldn't blame Christianity for it.

Also even though the age of consent in my country is 14 and I agree with it being that low I'd still follow american law if I lived there.

People think that others who advocate the lowering of the age of consent already seek after girls that young despite it being illegal.

Who gives a fuck about that pedo faggot lel. Milo was a useful tool to sway a few homo glibertarians to vote for Trump. We don't need him or them anymore. In fact, after we deal with the kikes and the niggers the fags are next. Deal with it.

How are you gonna have those white kids when you make the most fertile girls illegal?

Early teen actually. But user is right, today's christians, especially in America, are delusional. Early Christians would have no problem with lower age of marriage, they'd have a problem with sex outside of marriage.


I'm 29. I would comfortably marry a 15 year old. I think that's a pretty good year.

I mean what the fuck are women gonna do if you let them live longer than 15 years without marriage? absolutely nothing good.