How do we fix young """""men""""
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By fixing yourself first.
there is only one way best of allies.. WW3 and civil wars to reduce the population back to 5-6 billion.
Nuking Israel would be a pretty good start.
Interesting, elaborate.
I think earths capacity is 10 billion people. So, we are near the capacity and property (housing) is too expensive for younger generations.
They, better said we, cant start families whilst living with parents.
Also, the overpopulation decreases wages to the bare minimum, which is another hinderance.
also, watch this movie best ally
By nuking the whole planet and toiling as slaves for the sorcerer kings.
fix yourself, then fix others
buliding families will indeed make young man strong and virtues.
But not before western societies will restore the old family values.
>But not before western societies will restore the old family values.
you think that's possible at that point?? science destroyed religion. women destroyed culture and governments.
there'd have to come a radical shift to make people stoic again and shift their values back to traditional ones, for example sharia law lol..
and I'm not pro muslim, but I don't see any other way except force and fear.
maybe wars could do the trick too.. but I'm not pro wars. Because brave and virtous people die in battles and the cucks and faggots survive.
Look at todays germany. !00% cucks, all the good germans died in ww2!
Pure faggotry
we round up all the gay frogs and give them proper water filters. After that the free market will sort itself out
A world war is not necessary. What is necessary is for the west to accept racial separatism, and accept that Africa cannot be helped, cut off the support that keeps the millions on niggers alive, and banish those who do not have a legitimate claim on north America and Europe from those places. The west should survive just fine under such conditions, and the world population will slowly decrease as Africa dies.
Also, cities are not the only place you can live in, and north America for example has many places where you can relatively cheaply raise a family.
And science did not destroy religion. People need meaning and in time they will look again for traditional values. For example this generation that will grow in ultra materialism, is going in my opinions show signs of Reactionism. They will be disgusted by modern "values" and will seek to return to the nuclear family, much like this place does. Some of the symptoms might also be very violent reactions to modernist ideology, including old traditions like socially excluding gays and trannies, as well as a defined notion of what a traitor looks like.
We (the western world) are NOT near said capacity. As a matter of fact we're well below that and need to encourage young hwytes to start breeding at a normal rate again.
Also this chosenite speaks the truth.
And the job of those of us who already believe in traditional values, is to offer this option to the next generation, to make sure that they know that the world was not always rotten, and to build the ideological basis for a future revolt against the modern world and it's values.
Yes yes go on...
>where you can relatively cheaply raise a family.
if you can earn money somehow. I obviously don't live in US, but the same goes for Croatai.
The wages are exactly enough to cover the costs whilst living near cities.
>They will be disgusted by modern "values"
I can see that happening too. But if the politicians in meantime open borders and let in millions of people form other countries, wages will go down to the point where they wont be able to support families either. Europe needs nationalis so badly.
>oh, and slicing infant penises is good
fuck off kike
Stop putting chemicals in the water that are turning the frogs gay.
We start by sorting ourselves out
You can't fix a symptom. Hard times make hard men, hard men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make hard times.
All you can do is prepare yourself and your family for the hard times. You can't stop the cycle of western civilization. This happens to us every time. We fall, and we rise stronger again.
look at this idiot 100% brainwashed cuck!!
watch the mouse utopia video you fucking moron. the mice were not at full capacity either before they started dying out. the capacity was 3000 and they stopped reproducing at 2200.
swedes and german cucks boil my fucking blood.
If the military service was obligatory maybe that would help
they'd just gay up the military, just like when they gayed it up recently with the introduction of female officers.
I agree with Fin bro
I agree regarding the money issue, but it is the job of whites to build communities, I'm sure that if rural areas will be more populated jobs will be created. But that is a problem, yes.
Regarding the open borders - as you might have noticed there is already a reaction against this. And if they keep pushing the majority in such a way despite the resistance, it will kill the minority that drives their wages down, like happened countless times before.
Circumcision is a crime, my mulatto friend, and Judaism should be wiped out.
He's talking about the fact that isolationism can put western society in a place where the effects of global overpopulation will not touch it. The west is not near it's capacity, and it will be even less populated if non whites are ever dealt with.
giving women political power was one big mstake too.
they are not logical and can develop maternal feelings towards foreigners as MUTTI demonstrated to us perfectly.
This. The generation is lost. Let them have their cartoons, and start preventing the next one from going down the same path.
1 way that could be fixed if they would have to do all the same shit as males,
And military could say that this is because they believe in gender equality.
I bet almost all women would fail the obstacle course with full gear on.
i dont know how you calculate the capacity. I say we are, since the average wage got so low it can barely cover the costs of living.
this means job supply > job demand, which means we are at capacity.
maybe we have enough land mass, but we certainly don't have enough jobs.
Why do you necessarily conclude that the fact that there are no jobs, means that you are at the maximum capacity? That's a deterministic argument, you are claiming that no further jobs can be created to be taken by the "extra' people, and that the only solution is to reduce the amount of people. When you say overpopulation you imply that the resources available will simply not be enough, and no more resources can be produced. What if your nation has a place to develop further, build new factories or businesses, or any other option except for population reduction?
well, I'm not for reducing native populations at all. I'm for limiting immigration, specially muslim immigration.
I would propose the exact same policies for Europe that Trump is going to implement in US.
>close borders to economic immigrants (called refugees by media)
>get rid of violent offenders and immigrants who went to terrorist countries
>unite european countries
>reduce tax burden on younger generation
>reduce bureaucracy in Brussels
but this will never happen lol.. Europe is modern day SSSR. We'll change once the money runs out and we'll end up in a civil war by then.
A civil war might be necessary to get the point across. Anyway I wouldn't be so pessimistic if I were you, I've heard the same line before brexit, and then again before Trump. I hope you know that they want you to feel demoralized, and that you should never do what they want you to do.
also, most importantly.. remove social benefits lol.
instead of social benefits, give out government created jobs.
not demoralized, but those truths have to spread around to shift more people towards nationalism. look how many leftist liberals are in Europe, I was one too 3 years ago..
>I was one too 3 years ago..
That's exactly why you should be more hopeful than ever, minds are changing rapidly in the current political climate.
More adderall for the goyim
lol, how you feel about jews being blamed for everything ??
I admit to posting merchant memes too, but I do it ironically. There are too many right wing/nationalistic jews to take those memes seriousl.
FFS, Andrew Breitbart was a jew. Roger Stone helped get Trump elected.
Sam Harris and Maher are annoying as fuck, but they still have the balls to call muslims out.
I bet those anti jew memes on Sup Forums get spread mostly by muslims.
Nah it's ok, I love the memes and to be frank I absolutely get the hate that the diaspora get. Can't say that I like religious Jews myself, and secular Jews are basically just average joes here.
Any man with a piercing should be gassed and the world would become a much better place.
well, the hate is fair. most US jews are liberal SJW fucks.
I know Alex Jones talks much shit, but he did say during JRE that Saudi Arabia forces the anti jew hate in media. I have a feeling this is actually true.
Raise your own sons to not be pussies
Compulsory military service.
What anti Jew hate? There's anti Israel hate and that's because we're a violent state(and rightfully so, but still)
Idk, I believe that the media is manipulated by several entities with sometimes conflicting ideologies. It's just a tool for the many factions of elites and foreign agents.
I bet you're of Russian Israeli stock.
Why, did I trigger you somehow? I usually get that from sad diasporas
I served for one year and not much later I was putting things in my butt, we slightly feminine white boys can absolutely defend the land and handle guns if we must ok, don't underestimate us.
Circucision is a justfied evil.
It makes sex and musatrbtion less "fun" therefore might reduce the hedonistic tendency of men towards sex.
No, I didn't mean it in a bad way, I'm one myself. I like what you're posting.
North American diasporas are mostly Haaretz-tier cancer btw.
Cool. Slav pride worldwide
Google the word willpower
Also, there is hedonism that does not require the tip of your cock. Should we also blind ourselves to not binge on TV and internet? Cut out tongues out to not enjoy food too much? Give me a break
Yeah, fuck em
Im the alpha male player in pic related
Pls bully me
the masses doesn't always posses will power.
the ones who do will help them to the right path, and thats the motive behind the making this Jewish tradition.
in the time that custom formed that was the main hedonistic sin a man can preform.
Bring me a belt I'll show you
It is still not a solution as good as educating the masses(using an iron fist if it is needed), and even if it were it is no longer applicable, and there is no excuse to mutilate children in the modern world where hedonism can be expressed in countless ways.
>good as educating the masses(using an iron fist if
using iron fist but not tiny sicssiors ?
this custom is one of the pillars of Judaism, we keep it AND adapt it to the modern world (waiting until 18, surgery ) and find new ways to help the young find meaning instead of pleasure.
It seems that pol forgets about emotional IQ. when u take away from the experience of joyful good feeling sex u also take away from depth of emotional IQ. I believe one of the reasons why so many anti hedonism people end up as autists and cannot empathate with anyone around them is because they cannot enjoy life and the little things in it, because theyre always afraid what they are doing is "degenerate". So let loose a little folks, empathy is a valuable trait.
An iron fist will reconstruct and redefine the minds of adults, and not hurt the bodies of infants like tiny scissors do. And an iron fist is effective when educating, physical restraint is not. And you do not adapt it to the modern world, the last time I checked babies are mutilated every day, and not always by medical professionals - with adults who decide that they don't need their foreskins anymore, I have no issue.
And I will mention it again with thehope that you will not ignore it for a third time - today this is not the main form of the sin of hedonism. Today even castration can still allow sexual depravity, not to mention the countless other non-sexual forms of hedonism. A better solution is to make sure that people know the dangers of hedonism and how to utilize willpower.
There is very little connection between hedonism and genuiane joy.
>so many anti hedonism people end up as autists and cannot empathate with anyone around them
Baseless personal attack, but at least you tried
>how do we fix young """""men""""
Fuck off, femishit.
>That Flag
>Pretending they didn't do all this
kek OP
The argument u are trying to prove is blinding u my friend. Look all around these boards, people here cannot understand for the life of themselves why people do what they do. If what we are seeing isnt pure lack of empathy then who knows what is.
Some would argue that letting your brothers and sisters who are the society around you to be slaves to their own urges, which are determined by the whims of corporations is not empathetic. Some would even say that it is a cancer that needs to be cut away from this world for the very purpose of minimizing emotional harm.
And I disagree that people here cannot understand the motives of those who they call degenerates, they simply reject that way of live with fervor.