>Associate's in Science >Bachelor's in Biology and Chemistry >Master's in Medical Laboratory Science >Student debt = 130k >Get hired right out of school in a job that pays only 25$/hr
The only good thing was that after my Master's in MLS, I was quickly hired as there is a dire need for this field, but with a Bio-Chem undergrad I could not find a job. I make only 51k a year....... I will never be able to pay back these student loans. I will never be able to buy a house unless I marry someone with similar income. I served my country for MGIbill money and still ended with massive debt. With no college debt and a 3month truck driving certificate, I would be much better off.
My only plus is that I can say that I have a Master's in Science and get just a shred of respect. I will be lower middle class my whole life unless I go back to school for a more profitable degree (PhD in hospital admin).
I feel like I've made terrible choices in my life....
Any girls that want to fuck me? plz message.
Levi Hernandez
Plumber, mechanic, welder, truck driver, electrician, carpenter, roofer, contractor..... These are profitable professions without debt attached. The whole dynamic has flipped now. Going to University is NOT a worthwhile endeavor! Now the skilled workers are the real bread winners in America. EVERYONE HAS A DEGREE NOW AND YOUR EDUCATION MEANS NOTHING!
Kayden Clark
Please respond so our bright young people can avoid falling into this trap!
Christian White
Sounds like you're not trying hard enough. I know of about 6 different labs that would hire a Research assistant or Lab Assistant/Associate Scientist for $75k+ year.
Which is kind of ironic because my wife, with an associates degree in accounting, makes $80k/year as a low level HR manager (15 years) at one of those labs.
Location may be your problem.
Asher Ross
How much does school cost to be a plumber in america? I'm curious about this
Jeremiah Gomez
Do you live in California? A lab/research assistant gets paid like 35k here.
Juan Parker
You can get the highest Plumber cert for like 2-3k
Adrian Price
and make 60k a year
Connor Jones
Should have done engineering like me. No trouble finding work. I often have companies trying to steal me away from my current company. They keep offering me raises as an incentive to stay, and I keep telling them I don't need a raise to stay. I have loyalty to a company who is loyal to me, and they have been extremely loyal to me.
Hudson Cox
thanks, It cost me 500$ buck here, making 38$/h after the four learning years
Asher Hughes
Only 6 papers after a PhD and 3 postdocs?
Top fucking kek.
Owen Davis
money: 2k dignity: having to work with meth heads and felons
Joseph Baker
What type of Engineer? Just an undergrad?
How much do you make?
Gavin Reed
Exactly. He sucks at his field.
Wyatt Bennett
I'm pretty sure I had more fun with people I encountered on constructions sites in 5 years than you could have in most office or any other shitty slave wage job
Parker Wilson
Dont worry after college is free for everyone you can work at starbucks for minimum wage for a couple years until robots make the coffee and serve it.
Landon Brooks
surely you couldve just studied abroad for a fraction of the cost?
Jace Allen
Meanwhile I got a Bachelor of Arts, and earn £33k
Feels good mang
Julian Carter
kek but also legitimately berniebros' vision of the economy
Jaxon Lewis
Then move.
I just graduated with a BS in computer science and i am applying everywhere there is a job. I will go wherever i can get the best work offer.
Henry Rogers
>>Student debt = 130k You did well compared to the 99% of retards
Ethan Brooks
I fell for STEM. Now I wish I had doubled in English.
Caleb Thomas
This so much. I'm Asian and I was forced by my parents to major in a STEM degree. My high school friend and I both got accepted to a great theater/film production program at an Ivy-league, but my parents forced me to either to complete a math or computer science degree.
I graduated two semesters ago, I have almost $100,000 combined loan debt, and I'm working an IT job at an Asian fast food restaurant for $9.75 an hour.
My friend is living in Hollywood and doing stage gigs for big studios.
STEM degrees are not worth it, they drain you emotionally and make you a robotic, non-charismatic human.
Cooper Gray
>degree in business management from a mid-tier uni >hired even before i graduated >8% pay rise a year
STEM is a meme.
Adrian Gomez
>130k education >doesn't know the difference between there/their/they're
No, that's why you're underpaid, you're an idiot.
Zachary Watson
Landon Bailey
>graduate any degree >go to apply for work >ENTRY LEVEL, 20K STARTING 5 YEARS EXPERIENCE AND MS REQUIRED Fuck these companies.
Michael Rivera
In Europe, it's worse. You also have to master at least 3 languages, preferably 4 on top of that.
Hunter Brown
>dat feel when you living in socialist country free to express yourself and live above standard
Levi Sanders
>not majoring in nepotism
I was a NEET for two years with only a high school diploma and got a job straight away.
Liam Watson
I'm in the middle of a dumb bio degree right now, but it's not worth leaving now.. I'll get my half arsed grade and move on
Chase Watson
undergrad mechanical first job 60k a year
feels good man
Eli Price
You know nothing of this world. Contractor here. I HAVE to have my shit together or I lose money. My crew has some felons, but they're good people. By the way, I have a degree in chemistry, make twice now what I did in labs. Labs are shit work
Adrian Moore
I used "there" correctly, you fucking moron.
"I was quickly hired as there is a dire need for this field"
Tell me how to do it right???? Faggot.
Parker Brown
>a more profitable degree PhD here, don't bother
The STEM salaries in the UK are absolute gobshite
Sebastian Mitchell
Adam Edwards
Working as an electricians apprentice unpaid for my senior year of HS.
>Tfw I'll graduate HS making $28/hour in commiefornia with no debt
Isaiah Ross
of you did learn anything in college it should have been that general statements don't apply to every single case.
How do you like having to give people time off for probation meetings, DUI hearings and other white trash problems?
I would much rather prefer to be paid less and work in an environment with people who have more to their weekends than doing drugs.
Being a tradesman in the 1920s-80s was respectable. now it is Mexicans and white trash.
Austin Moore
>I served my country for MGIbill money and still ended with massive debt.
If you have the MGI bill it's because you're a reserve faggot that has never deployed. You have not served your country. ALl you had to do was go on a 6 month tour to get your post 9/11.
You're a huge faggot. That's why you don't have a job worth a damn.
Levi Richardson
Actually, you are a fucking idiot as I was active duty for 5 years and served in the middle east....... FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elijah Williams
Parents forced .. grow a pair
Asher Sullivan
>28/hr >commiefornia You may as well be making minimum wage with the tax rates and housing costs there.
Luis Richardson
So i've had one moron say I don't know how to spell, and another say I never served my country actively.........
Why are there so many fucking know-nothings on this board? Fight me, now!
Michael Moore
So you were using the MGI Bill that pays out significantly less because you're literally retarded then.
David Diaz
These fucks, just come over to one of your third world countries and advance civilization for us already while living like kangz.
Evan Watson
STEM is a meme. Liberal arts is a meme. Autismbux is not a meme.
Colton Phillips
Ontario electrician here. Didn't the government or union pay for your schooling? I had to pay just for my books here at Durham College
Gabriel Gray
>phd >3 postdocs >only 6 papers no wonder you don't get hired
Brayden Sullivan
So be good at your job instead of playing on your phone then you will be up to 100,000$ in no time. College now is just super high school.
Colton Bennett
This. Highrise construction is a laugh everyday. There's a level of camaraderie I imagine only exists in the military as well.
Hunter Price
Graduated with a bachelor of Arts Making 80k
STEMfags can suck my dick
Gavin Bailey
Hey man, you are pissing me the fuck off. I JOINED THE MILITARY A LONG TIME AGO AND HAD A G.I. BILL WITH A FUCKING KICKER. Why on Earth do you believe that Reservist pussies get a better G.I. Bill than Active Duty???? Pro tip: YOU ARE FUCKING WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carter Cooper
I wish to meet you IRL and choke the life out of you.
Alexander Fisher
graduated with an IT degree last year and I make 60k as a junior network admin
Grayson Wood
How long is sparky apprenticeship there? It's 5 years / including 9 months of school/ 9000 hours in Ontario, with the final wage being 46.2/hr / 95k if you're union. Plus about 17k a year in retirement stuff and also benefits of course.
David Harris
God damn you are stupid. If you have spent 90 days on active duty after September 11, 2001 you are eligible for the Post 9/11 GI bill which covers tuition up to 100% plus a monthly E5 BAH payment directly into your account.
MGI Bill gave a small % of tuition.
Post 9/11 > MGI
How do you not understand this? You obviously didn't serve. If you did you're literally autistic. And if you served before 9/11 you're too far out of school to be posting this thread.
Tyler James
This kind of emotional outburst is another reason for your niggertier wage. LOL @ H1B workers making more than you.
Andrew Perry
Hello Dickhead,
I joined the Navy in 1997... I got out in 2002.
Hudson Edwards
>i'm intelligent >130k debt :thinking:
Eli Clark
Calling you a faggot on the internet is the reason that my profession pays much less than my degree cost?
Please keep sucking dick for life.
Justin Hughes
What the fuck did "active duty" even involve in the navy in 2002?
Oliver Smith
After my fist 10 years of adulthood in retail I went to a for profit college to take a 10 month course in HVACR and ended with only $10,000 in student debt and started at $21/hr as an apprentice, after my first year I went to $25/hr, looking forward to my fourth year when I'll become a journeyman and bump up to $41/hr
I may go back to school to get an associates in mechanical engineering so that I can design HVAC systems myself and make the big buck (starting at $61/hr as an apprentice), and with the credits I've already earned I could have my associates in about 14 months
Trades are awesome in the US right now, don't tell anyone though, last thing we need are a bunch of pissy soy milk hipsters giving them a bad name
Angel Phillips
But all of those professions are either being aggressively replaced by cheap robotics or are under heavy corporate monopoly, senpai.
Jaxon Rogers
Aerospace machinist here. Listen to this man if you want to live.
Justin Watson
Went to a private trade grade school to be an auto technician, and had a job before I graduated. Once I did, I got a promotion and a raise.
I make $20 with only 23k in student debt.
Sorry you fell for the college meme OP.
Blake Wilson
The same thing it involves now. Sitting in the gulf coast ensuring the arabs sell their oil for USD.
Jeremiah Cook
I'll tell you what.
We mobilized our battle group 2 weeks after 9/11 into the Persian Gulf, and I was pulled from my job to MILITARY POLICE and provided security *car bomb checks* in hostile regions until I decided to not re-enlist. Any more questions?
Nolan Smith
>dat feel when your poor country fully finances your six years of med school
Burgerstudents btfo
Kayden Morales
It's true, but the engineering meme is real, or at least software engineering from a reputable top 15 university is.
Basically if over 90% of the graduates from the program get jobs as software developers out of college you're good.
Austin Thomas
2002 which is after 2001
Jacob Wright
So they made you do something actually dangerous and you then quit?
Kayden Watson
>tfw degrees outside of the US and England may as well be fancy toilet paper
Isaiah Anderson
what the fuck have you ever done?
Elijah Martinez
Private trade school*
Asher Jones
If it was any of your goddamn business I would have told you already.
Jaxson Thomas
Enjoy your student loans and cushy barista job, faggot. You deserve less than nothing.
Xavier Ramirez
>tfw all college degrees are now fancy toilet paper
Julian Stewart
HVAC is where engineering careers go to die.
Jack Price
I dropped out and now make 5K a month self employed.
Kayden Campbell
I extended my 4 yr contract for another year....... i'm sorry, is 5 years defending my country not enough? Did i not do enough for you? Also, what did you do?
Nathan Martin
Getting a BS in computer engineering Planning on going into software or finance Engineering students sneer at business majors because the coursework is easier, but in all honestly I wish I was studying finance. As a junior who just transferred, it just wouldn't make sense to switch majors at this point though.
Hunter Rodriguez
Your degree is worthless because society is saturated with you crybaby types. No one wants to hire a whiner, regardless of education.
Levi Miller
>dropped out of stem degree to take up a job offer >now making ~175k
>shitposting as a seppo while over here on business
Joshua Martin
Useless degree. Also, location, location, location . Next time pick Chemical Engineering.
Henry Peterson
>Planning on going into software or finance Why not both? HFT algorithms all the way my man
Ethan Thomas
I don't really give a shit about STEM, I'm not into Science anyways.
Luke Butler
Move to a state that isn't shit for full time employment.
Carter Smith
Juat make sure you do internships during the summers, or you're going to struggle.
I won several awards from my school for my research work as an undergrad and even published work, but because I am poor and was working full time while in school i couldn't afford to leave for internships. It's a pain in the ass even with all the stuff I did do.
Ryder Hill
Lotta loyalty for a hired wrench.
Jaxson Powell
I didn't make everyone else look bad by ranting about my service on fucking Sup Forums like some kind of schizophrenic fuckup.
Tone it the fuck down.
Owen Campbell
If you live in Germany, absolutely fall for the STEM meme, before the reputation is finally ruined. You will be able to surf on the "german engineering" wave for maybe 10-20 more years before it is worthless. Dont waste time.
Cameron Flores
Our diploma is just fine in most EU countries. Many of my colleagues have gotten jobs in Germany, Denmark, even Switzerland. In the USA i can apply for the usmle tests and get a licence with my croatian diploma.
Dominic Martinez
dude no fucking way is a single one of those getting replaced by a machine ever.
for any reason
Ethan Wood
Any wastewater or public health anons here?
I'm getting a BS in clinical microbiology, and I plan on becoming a wastewater treatment guy or public health microbiologist.
On one hand, public health microbiologist's main job is cracking skulls open to test for rabies, and it's a low workload. In exchange, I spend 6 months training.
As for wastewater, I'm not really sure. I heard the pay's good, but I don't know very much about the workload.
Colton Bell
You are a faggot leaf that has never known an ounce of sacrifice for anything you believe in.
I really think your mother will die tonight because I will this.
Hunter Wright
Well, Masters degrees are the new high school diploma.
Owen Reyes
oh shit, trips
Jason Edwards
If hadn't made it clear in this thread that you are a terrible person and very likely a liar I might actually care what you think about me.
Matthew Scott
It's cool bro, I immediately diagnosed the brainwashing treadmill that was school, and almost dropped out completely. But I was a dilligent student (lol) a rebel, and managed to sqeauk out of highschool with a 3.8 (almost held back repeatedly for fighting, because fuck school endorsed mind control bullies)
I never went to college because I was already smarter than everyone by age 7. Since then, I've been binging on real history, various treatises and knowledge from nature.
I've picked up masonry, pneumatics, coppersmithing, transformers, various simple machines and clockwork, and I'm well on my way to building an engine.