Are you happy yet Sup Forums?

Are you happy yet Sup Forums?

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i'm so fucking happy about this
look at those libtards response lol

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It's laughably easy to convince these retards that symbols and images are now ours and are off-limits to them. Can we steal the rainbow flag next?

nice source faggot

>from your childhood
It's the fucking White Sox logo.

This has got to be a joke...

It is. Check their twitter.

Dude, Alt right use Roman letters. It's a symbol of theirs now!!!!

Everyone is programmed to draw this shape as they grow up. It's a DNA strain representation.


Nice fake news. Lets keep em coming. Start to like fake news, at least they are real shieet.

I not even once draw this but saw this daily.

I never knew why i just found stuff like that silly.

lol, theyre actually just inventing hate symbols now. they arent even waiting for us to use them.

how do people even swallow this pathetic trash?

Not gonna lie, former Trump Supporter here

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Fantastically offensive childhood nursery rhyme 2bh:


You artistically expressed it somewhere else and you may not even know or remember it. Maybe as a child, in sand, or something.

wtf I hate middle school now

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if this is real i just don't know anymore

>The two lines of the equals sign represent two genders
>this is now a symbol of alt right white supremacy and transphobia

Same, what do we do if he already has the nuclear codes though?

>implying bernouts didn't claim it first

Let's just claim the entire English language so maybe they'll finally shut the fuck up

Hahah this is amazing. Well done on discovering this power, listen if any alt right guys are on here now see if you can get something like Minecraft to be seen as white supremacist. When the minecraft kids' parents start taking away their racist vidya their weaponised autism will be able to topple empires.

Suzuki a best

>fantastically offensive
Because the only people offended by this dumb shit are living in their own little fantasy world

My kid is a fucking Nazi???? Fuck. And (((they))) told me parrenting didn't matter.

I liked the classic version better

This is actually a good one.

Make it happen kek

Who knew being able to label anything you want as hate speech would have repercussions? Pretty soon we will be able to punch these morons without repercussions as well, only because they are Nazis of course.

The accordion is now a symbol of the alt-right. This originates from the Remove Kebab song.

Place your bets on how long it takes for an article about this to appear.

>Symbol has existed the for most since the early 90s
>Possibly even older but nobody can confirm
>Sudden article about how it's alt-right for some reason
>Trump confirm time traveler spawning the first meme to be passed down generations to redpill them.

What gods does Trump with to bring with this ancient meme?

D-did we do this? Don't remember any threads..

I swear every day I see a different huffpost article screencap with some other innocuous thing or symbol with them screeching ALT RIGHT HATESPEECH FASCISTS REEEE.
Every fucking day.
Milk, water, that stupid Facebook purple bird bullshit, now this. These people need to get a grip and realize they're just being trolled at this point.

Okay, we'll take it.

And literally any other symbol.
Whatever you want to give us, really.
Thanks for the free publicity. :V

Every thing is now a nazi Symbol Jesus christ how retarded can you get?

On it.

>These people need to get a grip
The whiners over at HuffPo either lost their grip on reality a long time ago, or they intentionally pander to chronically offended snowflakes for easy clicks. I'm really not sure which one it is anymore.

Thus isn't real, but spread it anyway to encourage disdain for huffpoo

Jumping at shadows

I'm an alt-right nazi literally hitler rapist that wants to gas six milion jews and I fucking LOVE Minecraft.

The TNT block is my favorite because it's my block of peace.

Let's just claim as many recognizable symbols as possible.


They won't. They'll keep attacking a specter that only exists in their own mind. Just let them throw their tantrums while they push every single person with a brain to the right.

Make every single symbol in existence a hate symbol. kek

How are things in your far away land?

>from your childhood

Proof that "journalists" and the "media" are all fucking clueless millennials.

Now to turn the rainbow flag into a symbol of Nazi "Peace and beauty in the white world"

Kek, I missed that.
Can I get a quick rundown?


>lucha jon wtf do you not know how to mask you're Twitter sockpuppet Accounts ?

Liberals are literally triggered by this. Wow.

>The default Minecraft player skin is A FUCKING WHITE MALE
>Endermen are scary black men who steal stuff
>Villagers are greedy big-nosed kikes who try to sell you stuff at ridiculous prices
>Notch is a proven shitlord
This has lots of potential


nope. The crescent and star needs to become a far right icon.

What? Are these people just making shit up? I wonder what new revelations they have about the mysterious alt-right.


Wasnt it a couple months ago when some fag thought this was a swastika?

Shouldn't be too difficult, considering Constantinople's symbol used to be a Crescent.
I don't know what you'd do about the star, though.

Hey I invented that symbol.

They need to be the victims of reducto ad absurdum, meaning we have to push them to greater and greater heights of lunacy.

The best part about it how easy it is, they seem willing to throw an entire company into the toilet in a rush to be professionally offended.

we need the hammer and sickle as well

I grew up in the 80s and that S has always alluded to neo-nazism. Maybe it's a regional thing. I'm from California.

>crescent moon and star
We just need to give moonman a star-shaped rapping partner

Nazi symbolism was so fucking aesthetic : (


looks like it was posted a few hours ago.

This. I've even thought about us meming someone on their side as our leader forcing them to yet again eat their own.

>lines represent men and women
>the lines will always stay perpendicular and will never stray into the others' path as men are men and women are women

Starman's been around awhile, he kills commies.

you guys need to make this harry potter symbol into something.
what can the hp stand for pol?

Every color on the rainbow flag is distinct, and completely separated for every other color. None of it is mixed together. It's a symbol for being against the concept of race mixing.

Heterosexual Power?

Hitler's Policies?

If I pull that off, would you die?

Hang poofters

Heil Pepe!


Hillary 4 Prison

H on huffington is referenced to Hitler.

Hitler's Promise
Hate Pact
Hail Power

good one also

Not a sock puppet. It's my actual account. Being a character on a podcast allows me to shitpost pretty hard IRL.

nothing is beyond our reach




What is the alt right? White Supremacy is a retired meme.

I guess it could be flipped into homo power though

Hitler Power, Heil Pepe or Hate Progressivism

It would be very painful.

Hwyte Power


woah i just started drawing these again last week at work. get outta my mind paul

ooh i wanna take ya

There's one poster who regularly posts from the Dutch colonial empire, not that rare

That is the Superman "S". Huffpost is fucking stupid and as always, FAKE NEWS.

We should "ruin" literally everything anyone likes, that way everyone is a "alt right nazi". Let´s start by having watermelons and menthols declared "symbols of hate"