Not until your country outlaws Islam. All moors have to be removed and never allowed in. I'm honestly surprised Islam is even allowed in Portugal and Spain.
Leo Sullivan
He crossed over for the final time
Aiden Price
Why is everyone attacking jones?
Nolan Long
do people not do this ironically?
Connor Sullivan
>reince shouts "SAVAGE NATION LOVE YOUR SHOW" at savage and says he listened to him since he was a kid Lol wut
Kayden Foster
I actually posted the link to the JewTube video and got blocked on his Twitter. He's definitely afraid of it now.
Jose Sullivan
Yeah, he "lept"
I told you guys letting Manafort to give ICE a workshop on best practices would pay off.
Salon deleted all their pro-pedo shit. Now, back to the city of the washingtonpost:
Sounds like they were mixing both, with that Lord's Prayer bit. What the flying fuch are they doing saying Christian prayers at a political event? This isn't a freaking theocracy, even if Pence is VP and lots of religulous rightttards are in Congress.
I think it is quite telling that Donald didn't participate in the prayer. The guy clearly has no religion, beyond self-worship, or maybe kneeling for sex workers to pee on him. > Trump Rally - worse than the zombie apocalypse > I found that bizarre and completely disingenuous. Next thing you know, he is going to come out wearing a white suit and rename himself Deity Don. > Demonic activity aside (it's the GOP...). How much did us actual tax payers pay for this "Keep Don From Crying Rally" anyway? > fascinating. the pastor's account could have been written by Martin Niemoller regarding Hitler. > Good point. The Nazis were big on various superstitious beliefs like numerology, séances, races, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if they were interested in demonology, as well. > Christian extremists following a serial adulterer, a sexual predator, a guy who has Mafia pals, a guy who doesn't pay people for work they did (that's called stealing,) a guy who admitted to being a peeping Tom backstage at beauty pageants. They love this real good Christian guy. > Having German ancestors, speaking the language relatively fluently, and having read and listened to much of how Germany was in the period between the end of WW I and the beginning of WW II, especially as Hitler rose to power, this whole article and scene frightens me terribly. I have also known many Germans who immigrated after WW II, many who supported the Nazis. The signs are far worse than many acknowledge! BEWARE! BEWARE!! > It reminds me even more of scenes from "Triumph of the Will"...
Dylan Russell
Who will it be /ptg/? The retarded latino who led Obama's labour department into the fucking ground OR The Muslim who was a literal nobody until 2 months ago who is Bernie's bull.
Brayden Miller
You're late.
Xavier Smith
Lol I can't even believe that. Savage has shit on that guy every day for the last 365 days.
Dominic Cox
I'm hispanic, and not white
But check these digits out
Juan Hernandez
>leaps to death cuz deporte That is odd. I have a buddy that lives in old Mexico, and he's always saying it's great down there, and to not believe the media. Oh well, I suppose it's a case of relativity.
Robert Barnes
>Excelent she is a more then a little excited
Gabriel Fisher
"mee-mee" LOOOL
Please tell me there really aren't people who don't pronounce it "may-may". How retarded do you have to be?
Noah Young
HWNDU 's /ourguys/
Easton Lewis
It has been prophecised.
Hunter White
By Syaithan, InsyaAllah brothers!
Asher Sullivan
Jeremiah Taylor
Nicholas Edwards
vai fazer os tpcs joão
Jayden Reed
lol he blocked me and got me temp-banned from twitter because I kept spamming him with that handjob gif.
Ethan Torres
>this is what soros has nightmares about at night >this is who he spends hundreds of millions of dollars on >this is the group of people that single handely subverted the msm and got trump elected into office
Leo Collins
wtf I want to take in every single mexican citizen now
Luis Young
Jose Morris
libtards often can't detect irony or sarcasm, so tough to say.
Kevin Evans
Please let it be the reparations demanding nation of Islam sympathizer Ellison
Kek wills it
Carter Green
When you put it that way, hard to decide.
Oliver Morales
It iiis the Savage Nation and it's another Rock n' Roll Friday and I- turn off the music TURN IT OFF. I can't take this anymore. You'll have to excuse me I went to my usual Italian place in North Beach and I ordered- I ordered a vodka martini and a dry beer. That's it. A martini and a beer and I've got a hangover. I can't do it any more. But I turned and I looked at Teddy and he, haha, he gave me this look and I decided I had to do the show.
So what do we have to talk about today? We could talk about the shchmendrick in the White House. We could talk about my new book. We could talk about the scum and the degenerates in Hollywood pumping out their filth. (((Ratzenberg))) (((Katzenberg))) (((Schmatzenberg))) and (((Spielberg))).
Ugh, my G-d I can't do this. Turn up the music OKAY TURN IT OFF. All the lines are lit up, so please feel free to call in on any of these topics. Please call.
Benjamin James
Levi Morales
so close, white hispanic confirmed
Ethan Stewart
CNN will be declared traitors by tomorrow.
James Peterson
It just works.
Landon Taylor
Adam Cox
I drink milk, have a job, and my whole family voted for Trump.
Kevin Lopez
Newfag redditscum don't even have the original kek statue.
Dominic Hughes
1 less to worry about am i right
Cooper Ward
>lept does that have anything to do with "a leppo"?
Jackson Peterson
The only parts of america heaven than mexican heaven has access too is the restrooms.
Owen Moore
That's a cute awooo
Ryan Rogers
Noah Gutierrez
Script fail. Try 4KB.
Jacob Nelson
There will be exceptions obviously.
Angel Martinez
Liam Lopez
Carter Robinson
why can't they alll leap to their death?
Colton Ward
Sup Forums is a board of diversity
Samuel Long
Hey atleast mexico has internet or is it a phone?
Connor Sullivan
It is allowed but extremely discouraged (see pic related).
Hell, we don't even have enough Protestant churches here to be significant. Some crooked Brazilian CLT tried to set up shop here and (not even kidding) in one small city some dude drove a bulldozer inside their building after they fleeced him of some money.
Didn't even get charged.
We have one mosque and one synagogue in the whole country (if it did t change since I last saw). There are more Catholic Churches in the center of Lisbon (in some streets, three back to back) than moors openly practicing.
Our leftist government tries hard but can't take 800 years of anti moor sentiment out of the population. It's in our DNA.