AFD polls lowest since December 2015, back when their climb started due to the migrant crisis. Now polling at just 8.5%. FUCKING NUKE US ALREADY.

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oh user, you still have gold reserves, a big export and a huge surplus, you still have a long way to go...

user keep faith and don't vote for anybody cause the (((polls))) said so

They're on the fast-track to the Islamic State like Sweden

AfD are behaving like retards at the moment and are destroying themselves
I can't even blame the people who don't want to vote them any longer

make no mistake, vote for them anyway

>(((German polls)))

article is just a stupid waste of letters

Germany deserves it, fucking subhumans

>Brexit is impossible
>Trump is impossible
We live in interesting times..
Who cares what anyone says just get out and vote.

lmao nobody is believing this shit.

its because of people like Höcke

he is a dumb stormweenie, payed shill or just DUMB

Pls help that Erdogan don't visit germany.

Fake news designed to get idiots to vote Schulz

Who cares
Whether they get 8 or 15% is irrelevant
You're choosing between the mother of refugees and Martin "Germany only exists to support Israel" Schultz

Burgerfat pls go
You don't know shit about how things work here

>Whether they get 8 or 15% is irrelevant
true but when you reach 20% or even more you cant be ignored anymore

but still, merkel will thank god because I cant stand schulz, that disgusting kikeface





Same polls that had Hillary winning with odds of 98%



Just hang in there Hans.

> voice of bruxelles
Another horn of anglo-saxons.


yeah, it is actually funny that the people who support Höcke think that he should run the AfD and Petry should leave, the are fucking deluded

Germans need to fix themselves. We'll see what happens.

das gleiche wie bei Hillary und Trump lass dich nicht von fake polls ablenken.


>pro equality and doesn't suck Russian dick


I am a huge fan of german green party
I hope they are going to win

> die linke > globalist of globalists > pro russian
cool story brah

> pro russian > red
> patriotic > red
> big state > green
> antifa-approved > green
> muh neo nazi
also fuck you

Also entscheiden wir uns stattdessen zwischen Merkel und Schulz

Oh look another neocon Austrian

Such good little jews you are

Well it is finished, sorry germans friends you where great in another timeline.

The problem is that with this fucking EU you dominate you will get everyone down with you. So fuck you.

If you are on the left you cannot be pro Russia.

The idea of a national state outside the reach of the powers of globalists and international finance is reprehensible to them.

if you are a Neocon the whole idea of being pro Russia is retarded. They are ex-Trotskyites, why the fuck would they ever like Russia?


They said the exact same about support for Trump.

The same (((polls))) which said Brexit would fail and Trump had a 98.6% chance of losing. The same (((polls))) which said the South would flip blue and Texas would go Democrat.

the economy is still doing well in Germany

that's the real reason no populist reaction is possible

Germany is destroying the economies of the rest of the Eurozone to prop themselves up temporarily, and they are fine with it.

No, the problem is that Germans are naive enough to think an arbitrary set of numbers out put by (((news agencies))) already confirmed for hard-left bias is somehow indicative of resistance being futile, which is exactly the point of such propaganda in the first place.

They get people to not vote by telling them they have no chance, and for some reason OP is retarded enough to believe them.

Germans thoughtlessly believe whatever their media tells them

Germans have war guilt over things like the Iraq war and Syrian War for fucks sake wars they didn't even participate in (and in fact protested against). That's how deluded they are.

The pic sums up many things rather nicely, but "pro american" should just be "globalist".

Ready to be redpilled now that your pathetic little AFD is proving to be as irrelevant as it always was?

The Gottkanzler keeps winning and winning, we're almost getting tired of it! (almost)

polls are simply numbers a kike pulled out of his ass.

That's not really going to last for long. Once the first country of the periphery pops, and the bod debt dominoes start to fall, Germany is as fucked as everyone else.

Their economy is fueled by the periphery's debt. And it's not an infinite resource. Japan can get away with it as their economy shrinks with their population, Europe cannot.

The pop's going to be absolutely epic.

Who'se Höcke, and what is wrong with him, exactly?

It's ironic that a Spaniard supports the EU when the whole reason the economy in Spain is improving is the moderate right Spanish government's outright refusal to adopt destructive austerity policies the EU wants to force on them.

>The European Commission, which is the governing body of the European Union, appears to be ready to take punitive action against both Portugal and Spain for not meeting imposed limits on budgetary red ink. Both countries could face substantial fines.

Once Schulz is Chancellor Spain and Portugal will be punished and become pariah states all because they refuse to ruin their economy just to appease jewish bankers.

Good luck when Schulz gets his EU army


>You won't stop us!' Schulz says Britain CAN'T block EU army

>It's ironic that a Spaniard supports the EU
I'm german
I won't even read that shitty wall of text


That's the problem with parasites

eventually hosts they drain the life out of always die

But the bankers will all be fine.

Think of all the land and infrastructure they will buy for dirt cheap, it will be 90s Yeltsin era Russia all over again. The entirety of continental Europe will become a neoliberal oligarch's dream and feudalism will be reestablished in all but name.


If afdchan drinks too much she will get a bloated tummy

Ah a leech and saboteur in Spain

makes sense

when is your conversion to Islam taking place?

polls are fake meme for plebs, don't worry Hans Jürgen, AFD will wreak havoc

You do know most of these far-right parties be it AfD, FN, etc. are corrupt as hell, right?

Its because of all the Bullshit that is going on in the AFD. All the infighting. They do not look like they have a plan. They need to show more professionalism.

>are corrupt as hell
there's little corruption in Germany

>Germans trust their mainstream media

pretty sad

Don't worry about it Germany.

If Le Pen wins, your politics is going to explode regardless of what happens.

When the EU comes down you're going to be FORCED into having to have nationalist politics again once more because there will be no EU for you to proxy all your energies into.

>right wingers actually thought they could rise to power in germany ever again
ahahaha, get fucked

WE don't care about the.fucking.economy.

If we are flooded with shitty migrant we are doomed and then dead !


Germany I fucking hate you, we need to occupy your shitty country again.

And your Schulzstein is the most corrupt, and here it is facts.

Germans we don't want to kill you again, stop that.

>german government puts your life at risk by bringing millions of foreigners
>:DDDDDD fug off right wing

The media is telling you brexit will never happen
the media is telling you Trump will never happen
Now the media is telling you AfDwill never happen

Get out there and vote this may be the last time you get a chance to save your country

One topic shit party BTFO

Nu-Germany deserves what they get at this point.

You are brainwashed.

Why not?
Let him speak, let thousands of Turks applaud him and riot in the streets.
Let the people see what happens when you let the brown hordes in.

There's a pretty big difference between polls being off by 2% or whatever about Trump and them being off 42% about AfD.

>You are brainwashed.
Oh do explain how, so I can have a quick laugh over here. :^)

>inb4 deluge of delusional blog articles

>2% or whatever about trump

Good, AFD is a fucking anti-American party that wants to pull out of NATO and suck Russia's cock. They would not be allies for Donald Trump.

Germany needs a real conservative party that aren't full of Kremlin cocksuckers. Maybe Trump could try to cultivate pro-American, anti-immigrant parties somehow.

You know why you hate us. Because actually you love us. And you love us so much that it hurts you when you see our selfdestructive behaviour.

And your anger and desperation turns into hate.

Thank you for caring, I love you too bro I love you too.

afd shills are on suicide watch

the right will NEVER rise to power again in germany

polls were off by like 8-10 points in swing states for Trump

I will enjoy the show really fucking much.

Your falling for the same "two party" bullshit that america was locked into for 60 years, where each candidate is basically the same and honestly won't change a thing.

Merkel is your George Bush, Schulz is your Hillary Clinton.

Exactly, is a total faggot.

You have to go back. Mallorca isn't Deutshitland.

>If you are on the left you cannot be pro Russia.
Putin ist ein lupenreiner Demokrat.

t. Gerhard Schröder

This was an estimate about his odds of winning, not his level of support.


If the right in Germany doesn't rise, then Germany itself will fall.

Here we go
>Your falling for the same "two party" bullshit
So, you don't know how our elections work, or what our political landscape looks like, or both? Unlike in your silly country, smaller parties can make a difference.

Remember this?

well with the shit is going on in the AFD is no wonder, they shat on Höcke about nothing and as a good goim petry is banding backwards to please the media and the kikes.

Germans have to vote Frauke Petry regardless. Do not fall for the propaganda.

SPD was a dying party a half year ago, with its lowest numbers in decades. Then they somehow magically jumped to 31% in one month the moment a pro-migrant communist kike went into the running, AKA exactly the template personality every EU Jew shill wants in charge of the continent. The polls are fabrications, SPD has no support, and people aren't going to vote for a turboheeb promising more brown rapists who will run over children in Christmas Markets.

Selber Schuld. Petry, von Storch und Weidel hätten Höcke nicht in den Rücken fallen sollen. Never trust a cunt in politics!

Except for AfD, right, shill?

I was neutral but now i totally hate you germany, continue destroying our ancestral Europe, you will see.

>Vote to leave the EU 8 months ago
>Support for UKIP continues to grow
>Now safely the 3rd biggest party, closing ground on the 2nd biggest party every day
>Could win their first seat in a few days

Come on Germany. Please.

>NPD had the best election in my state

wew this would never happenn today gladly

>I have no idea what I'm talking about, so I better call the SPD frontrunner a communist joo. I also don't know about the increase in SPD membership. Also, I think since my country's polling was so shit, it has to be the same in Germany
>the post

Really tiresome with you uninformed plebs

>I was neutral

What makes a man turn neutral?

Basically the Trump of Germany except that makes you even more of a "Nazi" than Trump

Media fabricated a hoax story about his speech when he mentioned a taboo topic in his speech you can only mention in Germany if your cry on your knees and whipping yourself in shame and reported false quotes they even had to redact (they mentioned it somewhere somewhere o twitter where no one would notice or some shit, which is technically illegal but not like leftist cucks care about the law) yet they continue to refer to it like as if some real skandal happend. The good goys in the party then went all chickenshit.

If you are a German who doesn't vote for AfD because of muh "polls say we can't win", you are a faget.

Yeah, because no one wants to have a coalition with them. If they weren't just so utterly deranged and shit they could be ruling with the CDU/CSU.

>you are a faget.

Guiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilty :^)




I would if I had the codes. My country has nuke submarines and nuke bombs on aircraft. Strongest military in Europe.
I'd love for them to target Germany.
You fuckers are trying to destroy Europe. It's in your blood. It's some fucking weird thing that you have.
I don't wish you any pain. Just a swift ball of radioactive hellfire.

Höcke is /ourguy/


Never heard of it.