If whites are so great, why did they lose the Crusades?

If whites are so great, why did they lose the Crusades?

Because they had people like you.

Fighting slavs and each other

Canada wasn't even born back then. Pretty sure it was you people.

If Islam is so great then how did the turks not manage to take Europe in the late medieval period?

crusades were one of the most pathetic white events in history

during the crusades many white women were knocked up by muslim men. And it wasn't a rape because they wanted that muslim cock so badly, because they saw how pathetic christucks were.

Because muslims are literally roaches

I bet they are both married or have boyfriends

If you are white than you have european ancestry.Dumbfuck

Aren't they invading you guys right now though?

Nope, my grandparents were Canadian as well.

They lost because they stoped caring, but hey hundred's of years later the british and french would rule the holy lands again

So you are not white?

Are you a fucking retard?

Of course my grandparents were white. Just because they're Canadian, doesn't mean they're not white.

Actually, Israel rules the holy land now.

I can't tell if this is bait or not. The words you are typing are so fucking retarded.

We won every crusade except the few weird ones that never reached the Holy Land and weren't really "crusades" anyway.

In all others, the objectives were reached flawlessly. Muslims got their asses kicked and writers described the Europeans as akin to wild animals with superhuman strength and no sense of fear. Of course, they tried tio sugarcoat this by saying stuff like "H-hehe, but Allah gave us intelligence and wisdom, which is much better than winning a-anyway, b-bro."

They were really, really butthurt about the whole thing.

Of course, after a few hundred years, they could take back Jerusalem with a huge army that completely outnumbered the Christians and only won because the Jews changed allegiances AGAIN, yadda-yadda, the usual. They fap to this until today.

We actually won, we are not fucking arabs or muslims

We're 100% Canadian. Just because my ancestors from 500 years ago lived in Europe, doesn't make us European.

Tell me son, Who lived in Canada before the Europeans arrived?Indians
Your grandparents didn't fell from the sky
Your ancestors were europeans

I was talking about 1918-1947

But I'M not European RIGHT NOW, so don't try to pin the blame for the Crusades on me.

My friend this is a true canadian


I'm not trying to blame you for the crusades and if i were what was the problem?The crusades were a good thing , a counter-offensive to thoose stinky mundslimes who tried to conquer europe

the first settlements in north america were made in the 1600, not 1500

We didn't lose the Crusades, we are just taking a break. No formal treaty ever signed. In case you haven't noticed, we have been back a few times to fuck shit up. Not like there was much to fuck up though as it looks the same since the Crusades.

You may not be trying to blame me but this Frenchie was which is where this whole conversation got started.

thats a Siberian

Please tell me this is a joke

There is no true Canadians, idiot, no one naturally lives on the Continent


Kek has spoken. OP BTFO! How will he ever recover?

are you really this stupid ?

I guess we technically won in the end though since Israel now holds the Holy Land, and they're our allies (or at least your allies, but we're allies with you guys so I guess they're our allies too).

What happened to you Canada?

Who hurt you?

Aahaha good joke mate

Did the UK gave your countrie independence so you can post shit like this?

You didn't give us shit, we fought and overcame you guys back in 1812.


this guy cant be serious

Cuckold Pollock strikes again

>Kek has spoken
Go to bed, Palmer Luckey.

My bad, not 1812. But 1812 basically showed the British that they can't hold onto their colonies forever, since they'd eventually revolt so might as well give them independence.

Canada only gained de jure independence in 1931

Canadian skirmishes were brutal. Their alliance with saladin was one hell of a surprise

It was the French

>spend centuries fighting off the Muslim horde
>your modern politicians invite millions of them in anyway and give them free houses and money

lost the crusades? loll

try again ahmed

Italian Jewry if you want a TLDR

eventually everyone got sick of farting off to the middle east. They had their own problems

Because they didn't start the crusades, it was self defence and a reflex against Muslim invasion and aggression.

Too bad Europe has been invaded so passively this time. We are fucked. Maybe Brexit can help.

> Britain will ever leave EU

So what is the context here?

Germany ran out of trains to transport all the woman and children in.


If many more arab / black Muslim immigrants stream into Europe over the summer they might speed up the exit talks with Brussels. It's like a Muslim zombie apocalypse over there, even more so if millions more come. Brexit might be our last chance.

And then England colonised the middle east and gave Palestine to the Jews. So now you have a place Jews can fuck off to and you piss off the mudslides in one fell swoop.

Because the Jews sewed seeds of discontent among Europeans while helping the Muslims take over our continent, why do you think Jews always extol the values of Moorish Spain or the Ottomans? Jews have always conspired against Christians with Muslims.

>what are politics and how do they work?

Looks like a Native american to me.
