>Drumpftards will defend this


Other urls found in this thread:


You could spend 0.0625% of your budget on dried dog shit, or you could cut it and save money.

Either people care about your art and will fund it/buy it or they don't care about it and you're a leech.

Its not about saving money, its about rooting out communism :)

Modern art is a money laundering scam and art in general has become too comerical and stale I'm all for defunding it

NPR should be cut. If you call yourself public radio but you can't operate without federal funding then you're not public.

If it's such small potatoes then go fund it yourself libtards.

Good leaf post

Cut out all state sponsored (((leftist))) indoctrination.

State-funded art is paradoxical in the fucking first place. Put a basketball into a fish tank on your own damn dime.

But what does it MEAN?!

I enjoyed the man fucking another man while riding a huge cock in the background.

Trump should start a new NPR with a conservative bias. Watch how fast the liberals scream facism

He is saving art, not money!


>just looked
>please aliens use nukes or some other doomdays weapon

Take away NPR and I take to the streets


totally worth it


Now end NPR pls

Cut everything to the colleges. Half that money goes to diversity officers and fucking studying lady gaga.

4 year model needs to break and be replaced by 2 year and certs that get people fucking jobs for minimal money. Lean and efficient education when?

It's not about saving money.

It's about sending a message.

There are a few documentaries that have interviews with people in the art world that just admit its an outright scam. They create shit like that and charge Millions, to move money around.


Here is a interview with the flim maker how exposed that most modern art is a scam




I don't care if the (((art))) produced 90%of our GDP. getting rid of it will be its own reward.

>The White House budget office has drafted a “hit list” of programs, according to The New York Times, all of which cost under $500 million a year to run. In fact, they total approximately $2.5 billion - just 0.0625% of the projected $4 trillion budget.
There, 2.5 billion more for the wall and paying ICE.

Donald Drumpf cancels annual gay scat orgy cash bonfire to "save money" - this traditional party only costs .003% of the national budget. C'mon, let us burn taxpayer money while we throw feces at each other! Or else you're a fucking white male!

>not autisitcly cutting whatever you can until your government operates at peak efficiency

Why should the government fund a biased network like NPR? If they were more like CSpan or something I'd be ok with it.

Every bit counts. Big savings to be found eliminating these masses of pork-barrel programs.

If the state was to sponsor art, I'd expect for massive constructions that would make the Romans weep to occur, not this shit.

>getting my cancerous tumour removed only made me lose 3 ounces of body weight

It's more about NPR/PBS having become liberal cesspools.

>art was worth more than 0% of our budget

>tfw they fund more Mt. Rushmore type things
Fuck it, if they want to pay to finish that Indian riding a horse statue I'm down for that. I don't even give a fuck about Indians, but that thing looks fucking cool.

Still many millions of dollars that is needed elsewhere. Californifags couldve repaired their dam. For example!!

Modern art is degenerate uninspired garbage.



Okay let's cut social security


Umm, that's why it was funded...by "libtards" in office.

You think teaching music and art are a waste? If you do, do you realize that an enormous amount of research has shown the benefit to brain development, creativity, and increased achievement in all other subjects in children that have an arts curriculum?

Why should an education system not prioritize such a thing? Should we just turn out robots who cannot think their way out of a box? Or not think their way out of a bad gov't?

Can you really disagree with improving education? Can you even make an argument about diminishing returns when it comes to education? Compared to other gov't expenditures?

And why does someone in Sweden even care about education in the US?


PBS and NPR already get most of their funding from private contributions and local/state government, iirc. Killing federal funding would hurt but would probably be more than made up for by a surge in anti-Trump donations.

If someone has to teach you how to recognize art, then you will have even less knowledge on the subject after you graduate.

Funded with whose money?

>You think teaching music and art are a waste?
Depends on the music and the art.

>And why does someone in Sweden even care about education in the US?
Because the cultural war affects all of us

You bet your bitch ass I'm going to defend this. Left leaning intellectual community had enough fun fucking with it. Hand it to the right people, perhaps we will see no more degenerate modern art jewish pedos keep churning out.

>Who's the genius that taught Rebecca Goyette?
Japan would have kicked her ass out of prestige school within a week.

MMMMM so weird of him to defund that. Its almost like he does not want a capitalist democratic country funding arts degree's which churn out anarcho communists who hate the USA.


Except that isn't state funded art nor is it representative of the whole of arts, not in the least and you know it Mr. Strawman.

The benefits of arts in education are well proven. Why would argue against children having more exposure to creative endeavors? You want them to just know how to crunch numbers with common-core...because we need human calculators? Creativity is part and parcel of analytical thinking. You want children who will never realize their full analytical potential because they weren't exposed to the structure of music or the use of negative space in an illustration or how our ancestors communicated across generations with drawings?

How narrow sighted are you? Do you think all children have the means and parents with the wherewithal to fill in the blanks of the limited education you want to endorse? How ugly and imprisoning is your new world where people cannot create novel solutions to life's hard problems?

>kikes demanding a discussion about real issues


That's actually significant when you're dealing with trillions of dollars. I thought it was only Republicans who were bad at math.

Shit adds up.

>it's only wasting a relatively small amount of taxpayers' money, so let's keep wasting it


Today, academic art is shit.

0.0625% of our budget is still $2.5 billion

0.0625% may seem insignificant at first.
However, do several small cuts like this one in different areas and the cummulative is significant.

Yeah, taking pictures of butterflies are going to make children Einsteins.

Don't take my fucking money. Don't hijack my kid's minds. Go fuck yourself.

Exactly, used to cheat the system and a breeding ground for degenerates.

> Depends on the music and the art.

What school did you go to? Do you think basketballs in fishtanks is taken seriously by the majority of educators? You think the art world takes such a thing so seriously as to highlight it in a textbook even?

> Because the cultural war affects all of us

What cultural war? People whose parents and education didn't give them the education needed to be an analytical forward thinker versus those who did?


also that's a fucking ton. probably an f35 or two

"Art projects" are just a scam for richfags to launder money.

Anyone have that video of that college art female trying to open up a can of spaghettios for like 3 minutes. Then after she opens it she cuts a whole on her pants where her vagina is, followed by her stuffing her vagina with said spaghettios? All in the name or art.

wtf i love wasteful spending now.

I don't want to pay for your liberal hugbox.

State funded leftist art is wrong.


I somehow doubt you have kids. And if you do I doubt you spend much time with them with an attitude like that. If you had an inkling of experience with children and an inquisitive mind yourself then you would know and appreciate the wonder and excitement a child has for learning and being creative.

You're dead with that attitude. My creative children will think up a better gun and a better bomb and a better gov't to beat whatever simplistic joke your lazy dumb rhetoric creates in your children.

>Creativity is part and parcel of analytical thinking. You want children who will never realize their full analytical potential because they weren't exposed to the structure of music or the use of negative space in an illustration or how our ancestors communicated across generations with drawings?
What on earth are you saying? Children can learn about the use of negative space in illustration, composition in the internet. Education department do realise that and fill the huge void with unnecessary theoretical studies like post-modernism and death of the author, aboriginal arts devoted to the whole semester instead of covering them within a week. Keep the arts in education in bare necessity to prepare the equipments and not much else.

>How narrow sighted are you?
Sometimes having some narrow sight is better than being too open-minded.

Arts and crafts are vital for any nation to really prosper

Think this is what you're referring.

I actually understand that

It's ironic s4s type art

What does art have to do with shooting people who might harm citizens?

That performance was titled "Interior Semiotics" and fuck me for knowing that.

and you thought the three seashells were a puzzle to use, welcome to 2017

Good for you. Stay out of my wallet, and my family life.


Yeah she's a qt but fucking insane lefty.
When everything can be ironic nothing is ironic. Ironic right?

The "arts budget" is literally paying for salaries, and the people receiving salaries spend their working day on multicultural propaganda.

Now they have to actually work to put food on the table and become too tired to spend all day shitposting like the rest of us.

what would liberals actually be ok with cutting money to? other than the military and prisons

Honestly that's pretty neat considering it took him 24 years.

Photography is always a nice form of art, so long as it captures something you won't ever see again.

That being said, a picture of anuses isn't art. Neither is photographing nature.

I'm going to stop before I start foaming at the mouth over my local art community taking photos of trees, while living in a town surrounded by trees.


Is still a fucking lot.

> What on earth are you saying? Children can learn about the use of negative space in illustration, composition in the internet.

The internet is not equally accessible to all, nor is it held to any kind of standard for accuracy. It's whatever anyone wants to put on it.

> Keep the arts in education in bare necessity to prepare the equipments and not much else.

What exactly do you think kids should be preparing for that studying music and abstract thinking will not assist them in?

> Sometimes having some narrow sight is better than being too open-minded.


Butt will make liberals cry rivers of tears.

No more crosses in jars with urine?
No more plexiglass crosses filled witb urine?
No more retarded liberal art.


As we Germans like to say: "Kleinvieh macht auch Mist".

> Good for you. Stay out of my wallet, and my family life.

If you had a family then you might have an inkling of what value such a thing has and why you should invest in it along with investing in the families of your neighbors.

Money and its value is created by your gov't. You should be more worried about what a dollar CAN buy rather than what you don't want to buy.

I think you're conflating arts education with financing the arts. I.E. paying adults to produce works of art.

>I'm going to stop before I start foaming at the mouth over my local art community taking photos of trees, while living in a town surrounded by trees.

That's not what funding for the arts in schools is doing...

I know.

I'm just talking about the image, it's unrelated to the topic at hand.

Carry on.

What the hell is in the background? A Rorschach test?

>man riding a penis

As someone who generally supports Trump on most issues, I have to say, you guys look like cretins on this issue.

I find it truly ironic that this board is full of National Socialists with no appreciation for high culture. Hitler would be ashamed of you guys.

>durrr we use percentages on a trillion dollar budget to make it seem small
>not willing to say that they take $445.5 million from the government every year

>let's cut big programs like welfare and social security
>let's cut small crap we don't need like NRP/PBS

Faggotry comes to mind.

> Arts
> Government Funded

>the tax payer should pay welfare for self-absorbed frauds

No. If their art is worth something to the public, they can sell it on the market. Otherwise, they can go express themselves at a Walmart cash register.

>Modern art is a money laundering scam
came here to post this

Every little bit counts, it all adds up. If it's pointless then don't spend money on it, regardless of how little or how much.

The govt. shouldn't be funding arts, anyway.

>NPR and all the like

Good fucking riddance.

I thought you were trolling until I checked, jesus fucking christ.

>defeating cultural Marxism costs so little

That's my response

If these programs are there to encourage my son to cut off his penis, and become a special flake who is scared of being offended, then yes, defund that shit.

That shit is harmful.

If it's taxpayer funded it should be non-partisan, but its infested with libshit faggots.

that's a significant amount of money for something that has no fucking place in government.
I hope he defunds NPR and starts from scratch there too.

>Money and its value is created by your gov't.
No it's not you idiot.
>You should be more worried about what a dollar CAN buy rather than what you don't want to buy.
I spend the money I earn on what I want and what's in my best interest. I don't always know what's in my best interest and I'm often wrong. But I know my own interests a lot more then some dopehead lefty central planner who has never met me.

Raise your own dam kids, I'll raise mine.

Every penny counts. The govt shouldn't be funding this liberal garbage.