The road so far > Context: Several anons have said a high-res image of an alien life form was uploaded to Sup Forums earlier today, shortly followed by Sup Forums "malfunctioning" and deleting the image.
> Thread was labelled "24489 Taken Aprox 24 miles north west of Luke Airforce Base Phoenix Az. Lab H4C"
>While recovering from a site issue, we lost some older images. Please post some new ones to make up for it!
Upload dem Ayo's boys
Nathan Parker
I found it
Wyatt Gonzalez
I found it guys!!
Isaac Howard
Juan Miller
It's okay goyim google says it's a a byford dolphin diving bell
Elijah Green
I saved this earlier. Was this it?
Nathan Cooper
Alright lads, we had a thread earlier today but it was shut down. I couldn't save it but I took a screenshot. Isn't the best quality but whatever.
Not sure if this is what we're looking for.
Xavier Allen
Jordan Lopez
UFOs as a reoccurring unknown variable is true without a doubt
Who is behind the ones that have yet to be explained is the question. Scientists and governments around the world have failed to eliminate the extraterrestrial hypothesis from its list of possible conclusions.
Ryan Flores
Eli Lopez
According to an eye witness it looked similar to this professional sketch made by me
>"I saw the original. It was an alien with a dark yellowish scales and deep set eyes with kind of like dark purple bags around the eyes with black actual eyes. The alien was seen from a kind of diagonal side profile and its head was kind of like an hour glass shape. It had small pursed lips and was looking at the camera and appeared alive. It was a high res picture but I was just browsing the catalog while doing homework. I figured it was a shill thread so didn't think to open it."