Look at the crap that my sons teacher is making him watch in a class required to graduate high school

Look at the crap that my sons teacher is making him watch in a class required to graduate high school

Kill the teacher

> my wifes son's teacher

>High School
What in the fuck OP

Just have him use his five ideas assignment to shit all over the film, problem solved.

I am homeschooling my son because of this kind of shit. I have a year until we start though.

Send him to a prep school. Donors there are more likely to be white republicans and will have more say over what your child learns.

So have him do 5 ideas that he doesn't agree with?


your son should know his place

The irony in the education system conflating white people and jews.

what class is this and where the fuck did this teacher get their degree?

Media literacy I believe

>Tough Guise
Just looked up what that was. OP, what sort of classes is your son taking?

This, but do it in an intelligent way. Not just hurt feefees, arguments.

It's a class called media literacy and it's required to pass high school in Minnesota

this kind of anti-white ZOG propaganda is going to backfire massively

its exactly this kind of shit that woke me up

>Gen Z is going to be the ones who finally sanp


That place confuses me. To my understanding it has absolutely nothing in it and is rugged and nature-based as hell but is always solid left. What's the deal?


oh great oldfag normies discovered our secret hideout.


>just going about asking white people in different environments their experience with race, not saying anything bad about white people at all

hmm really made me find an excuse to get offended

this teacher has poor grammar. is she an illegal?

>not homeschooling in le current year

good job handing your kids minds over to (((them))) goyim.

Swedish people.

Who the fuck are these actors and why is mtv suddenly putting out these documentaries?


Tell your congressmen we need more charter schools

Fug, I'm having a daughter in a few months, what do I need to do to make sure she isn't a degenerate pol? I have a son already and he's pretty redpilled, not sure what to do with a girl though.

abortion before the feminist cancer gets to her

teach her to stay away from kangaroos and their degenerate ways. Seriously what problems does your giant desert continent in the corner of earth have?

Don't completely scare her off black people or she will be after the forbidden fruit
just expose her to the reality