the left in germany is copying literally every trump election meme we created, translates them to german and uses them for Martin Schulz, the social democratic candidate fucking hell, in germany even the internet community is cucked they even created a subreddit r/the_schulz
just JUST this is what i hate my country for, every country has a nice based internet community of right wing tending young men, especially after gamergate but do you know what germany did in gamergate ? defend the FEMINISTS THIS IS HOW KEKED WE ARE NOT EVEN SVEDEN IS THIS KEKED
we know i say we make more meme's also german speakers should make a german pol thread like we brits do
Thomas Lopez
>Germany elects Schultz >Germany gets destroyed and balkanized >Austria takes Bavaria >reestablishes Austria-Hungary >Central Europe will be great again
Caleb Watson
steal their memes and turn them against Schulz. Doesn't even have to be high quality; just enough to trigger Schulzfags
I am very sorry for Germany, I hope you get nuked soon, for your sake.
Bentley Foster
Any modern German would break down in tears after hearing the first goosestep. Good video though
John Sanders
Xavier Cruz
Brandon Baker
Aiden Lee
ITT: self-hating german paid shills
Ethan Green
You'd be more likely to be a subservient power in an Austria-Bavaria-Hungary than just an Austria-Hungary.
Ayden Nguyen
Caleb Roberts
not going to give you a timestamp with my cumsheet just so you paranoid faggot believe me when i tell you im not.
Xavier Ross
>this is what i hate my country for
Yeah, the german internet field is like a very cheap chinese ripoff of the americans.
Hell, almost everything here is a ripoff.
>german speakers should make a german pol
Have played with the thought but, that's not gonna work because of the german natural high density autism and because it is probably illegal to say your opinion on the internet in this country.
Landon Stewart
this shit was paid by fucking tax money, WTF, please end germany this fucking cuck shed country has no future
Jason Moore
>shill for Schulz to destroy my future
Adrian Nguyen
Always same people doing same tricks.
Easton Sanchez
god liberals are so bad at this shit.
Hudson Murphy
>3 retweets Aw shit. We've lost. And that Reddit page was literally only posted on by new accounts with a similar style when I last visited it. It's a fucking astroturf campaign.
Liam Clark
kek we should have exterminated knowing how cucked you'll become