From the last post
The color yellow was part of our plan to make a color similar to green but not quite red. You must be one of the more younger users of this site, or you would likely remember how we replaced black and white sight [i.e pre 1960] with color using bogdabots. It was not too long ago that color did not exist, but thankfully we have made it so.

Haystacks Bogdanoff was a double agent for the "Russian Communist party". He was working to infiltrate Golden Age Communist circles and reported directly to us

Actually we did not intend to use Sup Forums in the beginning - but we have plans for it now

People of Sup Forums should know we have been following Le Pen and intend to make 'The Call'

Im new. What is this guy's name? Why does he look like that? Why are images of him always being posted here?


Who's this?

dafuq!!! mind control not active with this one




'she' is not 'mummeh'. In 'her' earlier form she was known as Haystacks Bogdanoff

Former Drumpf supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn, but in all seriousness, we can't this guy get a hold of the nuclear codes!

why would you do that to your face? are you retarded?

Where did you get that lovely wallpaper?

can i get a quick rundown?


Can you please gibs me dat rundown?

How many Rothschilds have you creampied?

Can I cum 3 marz with u?

Igor tu étais cool dans tempsx, regardes toi maintenant, tu m'fais pitié.

This guy wants to be bogged

>Dr. Haystack