If black people have the IQ of monkeys like Sup Forums claims how do you explain the many black scientists and...

If black people have the IQ of monkeys like Sup Forums claims how do you explain the many black scientists and intellectuals in the world?

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Affirmative action.

Okay dude.

>le sciencist who deals with a extremely complicated field of study with tons of variables simplifies geopoltics and almost 10000 years of human history like it's nothing

Does someone have the pic where he says borders are random imaginary lines?

White DNA.

Does he look african to you?

There are very few prominent black scientists in the world, comparatively speaking...even with affirmative action in full effect.

Tyson is just a run-of-the-mill scientist, there are many other scientists of other races that are far more accomplished than him, but they don't get to be the face of American science.

Distribution. Of course there is high IQ blacks. Just not as many. For the future sake, it would be important that black girls would be attracted to high IQ blacks.

>black intellectuals

Koko the gorilla beats that nigger in Amy fieles of science except dindunothinology

Fuck that career actor satanic masonic faggot nigger shill and his nilistic anti-god false view of the universe

This is seriously Jayden Smith level pseudo-intellectualism.

>how can wars be real of our beliefs aren't real

There are always exceptions.

At least make a bit of effort desu

>not knowing about regression to the mean

Whites are 12% of the world population

I can't wait to make you choke on your blood.

Post some Thomas Sowell .



Most African American blacks are mixed race.

I remember one of my murrican friends being excited to meet neil, sadly he ended up disappointed. He said neil deGrease had such inflated an inflated ego and treated my friend and his classmates like retards with down's syndrome.


10 years ago NEIL TYSON was JEWING himself out to the PUBLIC for SHEKELS

being a scientist doesnt require intelligence, it requires gullibility and good memory. its been this way since (((academia))) was subverted by the (((communists))) in the early 60's

>I don't know what outliers are
>1 post by this ID


They should change it though it's confusing, usually being positive means a good thing like passing the test.

So youre saying that helping more black people study makes them smarter?

So affirmative action works.



Why should I have to go back? I like this country.

How are there people on the internet who still haven't don't understand the concept of "normal distribution"?

So many fucking retards spouting the same fallacies, exhibiting the same lack of knowledge or understanding, day after day... ad nauseam.

Nobody reads. Everyone thinks they know all there is to know. Nobody listens. Everybody just babbles and bloviates bullshit.


correction: minus "haven't". changed phrasing mid-sentence. goddamnit.

.t Anal

IQ is a range and there can be outliers, theyre typically lower iq and hover around the 80-90 range

>talks shit about science through a medium created by science.

This. Nigs with white dna become geniuses in comparison.

Very smart comment by Neil. We should all believe the same things.

>thinks im talking shit about "science"

lol please go back faggot the scientific community has been a marxist farce for decades outside of the military contracting scene (which invented the internet)

What a genius. Wow, mind blown

I can just imagine the smug look on his face just before pressing send and thinking how fucking smart he is after posting that. Fuck le black science nigger

>Really explains my Bantu expansion.

Because lower average intelligence doesn't mean individuals that are a part of that group can't be outliers.

The red pill is bitter. Most people would rather be wrong but feel good than be right but feel bad. If understand something has the chance to cause them discomfort then they'll choose to be ignorant.

Come on maple nigger , that's weak b8


This is one of you guys right?



>"almost all armed conflict in the history of the world came about because one side had something the other side wanted"

ftfy NDT, keep on with the black science, mr black science man

most armed conflicts were acts of conquest.

I think its sarcasm not bait.

wow he's a fucking asshole

and those fucking ties he wears god help me

affirmative action. Retards like tyson who flunk out of their graduate program to go to bumfuck university get lauded as visionaries despite producing nothing of merit.



>If black people have the IQ of monkeys like Sup Forums claims how do you explain the many black scientists and intellectuals in the world?
Why do you type like a nigger OP?

i wish i could be an esteemed token nigger on the science channel like tyson and morgan freeman

>be raiders
>need food
>see settlement
>they have food
>raid settlement
>get BTFO by guards

>different beliefs

More than one person can read your bait-post thus increasing the potential they don't reply knowing its bait. By baitposting you sacrifice yourself in order to save others, as well as take away satisfaction from OP.

The funny thing is - Neil Tyson is wrong. Geopolitics rarely if ever has shit to do with 'what people believe'.

A bit funnier is some dumb ass coming along and agreeing with him, thinking he is clever.

Funniest is Sup Forums posting a SS of it.

It is almost nothing. Human history occupies merely the last 2 minutes of the entire history of the universe.

the whole 'Ethnic Diversity In The Workplace' thing.

otherwise blacks would be running bigger gangs, slinging higher volumes of drugs and having greater dindu nuffins.

>you gotta work for you food n'shit
>you can walk around and kill and steal other peoples shit

Different beliefs





Neil Degras Nigger is actually half Puerto rican

so hes half european

so hes half white

if you can call him black i say hes white

hes a white man

Read the bell curve dude

So all I have to do to be a scientist is point out the obvious?

>Several hundred thousand years of evolution has produced this statement.

>guy has a degree in a science field
>morons think his opinion on fields he has no expertise is scripture

If you shrunk the milky way down to the size of a basketball it would still be bigger than the earth

>We believe we should exist and we'll fight for our lives.

Is the different things. Fucking stupid nigger.

The worst part about NDT's tweets is how enlightening he seems to think they must be fore people.