Anons why aren't you growing your own food?

Corporations are growing produce full of steriods, antibiotics and many more fucked up chemicals.
>But why user would they do this ?

Well its due to them wanting to control population and to weaken us all.

All you need to do to avoid this is to grow your vegetables and fruits at home. Its work but its for your health, the corporations and governments want to control your land in order to starve you of the vital nutrients that you and your family need to live long and prosper.

If you have any information , tips or facts of the government or corporations doing this shit post, any farmers and/or gardeners give us tips on how to grow our own food.

Save this information and start doing this, don't have land ?

Buy organic food only, dilute the stuff with filtered water and apple cider vinegar. Bang the chemicals are gone.

Other urls found in this thread:

i'm growing sprouts right now

Where are you growing them user ?

How the fuck do you know I don't?

A Netherlands user posted this , the government is so corrupt that they don't allow people access to organic or alternative methods of farming and seeking medical help.

Growing food in my yard is illegal in my state.
So is washing my car in my driveway.

Its up to you user , is that your home grown produce ?

What state user ?

Do you know what law prohibits that ?

i grow my own dick cheese does at count

I have to go to bed now because work tomorrow BUT this is a great idea and should be a new general.

Just poor some vinegar on it , might kill off the chemicals you rub onto it

I will keep it up for a while

Maybe every second day mate

Good call

Will check in

i dont rub anything on it i like to let it mature

You are truly redpilled if you're securing your personal food supply. (((They))) hate it when you're self-reliant.

"But I don't know how to garden. I'm new. Help"

Look up Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew.

Look up hugelkulture and permaculture practices

Study what makes healthy soil - compost, humus, mushrooms, bacteria, and so on

Research companion planting and what plants attract predator bugs to the garden. Make the bugs work for you!


Even if it's just a couple of pots with simple herbs, we all have to start somewhere.

>pic is a sample of what's in my yard.

What climate do you experience with your garden btw ?

I find in Aus it gets so severe in Feb due to the heat so we have hardy vegetables that do well.

My winter aquaponics set up. I have my starters already sprouting for outdoor raised beds.

>inb4 this thread is deleted

Got pics ? I would love to know your set up.

Put me in the screen cap

Isn't that expensive? How do you provide nutrition to the plants?

sent ;)

"Zone 5" which means I have decent conditions from April till whenever winter decides to strike. Usually Dec-Feb is way too cold unless you have a greenhouse setup.

Living in AUS you have a good advantage. The reemergence of permaculture practices was sparked in AUS and there's a plethora of top teachers and researchers located there.

Essentially your answer is using landscaping to create low lying shady spots for your crops and creating other conditions which makes your soil retain more moisture for them too.

There's also the indoor aquaponic/hydroponic approach.

If you want to get dirty and volunteer/learn, look up the WWOOF organization. I've done some before. I can vouch for it.

Why the fuck not. I haven't done that since I was 10 and it's more productive than fapping. I'm not sure if I can sustain myself and if it's cost-effective though

Have you anons heard of Food matters ? Its a website that is Australian based and specilize in organic food recipes and remedies.

They have helped people who were beyond saving that had fucked up problems . Like gut problems, cancer, consistant pill medications.

Seriously look into it .

It's illegal because of zoning laws.

How do I get started m8, birds raped my crops last year, any good indoor set ups?

Compost and save seeds. Within a year or 2 you will be gardening for free. You'll be giving away food you'll have so much.

So how long is winter in the land of spiders? In Canada, it's October to MAY!

Also, thanks to uncontrolled immigration into Toronto, housing is beyond the reach of most, both because houses are few and expensive, and because immigrants drive up rent which eats into savings.

I do have a balcony where I grow mini-tomatoes in the summer along with salad greens, but it's not much. Right now I have basil and green onions before the window.

Yeah thats something of interest with regards to keeping the moisture, besides the humidity we have I have found that having decent water supplies for gardens can be hard. Also having water that hasn't been nuked with antibiotics and flouride. Sydney water is beyond fucked. I have two filters at my place to filter my drinking water and deadset the filters get chalked in yellow chemicals. its disgusting.

Don't have the time. I gotta go to college, and then work so I can have money to go out on weekends and pay for all my subscriptions/bills and shit.

i am starting to grow my own food. ive been raising chickens for a year


Sometimes coffee shop gives away coffee grounds and they make good fertilizers and add to the volume, too things to be aware of though:

1. Avoid shops that does 'cold brew' coffee, cold brew coffee is less acidic than regular coffee, so the acid probably stayed in the grounds.

2. Beware of fungus and fungus gnats if where you are gardening doesn't have good air circulation - I've only had this problem indoors though, not on my balcony, so it might be fine. Just beware that coffee grounds tend to keep the soil from drying out completely, so it's great for starting seeds, but then you have to replant carefully because as the sapling get bigger, the coffee grounds doesn't do much to hold the plant in place.


I have heard of a concept I believe its on a entrepreneurship website forgot which one.

Its a garden that has a robot controlled through your phone that can actually measure and manage a garden within your yard. It works while your at work and if your away . It weeds and it checks for nasties.

I will do this

Seriously going to consider this stuff

I havn't got enough ideas to pass over advice user , but check out this thread hopefully more stuff pops up. I aim to spread the word of self-reliance and farming , to beat the government and corporations from fucking us over and making us weaker

100% agree with you user
I rarely eat processed food (mostly wholefoods) and need to make the next step into growing my own. Will probably start off with parsley and simple stuff cause that shit is amazing for cleansing the body.
Thanks for helping to spread the truth user

Because I prefer MEAT and I dont have enough land to raise my own cattle and slaughter them.

Just an educated guess but I bet its Cali, they have a massive drought prol problem there

Its from May to August ,

Gets pretty nasty in July though mate.

Try to have nest around your pots to keep fucked up bugs from chewing on your produce, look into stacking pots and growing your leafy greens. saves money plus you know what your eating then.

>I eat nothing but basil and greens and I am totally healthy and shit

Green house technology ?

Hydroponics ?

Fermented food helps alot too

To add to this thread, if you don't have land to farm or if you live in an apartment, look into container gardening. It's very easy and always keep a few plants in containers on my back patio. Something is better than nothing.

As for costs, once you get the initial supplies to garden everything thereafter is free with the exception of certain soil amendments depending on your gardening technique and location.

Chickens are neat, although they take a lot of space they're pretty easy to feed and they're funny.
Thx I'll look into that

Your welcome user , I will do this post every 2nd day now. I really think we need our anons to do this shit

Because it's fucking winter.

I see common basil and parsley, is the grassy thing lemon grass? What salad green is that?

Wow, where is this? How do you manage to crowd them together without problems?

Visit your local farmers , see if you can get deals on buying a cow , pay for the butchering and keep the stuff in the freezer. Thats a years supply of meat that you know is better then the chemical grade shit

Row covers for your crops!

You can feed the birds seed far from the garden area.

What exactly did the birds like to eat?

...where to even start
Well basically I live in a chemical valley where several companies has been contaminating our rivers and drinking water for many years, generations actually.
I grew up being told not to eat the snow or drink the rain.

Ive seen it physically rain goo here (multiple times this one summer), the goo was sticky, smelled awful, and the stench stayed in my clothes until the third time I washed them (did it all in a row).

as stated earlier, the drinking water (tap water) is contaminated with chemicals like c8, flouride, and heavy metals of all kinds.
Ive also seen the tap water come out pitch black, and brown. Probably some ruse somewhere dont know where, could even be off my property and out of my control to repair.

This is the water that would be used to grow any plants I grow, I couldn't bring myself to eat them afterward.

Also the ground is contaminated from years of working on cars and parking in the grass, I dont really have anywhere for a garden.
I want to grow my own food though, maybe someday.

Sounds like it user

I also fucking H A T E corn.
I fucking hate it.
Stick a corncob up your ass, ive got not use for it.

There isnt much in OP picture that I would care to eat a bunch of on a regular basis. The tomatoes probably as far as grinding them up for sauce.

But None of that other shit is going to ever make up the bulk of my diet.

I cant grow wheat, I cant grow cows or bison or buffalos or chickens even.

I could grow Potatoes but seriously there isnt much gmo/pesticide issues with them.

And I cant grow Orange Trees or Apple Trees of the kinds id like, nor can I grow Concord Grapes. All that shit requires an orchard.

> and ive got an Apartment.

With the right soil conditions, you can crowd plants more dense than conventional farming methods suggest. It needs more pruning frequently of course. Look up Square Foot Gardening

Checked. Keep up the good work. Have a bump.

I had rows of cucumber, tomato, chilli seedlings, bugs and birds annihilated everything

Fucken hell mate:

Perhaps investing in your own water tanks. Many Aussies do this here and you can buy water from a separate location.

For your gardening , have raised garden beds , have a physical barrier between that soil and the main soil of your plot. Look into alternatives if the soil is that fucked up .

So sorry to hear user. Filter every fucking drop of water before you grow plants.

>Study what makes healthy soil - compost, humus, mushrooms, bacteria,

Don't forget worms!

I had two giant pot of tomatoes on my balcony, one was doing much better than the other. When I was digging around in the better pot in the fall, I found worms! Dunno if they came with the bags of soil or potted plant from gardening centre, but yay worms. It it was that reason I left the giant pots outside to overwinter instead of insecticide soaping the whole thing to bring it in. Come spring, I'm going to see if I could find a light weight trough I could fill with soil for the balcony, and put tons of worms in that too.

post pics and how the fuck do you live

Read up on the anons posting about methods to grow your produce in a apartment.

Only grow your leafy greens , as they are more susceptible to chemicals. The rest you will need to buy and try to get organic and clean the shit with filtered water and apple cider vinegar.

I dont have a freezer that big either. Just your standard run of the mill kitchen refrigerator.

I dont have anywhere to put that much meat.

The grocery store has a much larger freezer, I let them keep my meat and other food cold for me (before I purchase it).

> Disaster Prepping

If you're talking about saving back food for a without rule of law situation then Veggies are NOT the way to go with that.

Knowing how to plant vegetables maybe, but thats like 6 months down the road.

Thank you user


In Kek I spread this information

btw if you have the land get bee hives

You can replace Sugar with Honey in your cooking and keeping Bees is good for the environment

Sounds like someone needs a greenhouse and lots of compost!

Try companion planting methods. You interplant other herbs, flowers, natives in your rows to deter pests from chomping down one plant and simply moving over and chomping the next.

Next you plant things that attract predator insects that eat smaller pest insects.

I even plant a small decoy garden in the far side of my yard, for all the bugs to feast on, leaving my main garden safer.

Last, if you want a good natural solution, look up Neem Oil and make a spray mixture with that stuff. Its a naturally occurring oil from the neem tree and bugs/animals dont like it because it smells like hot soy sauce.

>tfw I grew up best mates with the guy who invented Permaculture's son

Thats fine user , You can get deals and buy half a cow or what ever you need.

Just beware of which grocery store you buy from. Stores cheat the consumer by watering down and throwing so much preservatives into your produce. If you can't grow get organic from the grocer and clean it out yourself. Apple cider vinegar and filtered water for your fruits and vegies. Meat just ensure its organic or caught int he wild.

Nobody recognized beets. Fuck you Sup Forums I thought you were cool.

Yes , this .

I use to have a made white sugar addiction. switched to honey ... best shit to have in any meal

What if the seeds have hormones/are GMO?

Buy heirloom seeds, grow plants, harvest seeds from plants, grow more plants, harvest seeds from plants, grow more plants, harvest seeds from plants, grow more plants, harvest seeds from plants, grow more plants, harvest seeds from plants...............

got like 30 cups with tons of seedlings sprouting up my nigger

wildflowers, beans, tomato, carrots... all that good stuff, brother.

I want to grow more food, but I can't dig up my yard and potting mix is OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive. You can't even make your own cheap anymore. Perlite and peat have skyrocketed too. It's fucking ridiculous.

Zone 4 Icy Mountains of Death over here. I grow lettuce, spinach, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, sunflowers, jerusalem artichokes, radishes, basil, oregano, thyme, lavender, corn, peppers, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, apricots, crooked neck squash, mustard greens, snow peas, fava beans, grapes, green onions, and a shit ton of other stuff.

Continuously trying to get arctic kiwis to grow. They keep dying on me.

Last frost is in May/June, snap freeze every year in August, first real frost in October.

Where there is a will there is a fucking way.

Look up composting and growing worms. Vermiculture takes up almost no space and provides a source of protein for your chickens. Especially in the winter. Congratulations on starting!


When did you start and why ? Tell me your story .

Government doesn't want me to have the land or resources to survive off of the teat of the modern world. It's why anyone with land gets harassed and killed for not selling it to the wardens

One thing people rarely know. Your plants NEED shade to THRIVE

If they get constant sun - they BURN AND DIE!

When you cut through a forest, the center trees suddenly are exposed to the sun and become BORDER trees. They are SCORCHED by the sun and their bark disintegrates!

The soil around these trees under ASSAULT will make the soil really dry and unhealthy. It will not hold water. Silt will blow away in the wind. When it rains, your water will simply pass RIGHT through that dirt.


Thanks for the tip, Satan

Heirloom seeds...?

Also the soil probably has chemicals in it too, or can I just take dirt from some random forest? What if the apple cider vinegar has ((((their)))) shit in it too?

My town doesn't have fluoride in the water but could there still be other stuff in it? I live near many pristine, largely untouched water sources so I could get water from those. (by near I mean literally 50ft away) Would that work?

Keep a secret indoor garden


Got any pics to show, Your work sounds impressive.

KEEP UP THE WORK pass your knowledge over and help other anons grow.

I am seriously impressed with your variety and in produce.

I am obsessed with water as a living creature. I study it daily, and my world almost revolves around soil, siphons, pressures systems, aquifers, etc. I'm going to put a cement bowl under ground to hold my own water and carve a river on my property.

Basically I'm insane, but once you have land, it's mad scientist time.

Anyone have experience growing things in a controlled environment?

Say you had a concrete tunnel, what equipment would you need to grow all year round?

I'm thinking clay pot irrigation would be suitable for this too?

>Try to have nest around your pots


I'm have a concrete balcony and I'm on the fifth floor, so I don't have to worry about earwigs or slugs and snails anymore. I do still get ants, and this area has a lot of birds.

What I'm most pleased about, is that within a month of me moving in and setting down pots of flowers and herbs on the balcony, I had bumblebees visiting the flowers on my thai basil, they seem to love it. I'm definitely going to keep my balcony garden pesticide free and plants lots of bee friendly plants.

>container gardening.
I have chinese green onions growing out of the cut-off bottom half of a dish soap container right now, on the top window sill, doing great. I brought chinese green onions from the super market, add the top and planted the roots.

>> and ive got an Apartment.
Do you have windows?

Before I moved into my current apartment, I was in a YWCA building where I had one ROOM. It was one of those old fashion girls dorms where every room had a sink and the bathrooms are shared by the whole floor, and there is a shared kitchen - it was built decades ago as a place for women between parents and moving in with husband.

I still had tons of plants in my room because even though there was one window, it was a sunny window that gets direct light morning to late afteroon, and the window sill was wide and set into the wall so I didn't have to worry about weight. I had fragrant roses, lavenders, basils, thyme, kalanchoe. I kept them all in small containers, to prevent lavenders from getting root bound, I had to prune the roots a little frequently.

At least grow herbs and salad greens, easiest, and the ones at the market gets bruised up.

Make raised beds or containers for the garden. You can buy shitty bulk dirt for cheap and keep working compost friendly material into your soil all the time. Your first year will be hard, but you can compost a decent amount in one year and use leftover plant matter from the first year for more compost. I started with some shitty shitty dirt and built it up over a few years. The great thing is the good soil literally grows.

Fuck I hate Australians, piss off with your kike environmentalism

Makes sense, Do you also know about lightly beating trees . I was told that this gives the tree a change in growth and development and they sprout more branches and such. Similar to how your prune roses and they grow more branches and flowers.

I don't know shit about gardening which is why I'm asking so many questions, but the one thing I do know is this: Dirt from some random forest nearby, ask a farmer (that isn't part of a massive corp. or even better, is organic/holistic) for some cow shit, take it home, but in pot, boom. Soil. Oh, and find some worms. you can get live worms from a fishing store.

as for growing plants, it's just an obvious key to water. Without plants to help the soil, water passes right through it.

The absolute key is getting water to STAY in the soil. Shade, shade, shade. Not only does it protect your plants, but it cools your soil making it spongy and strong. Teeming with life like earthworms.

By apple cidar vinegar with the "mother" in it , there is a brand called "BRAGG" it has a old man and chick on it and its yellow and red. That shit works well.

I'm growing my own vegetable if you know what I mean.
Heh heh heh

Yeah, but how often do you eat from there? I'd guess you get a few vegetables every few months.

Yeah, I haven't tried it with weak plants, but the stronger ones and weeds can be broken and you can facilitate both the shape and branch number of a plant.

Yes that water will work for you . I have been to Canada , beautiful place.

Read more, first off.


You want a controlled environment for soil growth. Its why I typically advocate for raised bed gardens or container gardens when you're first starting off. Compost, grow soil, keep it in the beds, and you have much cleaner soil. And the fact you have water so close gives you a HUGE advantage.

Study up and start!

Research 'Victory Garden'.

dude weed lmao

Serous question. I've seen rainwater turn foamy/soapy after longer long droughts (usually in the summer). This usually lasts for about a few hours, after that it seems to be either enough water to have the initial effect diluted, or whatever is causing it to be rinsed away.

It's most apparent when it's raining and cars drive trough you can see a white trail where the water is agitated and starts to foam. I've tried to look this up countless times but it seems to be very poorly documented.

If it rains more often/frequent it's sometimes noticable but not nearly as bad as when dry for long times before rainfall.

And no I don't live in China.