What is Sup Forums's opinion on Mexican drug trafficking?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Mexican drug trafficking?
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the Mexican government should be considered illegitimate
Its aided by our CIA from Kabul to Juarez
Build the wall.
It's great for our economy.
Lol oh ok nevermind, nothing to see here right?
Our government helps it go along. We really should just legalize/decriminalize the growing, production, processing, sale and use of drugs at this point.
The CIA helps the drug cartels
but 90% of the problem is Mexican Mestizos
they haven't changed in millennia
>it's the USA's fault for arming us!
always cracks me up
fucking excuse making spics. never taking responsibility for shit. Like we don't have guns of our own too. We're just not mexishit subhumans who shoot people for profit. Sorry, beaners: You're niggers. That's the truth.
Why isn't all of Mexico in some cartels territory?
You'll notice how Canada is on our border but they don't skin each other alive for drug money
The gangs in Mexico are so out of control they don't just sell illegal drugs, but they steal and sell oil too.
The government has control there
at least on paper
Whoever made that map could only find 33 lousy routes.
Just the CIA has more.
Stop defending your precious deep state cuck and read up I bet your one of those fucks that still defend the Iraq war
Evidence CIA helps? What do they have to gain?
gonna need sauce senpai
Are you saying these pics are the reason of this violence? Crazy
Funding their expenses, (((dark ones))), catch my drift?
covert funding
Basically the CIA needs to make money without congressional approval so it can avoid oversight
look up Gary Webb/Dark Alliance
At the very least it started in the 80s, but most likely before then
this is a hoax
I'm saying Mesoamericans have always been violent cannibals
You have no idea how fucking dumb that sounds. 1492 was less than a thousand years ago. Has not changed in eons my ass.
gang gang
Mesoamerican culture predates the Aztecs by thousands of years
and they all practiced human sacrifice/cannibalism
>The practice of human sacrifice was widespread in the Mesoamerican and in the South American cultures during the Inca Empire.[4][5] Like all other known pre-Columbian civilizations of Mesoamerica, the Aztecs practiced human sacrifice. The extant sources describe how the Aztecs sacrificed human victims on each of their eighteen festivities, one festivity for each of their 20-day months
>Human sacrifice among the Maya is evident from at least the Classic period (c. AD 250–900) right through to the final stages of the Spanish conquest in the 17th century. Human sacrifice is depicted in Classic Maya art, is mentioned in Classic period hieroglyphic texts and has been verified archaeologically by analysis of skeletal remains from the Classic and Postclassic (c. AD 900–1524) periods