James O'Keefe of Project Veritas is about to absolutely BTFO CNN
sister thread:
Are you lads ready to completely blitzkrieg CNN?
James O'Keefe of Project Veritas is about to absolutely BTFO CNN
sister thread:
Are you lads ready to completely blitzkrieg CNN?
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could be big if true
no it's not
O'Keefe is based af desu
found the shill
calm down homo, its not happening
Not everyone on chan is a shill
CNN says it's bullshit and O'keefe is just a fraud and a conman.
is this what all the ayylmao posting is trying to distract from?
cool thanks for debunking!
It is and when it does, it'll be yuuuuge. I had to make it loud the sister thread got slid super hard.
he doubts o'keefe he sounds like a shill o'keefe delivered last time got 2 guys fired and had clinton looking bad
This man triggers the shills even harder than Milo.
I honestly don't know how he hasn't got suicided yet, he must have a pretty good security detail.
O'Keefe is definitely /ourjournalist/
He's giving the autists 100 hours of audio to dig through
shariabloo is fake news
He managed to break the DNC pretty hard.
Perfect. This way they can't accuse him of selective editing. Dump the raw data just like wikileaks does. Sup Forums loves digging through this shit and it provides perfect indisputable evidence. Everyone wins except for CNN.
This shit is being slid so hard. Bump
some shitty alien pic is fucking with this site.
Slide tactics
bumpity , sage alien threads
Bump, bump, bump, bump, staying alive, staying alive
If digits then this dump will end Don "Freshly Squeezed" Lemon's career for good.
Lol, you guys are tinfoiled freaks
Sage and hide ;^)
debunked b4 its released?
Praise Kek
checked , Shadilay!
Bump for truth
It's probably gonna be nothing, remember that big bombshell about some big Democrat in North Carolina?
Fucking finally
your digits have also saved the thread. thank you, stranger.
Together with the power of kek and autists going through 100 hours of audio we will shit on CNN and perhaps other news media outlets will get caught.
Digits predict that other news outlets will get caught cooperating stories.
O'Keefe has consistently a) cried wolf, b) provided fuck all, c) outright lied to every-fucking-one and ruined conservative careers who backed him thinking he was credible, d) literally tried to wiretap a government official's office and got busted because him and his goons are retarded, e) literally went to prison
Oh...I didn't watch it because I trust you to do it for me.
It didn't show anything then?
Got it. Thanks. What an asshole that O'Keefe is, huh?
When is it releasing?
this. fuck o queef
cant wait
Fuck I listen to police scanners almost nightly now. 100 hours of undercover CNN newsroom?
Sign. Me. The Fuck. Up.
Hopefully it's got Erin Burnett queefing.
If digits Time Warner shuts CNN down in March.
Go back to /r/eddit and leftpoll shills
TWO 111s in a single thread?
as for the time, between tommorrow and Friday, Since it's O'keefe probably friday
lurk more
fuck off, you just say a bunch of shit but you have nothing to back it. show me he has lied and not provided anything... because you cant
my thread.... fuck you
This is getting as bad as Vault 7 suspense.
Is this going to be a happening or a wow its fucking nothing? Please, I need to know!
thats just silly
No, *you* get the fuck out.
If you want to listen to this stupid little faggot then you should kill yourself and be done with it. For fuck's sake, how many times do you have to be fooled? How many times are you going to keep feeding this faggot's pockets and career to consistently give FUCK ALL and have Sup Forums on the edge of its seat for FUCKING NOTHING?
So you fuck off, nigger. And anyone else who supports this little punchable faggot.
now there is an actual get , SHADILAY!
Well if CNN says it's fake I have no choice but to take their word for it.
>nothing to back it
Kill yourself, you stupid shill. You're probably part of O'Keefe's paid faggot squad to promote his garbage here. Yeah, that's another thing you stupid faggots probably never bothered to read about.
It's nothing
Seems you are a bit , should I say , triggered? I can see through your disguise you kike lover.
The shills are out tonight in full force.
Found another shill
>that pic
this is now an alien thread
I guess I have to take you at your word,
send me the police report you fuck i want to see it, otherwise you dont have shit on okeefe
Should have been harder. It's insane how much the left ignored their own nuclear mess of a side. And they beg for more!
>the jew thing again
You voted for Trump, right? You know, the guy with a jew son-in-law, who converted his daughter to jew? Who hired said son-in-law as his personal adviser? Who has a brother with direct business ties to George Soros?
Fuck you.
How the fucking fuck do you not know he was arrested? Off yourself. Do it now.
sthis fake?
This is really bad shilling. Why did they pick you to write this? Is there no oversight?
i do i heard about it, but again you show your credibility is dog shit. let me see the police report or shill for ctr somewhere else
Can anyone deny the power of Kek at this point?
Fucking witnessed!
Haha drumfkins I win again , dude seriously you need to go back to the drawing board , At least ctr put some effort into it.
>implying any president can escape the jew
The left has ben conditioned to only care about emotions, only reason i came across these initial reports was because of an argument with my cousin over on kikebook, and I linked the Veritas action videos.
I come here and it;s flooded with alien memes.
kek works in mysterious ways, this may be exactly what we need to blast their assholes.
Screencap this.
The ayy lmao pic came from this data dump and its going to expose CNN's involvement.
It's finally happening boys.
You haven't offed yourself yet. Hurry up.
>he's denying trump's family is jewish
Jesus Christ. You off yourself too.
what happened to mccain. a couple of days ago there was a thread saying he was the first person to be exposed as a leaker trying to sabotage the presidency. Then we have site maintenance issues and now everyone is freaking out over a picture of an aayyy taking a shit in a field. wtf?
My top pick, honestly.
millie is waifu grade
outing yourself in record time schlomo
>about to
sure he is
anyone crazy enough to sit through 100 hours of tape. bring me the good shit. in 5 minute clips.
How many hours? His normal release time?
sorry. with this pic.
This thread is 6.58682634% blessed by kek
!! Thats higher than normal.
Happening confirmed.
Please refer to him as Don Watermelon.
KeK confirmed
>ayy lmaos
>space waifus
Something about aliens is in the air lately.
Done , your still a shill , shill.
Like they faked it? Were sitting on it?
my higher repeating numbers confirm cooper will go also
This has got to be the longest streak of Christmas yet. Does anyone else feel like the winning has been relentless in 2017?
Some of us may even grow tired of winning.
when is this dropping lads?
Other thread got 404'd. This is close to it tho
Too much.... Winning.... Can't handle it.
First post sensible post.
go back to /r/eddit alien shill