If an alien species ever made contact with earth, would you adjust to their ways and culture? What if, for instance, their culture stipulated men can only have sex with other men? Or you could only eat dogs and cats?
If an alien species ever made contact with earth, would you adjust to their ways and culture? What if, for instance...
Would you be the native american who tried to be like the spanish conquistadors or fight a futile battle to the death?
I'm pretty sure we'd set them on fire and tell them to get back to their shithole corner of the universe if they landed anywhere in the US.
I'll never tell! ;D
I would nuke the fucking alien beasts. Fuck those ayes.
I'm ok wit dis.avi
considering how fucked human culture is and you'd probably need a pretty advanced culture to visit another inhabited planet then yeah sure, ayy lmao me up
what if the advanced alien species were muslim?
one way or another I would jack off on their big gay heads
you surrendered to quickly to the man on man ass pounding. are you a frenchie in britannia?
what if I fucked alien?
We'd wage intergalactic war and close the planet.
if you dont respond to this post your ayyy will lamo in its sleep.
Would honestly love to get fucked by an alien.
Depends, OP.
If they have fun stuff then why not.
>their culture stipulated men can only have sex with other men?
Yeah, but i want cute men.
>Or you could only eat dogs and cats?
Too far, gas the ayys.
and what is up with the anal probe stories? is that just for shock effect?
lots of people think dogs and cats are tasty in the here and now. dont even require alien influence.
I'm not going to adjust to sandniggers' magic rites and I won't adjust to some walking slimeball's shit either.
Are you implying we shouldn't just blow them the fuck up and steal their shit
>in the here and now
Yeah, china is not really a convincing argument.
> implying they didn't analrape us first given how triggerhappy humans are.
dead space already covered this
Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!
They would have never seen cats or dogs before arriving here, dumbass. You're thinking of Asians, not aliens.
but OP, muslims are already trying that
no, you're thinking of Aryans. Get your racist shitslurs in order.
why the fuck would i?
what a stupid fucking thread holy shit
Depends on the culture, though we would probably wage war with them and fuck their females.