What do we do about the white people drinking water problem?
What do we do about the white people drinking water problem?
cool psyop jacket
fucking send in uncle skippy after em, sort em out portugal style
UGH this fucking loser doesnt even have an organic water bottle.
I've seen this with a bunch of fat people, mostly Hispanic
what do we do about the thread sliding problem?
this is the fifth time today this has been posted.
sage, naturally.
Who gives a fuck. He's probably hung over.
God this is fucking hilarious
I only drink mt. dew, kombucha, and cold-pressed juice
holy kek
athletes are encouraged to drink tons of water during classes, so they won't be dehydrated when they go through a 3-4 hour+ practice.
I did this myself, so did my entire football team, and every athlete I've met ever knows about this, it's real common, whatever race.
drink water in solidarity
What's the problem? Buying bulk tends to be cheaper so might aswell buy the gallon jug and have the daily warmter ration at hand.
>What's the problem
liberals dont drink water.
its either coffee, energy drinks, or coke.
>not being able to quench your thirst at any moment
>mfw my roommate walks into class one day with a gallon of milk
>mfw when asked by the professor about it, he claims he's "cultivating mass"
I have no face because I'm in the middle of transferring my files to reformat my SSD.
He is woke from alex jones and has them sweat ass water filters
I drink a gallon a day and take my gallon jug to work. It keeps me hydrated and feeling good throughout the day. How is hat oppressive or racist?
Only other liquids I drink are the occasional juiced veggies/OJ combo and 2 glasses of milk a day.
>Bootleg US ARMY letterman jacket
>Cheap camo backpack
>gallon of water
Total faggot.
Why do army/marines drink gallons of water?
The two things they tell you in basic are to drink water and murder brown people.
Is this guy really in the army? Why is he in some liberal college? Is that where they send you to learn?
>Why is he in some liberal college?
pretty much all colleges at this point.
They give you education bux as b8 to go to school should you not get KIA.
>The joke is they're hard to obtain lol
I can't tell if these are jokes or not anymore.
This fucking bitch is an ROTC commander, He hasn't upgraded to brown people killing yet
Ah, yes, the classic gallon jug of water in class to subtly dog whistle your racism to your fellow white men. Haven't seen that since high school.
Wow! What a stupid thread!
fucking white "people" and needing to smell nice and live in clean environments n shieet. They were never meant to live on this filthy mudball like us black peepolz. Stay woke y'all!
friend confirmed for hwite nationalist
Is that you Dennis?