>White people: the true savages
Don't let cumskins slide this.
>Sheriff deputy forces 13yo MexAm boy onto his property, shoots at him
>White people: the true savages
Don't let cumskins slide this.
>Sheriff deputy forces 13yo MexAm boy onto his property, shoots at him
>somebody does something
In all seriousness that guy is a mentally unstable shitbag. He probably isn't going to get what he deserves (felony charges and lengthy imprisonment) just because he is cop. Very sad!
Shooting a defenceless 13 year old boy isn't "doing something"
>Sup Forums is just one person
fucking shit skins scatter like roaches.
Little bean dip got what he deserved, hopefully he learned his lesson. Maybe juvie will straighten his ass out.
We're very proud of this man for standing his ground against the horde.
God damn honkeys. If he's a cop and can't apprehend a 13 year old, what the fuck is he doing in the force. By the way he has no right to drag that kid back to his house to rape him.
Why does it matter what race the perpetrator is?
That cop is such a pussy
>>White people: the true savages
The little insolent fucking beaners are pissed off because Trump is rightfully deporting their family members.
They see a successful white man who owns his own home and the little fucking spics and their over-inflated sense of self entitlement (due to years of white guilt perpetuated in the lugenpress mass media) and threaten the white man with violence.
White man happens to be an off duty cop and the spic gets rightfully dealt with.
Fucking lugenpress media is going to spin this story into the "poor poor mexishits being attacked by da raycis white man" in order to continue their white guilt propaganda.
As far as I'm concerned, the cop shoulda shot the little spic.
People rioting here in California right now when people don't know the facts.
Apparently kid was threatening to shoot up the guy's house and he was trying to subdue him for the police. But he was an asshole for discharging his firearm
>>Sheriff deputy forces 13yo MexAm boy onto his property, shoots at him
Welcome to Drumpf's Amerikkkkkka.
Get fucking shot you pussy fucking leaf.
>But he was an asshole for discharging his firearm
Have you ever lived in CAlifornia and had to deal with the mexishit population?
Might I remind you that these racist brown skinned cretins are the majority population in Commiefornia.
That cop was justified in shooting his weapon.
Violence is the ONLY language these brown skinned cockroaches speak.
That cop should be given a medal for having to deal with that little insolent spic cockroach.
The spics family members riled the little beaner up because Trump is rightfully deporting his family members.
Fucking spics, round them all up and dump em in a concentration camp where they belong. They are nothing but violent sub human animals.
he was attacked by two people. a gang of 15 people around him escalating the situation. ofc he pulls a gun then. he is a cop, he has a gun on him. he some of those got hold of the gun then he could have been killed.
i would have done the same
the video is edited so you don't know what happens before. at the end you see the kid gets arrested. its clear that the kid is shit
the other comments above are just shills. even youtube have more sane comments
how do you force somebody onto your property? or is this just words aimed at illiterate morons and it doesn't matter if it makes sense or not
Watch the video you fucking retard.
little beaner cunt BTFO
Cop was clearly right!
hahhah you are a leftist whore
get rekt asshole
I know this. It is also a legal self-defense case.
I'd have beat the little shit up first lol. But given his circumstances, I suppose it is justified
Who's going ???
we need more cops like this who put the beaners in their place. Glorious
I hate people that do this.
This is why I'll never own a gun. I can see myself getting as mad as this guy and pulling it out at some inopportune time and ruining my life and someone else's.
>shows a (you) picture
>doesn't give OP a (you)
Cold, ice cold.
Nobody talking about the red hoodie spic trying to pull out a knife while behind the guy at about 2:22??
Fuck off and get back on your side of the wall.