How did this senile socialist manage to trick most millennials into supporting him?
How did this senile socialist manage to trick most millennials into supporting him?
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dude free shit lmao
Feels > Reals for the modern gaslight generation
Free college and other entitlements. Literally speak to any average millennial. They have no concept about how life works but they think because countries like Denmark and Sweden with their tiny populations and high employment are able to pay for a crazy welfare state, that somehow America can do the same.
Add to that a "populist" who promised to be out of the mainstream democratic party and there you go. You have a huge millennial following based entirely off ignorance and expectations of free stuff. Years of public school and college brainwashing sure helped
Through hopeless idealism.
Because they can't afford anything and he was offering free shit for everybody. Obviously not even all libshits would fall for that shit, so he lost to Hillary.
Because Jews even though being terrible 100% of the time this one comes along and plays the sympathy card so they bet HE isn't one.
>free handouts
>weed dude lmao
As society gets dumber it becomes easier to sell communism. You want free shit? We give you free shit, just vote for me. It's like an elementary school election.
>tricking the braindead is difficult
Because there is no alternative. Sanders is the only respectable Democrat that young urban liberals are willing to support (Bullock and Webb are progun and thus a no-go). The Dems have no other POTUS-worthy candidates (in terms of mainstream support and populist appeal) in their pipeline, and if they don't figure this problem out they're going to be left with toothless cuck neoliberals (Cory Booker, Kamela Harris, etc) who aren't able to win swing states. Even worse, the new progressive populist fringe has zero support amongst mainstream liberals (such their parents) due to their intense focus on racebaiting (moreso than normal), which could cause support to dry up in mid-blue states (Colorado, Nevada, Virginia, Oregon). Meanwhile the GOP can pass things like a national voter ID which fucks them over even harder.
This is the single biggest problem facing the Democratic party, big enough where even fucking NPR (their mouthpiece) admits as such in many of their programs. This is a major problem in the near-term because if they can't rebuild their base by November 3rd, 2020 then the US becomes a one party Republican state.
>pic unrelated
>How did this senile socialist manage to trick most millennials into supporting him?
Because millenials have no concept of the real world, beyond where to get their next hot pocket and new iphone.
So in other words, it'll be fucking great?
Greater than you can imagine. The butthurt now will not even compare to the prolapse that will occur on Nov. 4th, 2020. That is when liberals will have realized they have truly and finally lost and that their numbers will slowly dwindle away within a generation.
Free free free freeee reeeeeee REEEEEEEEEEE!
Socialist Jew that's how
Free (You)s
pls vote for me
It was no trick, user. The nigga is based.
t. not a millennial
What about 2018? That will be their final blow if Republicans keep or gain seats in Congress; thus more bills passing through efficiently, congress gets more done, approval ratings of congress skyrocket (providing they don't do anything stupid)
2014 was the warning they didn't heed, 2018 will seal their coffin.
You'll definitely win the Sup Forums demographic off of the free (You) platform. You got my vote nigger
"But it's DEMOCRATIC socialism"
2020 is the final blow because it's a Gerrymandering year. Fixing themselves within two years is a hard stretch but it's plausible, the GOP did exactly that between 2008 and 2010. Because of that, they weren't Gerrymandered out of power and we don't have a Democratic Supermajority government.
The thing is, after 2020 they simply won't be able to recover because the districts won't line up. They'd have to actually change their agenda, like they did with Bill in 1992. That type of larger shift does not occur without the old guard being completely humiliated and delegitimized. Only 2020 can provide that level of destruction.
Millennial are an astoundingly stupid generation.
t. Millennial
I wish pic related would feel the bern again.
There will never be free college dumbfucks
What is your platform?
>Free X
>Free Y
>Free Z
It's pretty simple, really.
He promised them the entire world, completely free of charge. Everything from housing, to college, to healthcare, and everything else. It sounds like a good idea to young people that have no idea how the world works, and have never had to see what really happens when socialism takes hold
40 dollahs?!
Whaddya need 30 dollahs fowah?
The moment he endorsed Hillary, I knew he was a charlatan.
he's a jew, it's in his nature.
He understood the mindset of my generation or he is living in said mindset which allowed him to connect with them.
The people that support him have good intentions in mind but fail to see the reality of the world as 99% of Bernouts are sheltered white college students. They can identify problems in society but not come up with viable solutions to them other than what they would do in a perfect and just world where evil doesn't exist and everybody has the exact same morals/values.
Like stated, he's offering gullible/sheltered millennials a perfect utopia that sounds comfy as fuck.
He's a faggot communist jew and so are you.
This. This is what I heard retards spouting.
Badly phrased, The video is meant to address the said "DEMOCRATIC socialism" retards not saying that ry is retarded