This cute little girl now has to share public restrooms with grown adult men just because she was born a boy.
WTF I hate Drumpf now!!!
This cute little girl now has to share public restrooms with grown adult men just because she was born a boy.
WTF I hate Drumpf now!!!
She belongs in the girls room. Poor thing.
I don't get this, instead of virtue signaling just use the fucking girls bathroom, who will notice or care. These people are so fucking retarded and mentally ill it's amazing.
His two dyke feminazi mothers should be pushed up against a wall and shot for brainwashing him into believing he's a fucking girl. Christ he's barely old enough to tie his shoes.
> pandering to the mentally ill
How's that working out for you?
fuck me dead, the mother is trans too
ERIC and Corey House from Detroit, Michigan, share a bond like no other parent and their child: they’re both transgender.
Corey was born a boy but at the age of 14 she told her mother she was transgender. That was four years ago.
Then last year Corey’s mother, Erica, revealed she was also transgender and now goes by the name Eric.
poor kid, i really feel sorry for him more than anything
this is just telling me its creepy as shit how young boys can be made to look like women
he's gonna be hot though and have no problem finding a boyfriend.
probably a rich guy that will take care of him.
you will still be shitposting Sup Forums
It's funny he still has a dude looking face even at such a young age. He's gonna look fugly post puberty
Probably shouldn't have indulged in his mental illness then.
I blame the parents and the media, for this. They should have been more responsible with this fragile boy's life.
For realsies want people who post this shit unironically to off themselves.
>Trump and republishits feel more comfortable with this born female using Womens Bathrooms only
that poor deranged boy...
No she can use the girls room and show off her cock to the real girls
I hope you're right. I've had my hopes dashed many times.
Totally unacceptable. If they won't accept that shes a girl than they can just suck her balls.
this boys mother became a "man" then forced her mental illness on her son
Once he gets his dick out no one will question him being in the male restrooms.
>Liberals defend putting adult men in the female restrooms then try to misgender a young boy as if he should be allowed to go into the female restrooms.
Just kill yourself. We have segregation for a reason.
it's a boy with make-up and long hair.
Alternative is for real girls to have to share the bathroom with men.
>because I was born a boy
we can tell
>Implying "she" isn't already sucking dicks hardcore.
thats because ur a faggot m80
Literally nothing is going to save their stereotypical skulls that represent their born gender.
This is why people are more tolerant of Spic and Asian transsexuals. Nobody can tell them apart simply because nobody cares.
i blame her parents for making him into a girl. if they wanted a girl, they should have had another baby instead of brainwashing this one a girl.
So would I if I put on some lipstick and a dress.
Well she has a mental disorder. We don't let bi polar people kill themselves. So why should we let her use the girls room.
she belongs on my cock
"She" has a dick? If so, it's a boy. Not a girl.
>This ugly pervert now has to share public restrooms with little girls just because he wears makeup.
Is OPs pic her?
No, she doesn't. Any plausibly passing transperson will just go to the toilet that matches their identity.
Welp, child abuse has consequences.
They should just find an evil butcher willing to violate his oath and make the kid legally female.
What a sick fucking joke we've become.
According to google search it is
Nobody regulates who goes into what restroom. It's a non-issue, inflated beyond all reason.
He's a fucking freak one way or another. Should be thrown in a mental ward.
>This cute little girl now has to share public restrooms with grown adult men just because she was born a boy.
Her parents should go to jail for enabling such behavior.
bitch just use the girl's room, who's gonna check if you have a dick? But also you have a dick, men's rooms are better equipped for you, get over it.
What a non-issue holy shit
You utterly fucking deranged liberal crackheads deserve to be exterminated.
>this boy dressed like a girl has to use the boys restroom because he's boy
Poor thing
There's not enough fire in the world to purge this heresy
The mom had six kids
>The world's first.
Nah. We've had this planet long enough that even if we ignore Asia and Latin America for a moment then there was still Ancient Greece and by extension the Roman Empire.
fuck off milo, nobody likes you here. You are a thief and an attention whore.
Is it weird that I'd let this mangirl practice dick sucking on me? If I squint it just looks like a cite little girl
>I'm a man!
>But I'll use my vagina more than a prostitute!
Reguardless this """"girl"""" is wearing an unacceptable amount of makeup for their age.
he still is a boy
Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?
So what? If you gotta shit you'll do it just about anywhere.
what the fuck is going on in america...
thats retarded
if they are so passible, all they have to do is not be a special snowflake and they can use the bathroom of the gender they are larping as
You ever…seen a grown man naked?
Joey, have you ever been…in a Turkish Prison?
we will build a wall if you gringos promise to keep this things confined in your territory
Joey, do you like movies with gladiators in them?
That's an insane faggot, not a girl.
You do realize Latin America is a hotspot for trannies right?
yeah but they do it in private
>insane faggot
He's just a kid being fucked over by monsters masquerading as parents. Don't blame him for this, he was raised this way.
>let me tell you about your country
we are not Brazil Ahmed
Terrible reading comprehension, missed that this is in Straya.
Little girl.png, more like little boy.png
He's a an abused son of a mentally ill progressive whore and liberal whipped father with no morals.
This brainwashing needs to be fucking criminalized and kids like this boy need to be taken from their horrible parents and put in sane care.
It's a biological woman. Fuck that weird unnatural shit. Should be electrocuted until cured.
>user, now we have to use the boy's bathroom at the dance. Do something! :(
How's the dad still married to his (wife?/husband?)
Just blow them up. Lot's of fire and dynamite and fire.
Because he is still a boy
I would like to lick her little uncut dick and make her spurt in my mouth and down my throat
go away Milo
The middle one's that dude, isn't it? It still smells like a dude. Fucking just kill it.
>Because I was born with XY chromosomes
Thems the rules
If you insist.
We need a purge, desperately. Just purge those suckas.
It smells like a dude, you fucking weirdo. It's a dude. No amount of make up or make believe can ever change that. It'll smell like a fucking dude.
>fuck me dead, the mother is trans too
>the mother is trans too
So... her dad? Or...
if she so much of a girl noone should be able to tell she shouldn't be in there right?
This cute little girl is no longer at risk of running into mentally disturbed men while going to the bathroom.
Thank you, President Trump.
Confirmed for never having been to Mexico
Why would she smell like a dude, you autist. Never heard of perfume?
why don't you go fuck a sloth pablo.
>Tfw I can name 3 people who I know personally that are transfags
Something needs to change. Is it something in the water?
literally looks like a cute girl
This child is mentally ill. His parents should be arrested for neglect
how come this is the only sane post in this whole thread?
I'm a Fort Knox vault, where the hell is my gold Bitches!
That's the father user
I guess that does make sense...
Dude smells and women smells are two different smells. You ever played basketball with dudes and have you ever fucked around with women? Well if you had, you'd know that they smell differently. And a dude smell is in no way sexy. It's fucking disgusting.
It's the Jewish conditioning. Porn or media, or peer pressure or all of the above. I kid you not, it's like the yawn effect; get enough people yawning and everyone yawns. We're fucked.
And then it sweats and you know better.