Shareblue and crew pt. 2: electric boogaloo--General thread
This was basically an emergency OP so everything didn't memory holed.
Now would be the time to organize and make a proper OP
you're good men. what else do you want to know?
Bumping for justice and enlightenment.
Also all you fuckers should be using catalog to minimize shills burying threads like these.
I am heading to sleep like I already said I would multiple times now that I have made the OP.
Assuming you are the OP from last thread: God Speed
Final Bump
Good night everyone, you are all good people
Have a bump from me.
What else can you tell?
bump OP, keep up the good work
>Sup Forums shitposts about habbemingsz all day
>op drops truth and it slides
Here we go with Charlie and Dee
Lets show you the Chinese
Some people said you should get a trip, they're suggesting SourceAnon
Also reposting this in case I get a (You), going to sleep after the shitshow DNC debate rightnow
Canada was never meant to be an independent country though but a part of a larger empire.
I also think you underestimate how far gone Canada is at the moment.
blingo blango, lets begin investigating the public size of the issue while realizing this is an iceberg eh
see Trump cant just stop all trade with China in one fell swoop.
He cant also take on all enemies at once when the government is full of them.
And finally, Trump is not perfect and has to deal with a divided country where the press have been unleashed by the countries I named as part of the Globalist Alliance.
Bump OP
Thank you for your help
Here's your (you) and bump combo.
who are /ourthinktanks in DC
Fuck off Reddit.
From my personal readings on the matter, it seems to be the communist interest of the former Soviet Union retreated into the European Union once the Soviet collapsed. This helps explain the fervor behind the Union's anti-Russian rhetoric, and how/why that rhetoric in America.
So at what point did the Communist decide they must infiltrate the European Union, and likely American Academia? How did they go about doing this? I'm fairly interested in a reference year to fit to my timeline as I trace the political/business ties of the region.
Oh, one more thing to mention.
Why are Shareblue sometimes called BlueCrew?
Was in a Sup Forums blackout for a few weeks
Thank you, OP.
Is the British Monarchy traitors? Charles especially?
Are you Reddit too?
>1 post by this ID
Our first shill, yay!
Well here is where Canada gets tricky. The western half was formed by Mormons right and the Eastern half by some French and English loyalists.
The English side is the south with the French side stirring up shit.
The Western quiet giants have not risen to fight the East to bring back conservatism.
See the Mormons never went away on that side and they aren't a fan of this liberal lovin you have going on.
So if youre a conservative canadian, you probably need to bro up with those mormons to begin the real political process of taking back Canada.
Who knows, the Inuits might be a help to.
Too many newfags at the moment posting
They need to learn to lurk moar
Also in relation to this, is there any good evidence as towards the corruption of the Orange movement in Ukraine? Fitting the movement to the timeline is quite difficult considering the rampant corruption in Ukraine. Very hard to determine who is legitimate and who is not.
Basically, the entire Anglosphere is still loosely United and run by the globalist scum, and with the British and Saudi and Kike families on top.
The United States is a corporation that has been taken over by hostile forces that hate the Bill of Rights.
>see Trump cant just stop all trade with China in one fell swoop.
He could literally park the navy off the west coast and sink all their boats, so yes he could. The question is if he'd rather do some other method that's less costly in terms of political capital.
Bad news, youre think tanks have grown old and have had their claws pulled.
The order of Cincinnati, daughters of the american revolution, etc. all love to play dress up and relive the glory days.
They need someone to come in and kick their asses to use their proud genealogy to start kicking ass and taking names.
You want some think tanks, take over the original think tanks.
The rest are honey traps.
I loved all your farming redpills last thread.
Best threads in weeks, thank you OP.
It sounds like you need to "lurk more". Shareblue is a literal Reddit meme. It's the plebbit version of CTR.
Remember, Trump still needs to deal with the traitors in the US first
Yes, they came from the German Jews. Its why they antagonized the Nazis. Can't have competition in our business now can we?
You really want more than your basic blah blah WW2 info, go lookup the Black Dragons and you will see how the Yakuza took over Japan and triggered a war with the US.
The Black Dragon had a lot of dealings with people you wouldnt expect and account for alot of the war atrocities Japan committed.
>The order of Cincinnati, daughters of the american revolution
ive heard of them
when was the last time they were eve relevant
actually, Hillary was a member of the daughters if im correct
They are a part of a group of companies that share common ownership and a company called CREW is one of them.
I don't know on the second as I am not affliated with Sup Forums.
>lol gb2reddit guise lmao fags
>let me tell you about reddit
>because shareblue posts on Reddit we should ignore them
>also ignore their Chinese connections
These globalists paid 40million for this crap?
and India for one thing...
then the caucuses like chechnya
As someone of Irish decent, it is quiet obvious Britain is controlled by Jews
I'm in southern Ontario which outside of Toronto is pretty conservative but gets overwhelmed by the foreign and SJW Toronto voters. (See Pic)
Many Ontario people would be quite fine with joining USA.
The only thing that holds Canada together is the fear of USA picking up the pieces.
Most Canadians don't give a fuck about other regions of the country.
Here you go, this guy does a decent job if you take his findings with a grain of salt
You will see that the globalists lost the first game of globalization and who all the players are.
Just remember Keynes and Hayek are shit and two sides of the same coin. A false dichotomy.
Quickly. Kill it with fire.
>Muh CTR shareblue conspiracy
Dumpftards really are pathetic
Got it in one. Israel and Britain and the Saudis are one and the same through the City of London.
Curious why the French hate the British? There is the missing link on what began it.
As someone of Scots-Irish descent. I'd be ok with the Stuart dynasty making a comeback.
Good ol' Jacobitism!
>shills all attaching the fact that he mentioned shareblue
You know what I love about shills?
They give an easy target for a general to focus on and it keeps them unified against the shill
You can't fight a war on two fronts. If he fought China, the globalist plants with our broken borders would overwhelm the US into an absolute nightmare.
Thats why he is securing the border and removing enemy combatants first. If you can somehow meme all these criminal mexicans into being called enemy combatants against the US, you would help a bunch. Get their mug shots and the crimes they committed and spam all open border lovers with truth.
So Obama meddled in Israeli elections to fuck over Bibi... and Trump 'loves' Bibi and vice versa. Which means they hate each other?
3 way fight?
In the wise words of a good meme "I don't know whose jewing who anymore"
Shut up Blumpkin. Do you realize how stupid this conspiracy shit makes you sound to normal people?
Reporting back in and I see there are shills. Let's bump Sourceanon's thread with some tasty bloopers from our favorite bullpen slaves.
If there are shills, than we are onto something.
Or it is other anons ironically shitposting to keep us unified
> canada
> toronto
My granny raised me to despise the English.
It's not even really cool to hate the English as much as we do. But we do.
>for pic related
My sides
Actually, I don't think that's really true about most Canadians not caring about other parts of the country. Just look at the different regions of America, UK, and etc etc. etc. who absolutely loathe each other(in the UK especially), and yet they manage to continue as a nation together. That's something we've been fed our whole lives to demoralize us as a nation methinks.
Don't forget that besides the globalists, the chinese have set up confucian schools in Canada, which are known subversive propaganda schools. Combine that with the growing influence of Islam in our politics and you get a whole fuckton of ideological subversion. The first step of which, is demoralization(eg. fuck Canada; fuck fixing the country like SourceAnon suggested)
We've also done pretty well as a nation up until recently in terms of living standards and etc--you simply don't have that level of prosperity and social cohesion without something more binding than fearing the US.
We used to be heavily anglo in our culture, until PET introduced multiculturalism.
Me, I come from a very nationalistic part of Canada(not necessarily for Canada, but we do love our province and respect Canada plenty).
your meme-ing won't trick me user.
Sharebluefags seriously need to go back though.
It's clearly some guy doing advanced shitposting
Thanks, will check out. That reminds me of another key issue I've been researching: what caused the great depression? Overproduction? Over estimation of credit? Crippled world economy reliant on the US?
There are so many different theories, and they are all viable. Personally, the overproduction explanation seems quite realistic, as the shortsightedness of producers is a fairly consistent theme in the history of economics.
You have to learn that most of what the world gets is a false dichotomy.
Bushes are no different than the Clintons.
The Orange revolution was similar but for one key point.
This guy was a skilled economist and skilled economist that arent shit know the American School of Economics.
He began applying those principals against the globalists and they went to war with him via the communists like they always do.
The truth though is until a country has a Bill of Rights equivalent or stronger to the US Bill of Rights they are only playing at fighting the globalists as they will just end up with a dictator or communist at the end of the day.
And both of those play by the Alliances rules.
Meh, I hope you realize that the wage of a traitor is suicide. Always has been Always will be.
>Israel and Britain and the Saudis are one and the same through the City of London.
Sounds like after the war things proceeded like they did in America after the civil war.
>the consolidation of power disguised as "Reconstruction
this is a selenium error FYI
>If you can somehow meme all these criminal mexicans into being called enemy combatants against the US, you would help a bunch. Get their mug shots and the crimes they committed and spam all open border lovers with truth.
Or just highlight the very real connections between the gangs ("American" gangs) and the cartels. This particular issue is what makes the border debate so infuriating for Southerners.
Trump doesnt love Bibi. Its political theater because the Israelis have nukes and point them at their 'allies'. Their is even a conspiracy they have one in America.
They have consolidated media control and would nuke a city and call it a russian attack.
That is why Trump doesnt just shoot the bastards.
Thank your friendly Israel/American dual citizenship laws for this wonderful state.
*There is active info and proofs that China, not Russia, has interfered in the US Election and is globally sockpuppeting
*The interference also came from Saudia Arabia, and Jews
*China is about to starve and wants to supplement their food with fish from the sea and land from Ukraine
*Mexican gov is involved in behalf of cartels
*Reddit is literally cancer and owned by (((them))), destroy it
*If you are not growing your own food and drinking from alpha male water filters, you are bluepilled and also killing yourself
*The Jews are behind literally everything and we are all their niggers and they must be destroyed
You do realize that many conspiracies exist as proven fact.
The problem nowadays is enough information is online to put the dots together and is the reason for the war on the internet.
>yfw Scottish/Irish
Somehow I feel a lot better about myself.
Yeah I got that part. But with that considered, and Obama trying to fuck over Bibi - does that mean Obama dindu nuffin? or thats part of the 'theater'?
good thread
A Quebecer I assume.
>Me, I come from a very nationalistic part of Canada(not necessarily for Canada, but we do love our province and respect Canada plenty).
Proved my point.
It used to be two countries (English/French) but the growth of the west and isolation of the maritimes has created 4 countries.
Western Canada is somewhat ethnically different than the rest, lots of Germans/Ukrainians & fewer French/English.
Quebec is obvious.
Ontario is it's own world now after being used to running the west.
Maritimes just need to rejoin UK.
Mass Immigration is breaking that down further.
Could I get a basic idea of who they dealt with? Jews? It was Jews wasn't it?
>something more binding than fearing the US
Playing devils advocate, that's what our foreign policy has been since the gulf war, and obama (and Hillary) doubled down on it.
>sell your resources in USD and do what we say, or "rioters" will be knocking down your door to hang you
Its why the CIA oposes trump, sometimes it's better the people don't have to know the bad shit that needs to be done
checked and thank you for dropping knowledge
Shills, a good indicator something worthwile is going on.
For as long as I can remember I felt like we were Mystery Babylon, and that's why everyone else said America isn't mentioned in the Revelation.
It's almost too obvious to see, until you start ticking off the boxes next to the attributes.
what is the larger value of the caucuses like chechnya, armenia and azerbaijan
>He began applying those principals against the globalists and they went to war with him via the communists like they always do.
This explains his poor performance in the following election, but what of his initial appointment in the first place? I've found that the globalist prefer to enact their coups through judicial branches, as is the case in Ukraine.
Was Yushchenko a traitor to the globalist?
Build bridges with your allies and avoid the one true scot problem.
A simple start like I mentioned before is posting positive flyers on things everyone wants around and then destroying the enemies of your state with positivity.
Gandhi had mastered many tools that are useful in real life and studying his tactics are helpful.
He was a terrible human being but the tactics he learned and applied from others can be effective.
But the most effective thing is to cause the headache. If people don't have a headache, they don't need aspirin. Thinking for themselves causes headaches so attack with questions, not answers.
Here try this on a flyer? "What people are you not allowed to criticize?" then add the Voltaire quote.
Dont post any shit beyond that that is recognizable.
The end is the beginning is the beginning is the end.
I could go on and show you how the entire economy has been hijacked but that may take to long.
They key point is most Americans dont realize that when they lost their pensions, the new 401k system and other funds based system funds the globalists and their crony bankers.
Destroy the 401k, establish real property rights, allow investing in slow growth agricultural products, and the globalist agenda falls apart.
Over production only happens when you have made the agricultural system out of alignment with the manufacturing system on purpose.
The dindus/nation of Islam among others.
How is Charles the Anti-Christ? Isn't he a faggot?
Look into these people, and that website
Can we get a list of the good countries?
Trump America, Russia, Japan,... who else?
Yup, Lincolon had a plan to do reconstruction entirely different via Henry Carey.
Dracula (the City of London) took care of stopping our economic freedom.
Why would Japanese mobsters work with Muslims?
Muslim Brotherhood?
Bump with ShillBlue hideout. Can you find more info on their hideaway?