Of course. Why wouldn't we?
Why not? If you love it so much, just ask your boss for some vacation to hop over the border for a visit.
Pure Spanish is white.
If its illegal, yah.
fucken retard.
>implying that Trump wants to deport a 10th-generation Texan
When you stupid fucking beaners get it? It's only the illegals that are being deported? That means not just Mexicans. The Russians to the northwestern states, the cubans in the southeastern... The legal ones stay.
The illegals contribute more than your NEET self
> Born Eva Jacqueline Longoria
> March 15, 1975 (age 41)
> Corpus Christi, Texas, U.S.
I know being an Abbo and all its hard to understand simple concepts but put it in terms of banannas and nuts and maybe youll find the point
She's a US born citizen, you dumb chav
Everybody, please, stop bullying the Aussie. He's probably just suffering from brain damage caused by snake venom, or drop bear attack. Just leave him alone, and maybe he'll get the medical attention he needs.
You ever been to Mexico mate? They're 99% short, ugly and built like a bull, this is a 0.001% level of beauty among Mexicans.
And hairy, like that artist with the unibrow. Not, like, Greek hairy, or Albanian hairy, but pretty fucking hairy.
She won't fuck you so why not?
But he is sending them back to their home. Plus she is a US citizen faget
They're still illegal, faggot.
Honest question here: When you mean 'criminal immigrants' you mean 'illegal immigrants' (since, indeed, immigrating illegaly is a crime, or do you mean, immigrants who have gone out of their way to commit other crimes?
I'm talking about policy btw, I know you'd deport them all, but who's actually getting deported now?
Yes. Sex tourism is not cancelled
Yes, they're illegal. Probably because the legal immigration process can often take over a decade, and in Mexico, you're going to need bribes just to talk to the right guys. Plus, the cartels catch you trying to leave, they might just have you killed. They need the slave labor to grow Acapulco gold.
The actual criminals, gang members, rapists, etc., have been the targets of deportation efforts for a long time, even (and especially) under Obama. Trumps poorly-worded policy is causing trouble even for the "dreamers". He doesn't care. It's why we elected him, a shady businessman. He doesn't give a fuck, and neither do most of the people who voted for him. To them, a wetback is a wetback.
Every illegal should be deported. Everyone who exploited 14th on non-immigrant visa should be deported
Putykins, don't you have some Ukrainians to forcibly annex or something? I'm trying to drunkenly make a point here. I don't remember what that point was, but you're not helping.
The immigration process being hard is no excuse for illegal immigration. They should push for easier legal immigration, and that is going to require drastic or fundamental change to the Mexican government, something that is good for everybody involved... except for the criminals in the mexican government, and the cartels.
I would rather fill mass graves but I guess deportations are ok
A little much, Dude. These are people we're talking about, not Jews or Gypsies.
Deportations should be made in case by case basis like they're done now.
If illegal can provide a proof he/she is a productive member of society and would provide the host country with economic/social/cultural benefits in a form entrepreneurship, community management or entertainment.
>not Jews or Gypsies
I keked
Someone finally gets it. Deport those fuckers no matter what they look like or how many retarded kids they have.
>what is an anchor baby
ALL faggot illegals who committed any kind of crime from jaywalking to murder are getting deported. Then the rest are after that. They've ruined America.
Fuck no. No other country does that. Most countries deport immediately.
wake up that is a back door to abuse of the system. Start saying it's ok here then it's ok there and so on and so on. Meanwhile the cartels, smugglers make bank and the country and citizens pay the price.
Is she illegal? If so then yes. If not then no. It's actually really simple.
If you have a problem with that then how about you invite some 3rd worlders who are "just looking for a better life" into your house to live with you? Otherwise fuck off.
Not to mention the democratic party directly uses them to throw the vote in their favor while trying to say it's racist to have voter id laws.
>pure spanish
Eva Longoria is something like eighth generation Texan and obviously mostly white.
I'm a white nationalist and I have no problem with people like her.
No. Git.
DNA taken. Saved.
3 strikes.
Found again. Git.
Found again again. North Pole.
>hook up with mexican girl
>get pegged
How does this keep happening
I don't give a fuck how attractive an illegal economic parasite is. DEPORTED.