Is Christianity the ultimate redpill?
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>Believing in fairy tales is redpilled
>the bible
you pagan retards need to wake the fuck up and quit playing with shadows and mirrored fucking clones
Are you too dense to derive complex moral truths from stories?
Yes, but be careful there are plenty of pitfalls to the truth.
Only if its political Christianity.
Commercial Christianity as practiced in USA is garbage.
Pretty much, yeah. Best feeling I've ever had in my life, tbqhwy.
Don't get hung up on the whole was Jesus real or not, thing. Focus on the message. And focus on what it means to believe in something larger than yourself.
The fundamental message of Christianity is beautiful.
And don't get caught up too much in the Old Testament.
In fact, only read the Gospel. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. And then, when you think you understand, read them again. And then again until you understand.
America is literally the most Christian country on the planet right now. And no, I'm not talking about Commercial Catholicism, which Europe perfected.
You deny science. Go fuck yourself. The flood story and 7 day creation are bullshit.
The heresy is strong in this one.
Christ's message is only powerful because he was real. I am all for taking select parts in Genesis and else where as metaphorical but still real in the true sense. However the incarnation and its reality is really a necessity in order to be a Christian at all.
They aren't literally true, congratulations that has been the stated position of the Catholic Church since 400 AD.
40% of Christcucks in America take it literally. My whole family does.
>America is literally the most Christian country on the planet right now.
stupid faggot
Are you kidding? Forget the hippie-king. Old-Norse all the way. None of this turn the other cheek bullshit. Bathe in the blood of your enemies. Forget the redpill. You need some IRON PILL.
Doesn't change the truth, it doesn't affect their salvation. The only thing it does is act as embarrassment upon Christianity. It is a recent development I'm talking within 200 years that Genesis stories have been taken literally.
Yes, think about it, who opposed Christianity? Atheists, Muslims, and Jews; all evil entities
>believing a kike performed manual labor for 200 years
Yeah real redpilled
Well I disagree. Personally, I choose to believe Christ was real, but I'm interested in anons finding Christianity in any way possible. And the message was powerful enough for me, I hope it's powerful enough for them.
I'm not anti-science at all. In fact, I'm 100% for science bringing us as close to God as we're able, alongside prayer. I encourage you to start reading some poetry, user. It'd be great help in your understanding of the bible.
I hate to break it to you, user. Your family may be retarded. That has nothing to do with Christianity. 40% of America does not take the Genesis story literally. I also encourage you to start reading some poetry, user. It'd be great help in your understanding of the bible.
Christ's reality isn't a choice. I see what you mean when it comes to pathway of belief. I just think it's risky and not very honest to bring people to Christ while not declaring his existence and the importance of such outright.
Heres what really happened
>noah swindled some goyim to builkd a boat shaped house and doesnt pay
>noah swindles even more goyim out of 2 of every animal....again doesnt pay
>noah tells goyim to worship his god
>goyim get fed up and commence the first of many shoahs
>hebrew god sends rain killing millions of innocent goyim but still gets his chosen to safety
>6million still died cuz noah says so and to deny it is antisemitism
The End
Tell me, Pope shill, how well does telling the truth and turning the other cheek actually work in the real world? How does it feel, knowing your prophet was king of the JEWS? That his message and teachings have been used by Rome to perpetuate itself all the way into the modern era? That people have been murdering each other over whether a line in the Lords Prayer is Debts or Transgressions, even though the message remains the same?
Again, I respectfully disagree. I personally believe that Christ, real or not real, was/is my Lord and Savior, and agree that a fundamental aspect of Christianity is humbling yourself before God and believing this. But I have faith that any anons who approach Christianity with an honest heart and an open mind and willingness to be truly humble, will see and understand the same message that I did. For the message I received was truth. Uncompromising and complete.
The Bible states that it is ok to go to war at certain times...At least read the book before you criticize it fedora
>murdering each other over whether a line means one thing or another
You proved how important the message is by misunderstanding that "turn the other cheek" at the time it was written, was meant as an insult to the person who hit you, and it was meant for the small stuff. Yahoshua certainly would not suggest simply "turn the other cheek" when it came to an offense against your belief.
And we know this because his Apostles got sent to their deaths over it because they wouldn't renounce Christ and would not say he wasn't the Savior.
How does original sin and evolution coincide? Ken Ham said it can't and thats why he believes in creationism. Also the fact that it negates all the horrible creatures and diseases that exist. Sin some how brought them about from Adam and Eve.
If you believe in god you are being willfully ignorant of provable, repeatable scientific as well as simple logic. I understand and can empathize with deluding yourselves because death is scary, but don't try to bring the rest of humanity down with you.
You are comparing actual science to the quacky "science" of SJWs and kike professors? Shame.
No, the OLD TESTAMENT says it's ok. Aside from the Jews, Old Testament God is a bad motherfucker. Forces Pharaoh to say no to Moses, just so he can get his plague on? Raining fire and ash on Sodom and Gomorrah? Cursing Moses because he got too big for his britches? Having a whale swallow Jonah because nobody turns down the call from God? Everything done by Samson, like killing an army using nothing but the jawbone of a donkey?
No, Old Testament God kicks ass. We aren't talking about him. We're talking about his hippie son, with a twelve-man posse, and a former prostitute hanging around. Hell, in some of the drawings of White Jesus I've seen, he's just black hair and sunglasses away from looking like John fucking Lennon.
>How well does telling the truth and turning the other cheek actually work in the real world?
Telling the truth has practical applications go to Kant.
Turning of the other cheek was to halt the process of the reducto absurdium revenge between victimized classes. Essentially turning to face your aggressor was meant to say I will not be humiliated by your slant look at my humanity. It wasn't a call to complete pacifism.
>How does it feel, knowing your prophet was king of the JEWS?
Frankly it shouldn't matter. Personally I think any "real" Jews became Christians the rest are bastards of the Khazars and Talmudism and therefore our modern examples aren't the Jews of the age of Christ.
>That his message and teachings have been used by Rome to perpetuate itself all the way into the modern era?
I find it ironic that the Empire that tried to destroy Christian was cucked by it.
>That people have been murdering each other over whether a line in the Lords Prayer is Debts or Transgressions, even though the message remains the same?
Schism is sad, but human nature prefers evil over good. That is what original sin is about.
As much of a redpill as welfare is
Why can't I encourage and rejoice over provable, repeatable scientific data while still believing in and being comforted by the thought that all of this is not for nothing?
What's wrong about that?
I'm not saying nothing has ever been corrupted in the name of the Church. Of course it has. We're human. We're flawed. But to ignore all the good it's done is just as absurd as ignoring the bad that's been done.
That was meant for you.
Original sin is the fact that mankind prefers doing evil over doing good. It doesn't require the event to have occurred the fall serves as a brilliant explanation of this basic human fact.
In my mind they mean the same, and I trust God will understand.
You cannot reconcile science and religion in this day and age. You just can't. Once upon a time I tried.
Someone's done their homework. You have some valid points, but riddle me this! Why is it that the vast majority of Christian entertainment sucks balls, huh? If he's so great, why does he only have, like, three watchable movies? (Four, if you include the original Ben-Hur)
>worshipping Joseph's wife's son, rabbi Yeshua
>the ultimate redpill
Pick one
Why didn't the animals eat each other?
Actually, why didn't the animals eat NOAH?
Then god created nature as it is. What a fucked up being. Why did he create worms that bury inside peoples eyes? Why did he have them eat each other alive and suffer? Why do bugs eat each others heads off and bury eggs into their prey to eat them from the inside? Sounds like something a psycho would make. Imagine Jesus looking down at that and saying "it is good".
The real question is whether or not Abraham watched the pharaoh fuck his wife or if he was just told how it went afterwards.
Christianity is the most Jewish shit you can think of.
It's tough to transcribe tough moral arguments into a cinematic format. Personally I think the primary problem is that movies like Ben-Hur aren't tried more frequently. Where instead of pulling a directly Biblical story you take a periphery story and make an excellent tale. But I would say there are certainly more excellent works the most recent that comes to mind was the movie Silence. Otherwise I largely agree movies like Heaven is For Real and God's Not Dead are insufferable piles of crap. I could not stand more than a minute of them.
>only one chimp
Must've found out he was gonna be a dad.
Not to mention the remake. Morgan Freeman couldn't help polish that turd, and he has the voice of an angel.
The problem of pain is an excellent critique. Well although we may have suffered physical ailment our souls were always pure for a time. When are from the Tree of Knowledge and by this I mean began a gradual path toward understanding of the transcendent our souls began to not automatically be pure. That reality is more troubling.
So yes physical pain is unfortunate however what is more unfortunate is that modern man not only recognizes this fact but will exploit it. We will make each other suffer more than we ought and that's where the necessity of morality and where we fall from the original paradise.
Yes it is OP. In fact, the degeneracy of this age came when men forgot to be the proper husbands to their wives.
>complex moral truth
>dont act like a nigger
>innocent goym
there was nothing innocent about those people. in fact some of them if not almost all of them were the product of people breeding with demons. they needed to be eradicated.
The beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount alone should take a lifetime to digest intellectually and morally. If you think Christianity boils down to "don't be a nigger" then you need to be re-educated on what morality is.
>unironically worshiping dead jew-on-a-stick
>unironically believing that god and all the good christian people live on a fucking cloud even though airplane tickets are only $59 and you can fly up there and see that there is noone up there
>unironically believing that the world is only 3000 years old and Noah saved 2 of every creature except the millions of dinosaurs that were supposedly alive at that time because the world is only 3000 years old and the flood was the world's first mass extinction event so the dinosaurs would have still been alive and Noah chose to save all the lame creatures and not any cool fucking dinosaurs I mean WTF Noah way to go bud couldn't save even one of the cool dinosaurs? Fuck you you stupid kike.
No, Islam is
Hey, for your information, the Grigori weren't Demons, just some very horny angels.
Please, have you seen the new science on Dinosaurs? Jurrasic Park was WAY off, they look like giant turkeys. JIVE turkeys, even.
If you like being under Jewish control
The second one's on the roof.
Is one of them doing the "I'm not the daddy" dance? That's how you can tell.
Christianity has a slave mentality.
Pagan religions like germanic hellenic and norse has a warrior mentality.
Personally i am an atheist but paganism sure seemes to be the better option.
It's a jewish sect period
I know it was hard for Swedes, but you can do it too.
>is utter bullshit the ultimate redpill
OP is a dipfuck faggot dumbass who needs to realize reality has no magic, no santa, no god, no big daddy in the sky
time to grow the fuck up and realize your religion is part of the fucking problem
The best religion. If you don't want to believe in the supernatural, Christian morality is still better than the degenerate leftist shit that's taking over.
But Jesus is the sun.
Christianity is basically responsible for liberalism so no.
Christianity - the belief in ancient fairytales written by ancient idiots. The fact that you are an adult who believes in that ridiculous bullshit is true, is not good.
I have officially been on Sup Forums too long.
When I first glanced at the pic I completely misinterpreted what was happening. The joke obviously is that the beavers chewed a hole through the font of the ark.
However, the beavers initially looked like niggers to me. The immediate interpretation of this picture that my brain sent me before I had a chance to properly look at it is that two niggers were clinging to the front of the Ark, and Noah and all the animals were horrified that niggers had somehow managed to escape the flood and were going to survive into the next version of the world.
Is this what it's like to OD on redpills?
>harming your child's penis
>red pilled
Oh wow, Christians sure are smart
What is this bullshit?
You don't need all this strapping down and crazy contraptions.
Even Bedouins can circumscise without all that effort.
Literally, just grab and pull the foreskin; squeeze back the head .. and CUT. Done.
Takes em like 5 seconds.
Didn't take long for CIDF to arrive
nigger nigger nigger
Christfags kek, what a meme.
>jebus was kike
>priests are gay pedos
>turn the other cheek is cuck behavior.
At least it kept Islam out of the superior land. So there's that I suppose.
>At least it kept Islam out of the superior land
All these fucking cringey (((atheist))) faggots. Sure is working for Sweden huh?
There's more sandniggers then whites?
Mass rapes on anything with a hole?
Politicians are censoring the people and disarming the cops?
Islam is now the official religion?
I fucking wonder why.
the religion that is literally cucked to jews??? That religion? No kiddo, try again.
>worshiping a Jew
>not being willing to give his life to protect a Jew
>Red Pill
>Experience reality
>Blue Pill
>Continue living in blind ignorance
Nice try christcuck.
>I fucking wonder why.
According to >America is literally the most Christian country on the planet right now.
Whites are about to become minority in America (non-white births exceed white ones as of 2016)
Tens of s thousands of white women are raped by non-whites in America.
There are more Jews in America than in the Jews' own holy land and they pretty much control the news, the media, the courts, the politicians, the banks and all major companies.
And unlike your points, these achievements of the most Christian country on this planet aren't blatant lies.
Hell sounds like it's going to be super rough, user. You have your chance to turn towards God still right now.
dude the united states is far worse off than sweden is as far as mass immigration is concerned
hispanics are just as violent as muslims btw, look at the stats. and we get plenty of muslims i see them all the time at walmart.
if you look on a worldwide scale there is no real connection between atheism and immigration or christianity and immigration
So you mean to tell me that chirstcucks actually believe in a religion that teaches them that Jews are the masters and they are literal dogs?
21 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to Him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession.”
23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to Him and urged Him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”24 He answered, “I was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel.”
25 The woman came and knelt before Him. “Lord, help me!” she said. 26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.” 27 “Yes, Lord,” she said, “but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”
Enjoying those crumbs from your masters' table christcucks?
Christcucks will acutaly and unironically defend this.
i mean the funny part is that you are allegedly a grown adult and you believe that you get teleported to another dimension when you die where you live with all your friends and family forever
you aren't being sarcastic, you ACTUALLY believe that. i mean, how can you ever shit on anyone elses beliefs for being silly?
>Ken Ham said it can't
come on you're 7 years old.
come on
So many autistic cunts on today...No.
I'm pretty sure I just die, user. Not everyone is into the whole afterlife or Heaven thing. I mean the funny part is that you are allegedly a grown adult and you paint people with such a broad brush.
Pretty much this
And all the people you don't like will be teleported to a different dimension where they're tortured forever while you're in the happy dimension where all your family and friends are and its fun!
The heaven and hell 101
>Is Christianity the ultimate redpill?
>America is literally the most Christian country on the planet right now
Approx. 5% are Christian in America.
>Is Christianity the ultimate redpill?
There isn't anything remotely as bluepilled as Christianity.