Australia is such a pathetic country now I wish my ancestors never came here

Australia is such a pathetic country now I wish my ancestors never came here.

MFW I spent ages arguing with this stupid left cunt in Bello called lotus flower because she wanted open immigration and onshore processing

it truly is a shit hole i was arrested for having a screwdriver in my car

Did u stab the faggot limpdick Victoria police cuck?

Are poor people rioting yet?

No we are too apathetic

Yo, is someone here in a university Social Science class right now?

Fuck no


Just checking, because there's some guy in front of me who said in a message to someone "all we're talking about is niggers" and oml it was funny

Nobody on here would say this shit in real life

Nah, no one here is tough enough to say anything on Sup Forums in real life

Is Australia beyond saving?

Is it all down hill from here? Probably a slow decline but I don't see another mining boom to cover everything up any time soon.

No I am uncuking it

dude everyone in bello is a fuckin hippie lefty, dont even bother lmao

Oh I can and I will I'm the token Bello Sup Forumstard

Based Di Natale

Uranium is the only thing left here, but that will only lead to weapons. So RIP Australia.

Nigga no

It's not France.
It's the only country that had a sensible response to the confected migrant crisis before Trump or V4.

lmao the black sheep of bello
i used to skate there alot


>Uranium everywhere
>No nuclear power plants

Really gets the neurons firing

still making bank blowing shit up

Lol fuck yeah

your country spawned hitler and uncle sam wil nevr 4give u

Cheers cuuunt