Why do liberals ironically support Muslims when the principles of Islam go against a lot of their beliefs? (Anti gay, sexist towards women, etc.)
Do they just not realize it or what?
Why do liberals ironically support Muslims when the principles of Islam go against a lot of their beliefs? (Anti gay, sexist towards women, etc.)
Do they just not realize it or what?
Because modern liberals are against white people and in favor of everything other than western culture.
Because modern day liberalism is not about standing up for your beliefs.
Its simply about saying fuck you to the "white patriarchy" and being a hipster victimhood rebel
I'm not saying any of it makes sense, but i guess liberals love them for the same reason conservatives hate em. It's opposite day? I dunno.
why do conservatives support Christianity when it supports passiveness, nonviolence and naive tolerance of others
Because Islam = brown. Just convert and cut their heads off while singing one of those dank nasheeds, they'll love you for it.
Because what little strength remains in white society that is fighting back islam means that muslims are oppressed so the left backs them up.
They're mostly brown
Because leftists and islamists both share a common enemy; Western Civilization.
you got it right OP
they are fucking ignorant and don't care to learn
if they did the retarded ones would still refuse to accept it
groupthink is always bad
>thinks liberals are all the same
you are as stupid as they are about that shit I see
they do, but an enemy of an enemy is my friend
their main goal is anti-(you)
It's a match made in hell.
It's because they think that all religions are pretty wacky so you shouldn't vilify one because of the actions of a tiny minority.
Who cares. Kill all sand nigger and nigger admirer
But Arab Muslims are anti-Black, love Hitler, and their Prophet is described in Sunnah as white.
Because muh islamophobia and sheeit
You mean unironically but ok
it all boils down to self-esteem issues.
libs are insecure as fuck and desire social acceptance from their peers. thus, they show how fucking tolerant and loving they are by publicly supporting all the things they're supposed to, including feminism, islam, refugees and other immigrants, etc, despite the fact that supporting islam and feminism is 100% contradictory. they don't care about that; the literal only thing they care about is showing other people how tolerant they are in the hopes that someone will finally love them. at the heart of every liberal is a burning desire to be seen as "good". it's not about being giving or tolerant; it's about being SEEN as being giving and tolerant. this is why your facebook feed is crowded with liberal bullshit; they want to make sure everybody sees how fucking tolerant and loving they are.
They're retarded