Whats up with all the black dick threads whos raiding us? or have we just degraded to enjoying that kinda thing now?

whats up with all the black dick threads whos raiding us? or have we just degraded to enjoying that kinda thing now?

>whats up with all the black dick threads whos raiding us?

they are trying to distract us from the golden purple alien by blinding us with rage over the bbc

Definitely shills
report, sage with a heads up to others to report and ignore if you really gotta leave something

Report and move on.


who dis?
most likely answer
yeah okay ill get on it

They spam Sup Forums with stupid questions all day to slide real discussion

Maybe O'Keefe has something really good?


Dick posters and alien posters are just shills trying to distract us from something big that is happening or is about to happen. Ignore those threads.

Long time lurker here, can confirm ongoing raid

Sargon of Akkad, likely.

Some angry liberals of course

op here but what exact branch of libs? are they specific nigger libs or just a bunch of rando nigger libs?

I forgot what website, but there are a group of liberals that plan raids on places like this, they've done it before

we are obviously being raided hard, I'm guessing Milos thing wasn't as important as they hoped and they are still losing.

O'keefe has good stuff and they are terrified

the alien is a distraction too
im leaning towards CNN footage
the hours and hours of MEME Sup Forums will make of that footage will be too much fun and we are simply not allowed to have that much fun. little do they realize that we notice the sliding and it makes us lurk harder

isnt it always like it when its daytime in australia? i just thought shitposting BBC pictures was their national pastime or something

Has Sargon started posting on Sup Forums?

>have we just degraded to enjoying that kinda thing now?

Pro tip: You're gay

what about the CNN footage? I'm interested in these hours and hours of meme /pol you speak of.

newfag, the polish cuck raiding us is a part of our culture. he makes us suffer, and we love it. of course to believe this we must assume that he is drunk.

Is this prime shilling time or something?
I'm usually not on pol at this time since its 8:00 am in germany, so i don't know.