Why are so many young white men fat bald manchildren?
Why has western society gone from the bastion of civilization to a factory of degeneracy?
What changed?
Why are so many young white men fat bald manchildren?
Why has western society gone from the bastion of civilization to a factory of degeneracy?
What changed?
Same reason why so many Japs are NEETS. People don't grow up either because they can't or because they don't want to.
the root cause?? sugary breakfast cereals?
You would go through the same once you let jews influence society.
Thank you, burger. I was about to say that.
quality stock got culled during the two world wars of the last century. genetic refuse makes up the majority of what survives.
The Japanese neet problem only seems severe because it is so widely publicized.
The west has a much bigger problem and fails to see it.
>Crafty merchants have much influence
Is it their diet or something? I've seen white people around my age in college starting to lose their hair.
succesful people leave shit areas
if you arent seeing beautiful people everywhere you go you live in a shit hole
I live in japan I see the dregs of western society here for anime adventures every day.
sounds gross.
Race mixing
It really easy.
Are weebs a legitimate problem for Japan then?
Well ah mean that dude kinda looks like Leonardo Da Vinci so unno.
Problem? No. I just think they're gross.
I guess its a problem in the sense they make the west look bad
I have no idea
Please tell stories
Yeah, they're the worst sort of people. I wish they would grow up and get jobs.
Well he is just going to make it up so..want me to make some stories up?
I could tell some Gaijan in Nipland stories from experience though.
i am the only living anime
maybe francis of the filth too
they aren't and blame boomers..., linoleum... really?
the problem is our neets are happy to go out with friends while yours are more keen on forsaking friendship in exchange for extra anime titties
I started balding at 17 and rogain did nothing.
Turns out I am a male carrier of the PCOS causing gene. Which in males causes a mimicking of aggressive male pattern baldness.
who cares
One reason: high availability of calorie dense foods that are not sufficiently satiating.
Baldness simply has not become more common than it was. There have always been baldies (and fatties were not uncommon post-agricultural revolution).