>Nobody can tell me this guy is not redpilled. He doesn't give a fuck anymore. He openly browses Sup Forums threads in videos.
why did no one tell me post election Sup Forums was this good
>Nobody can tell me this guy is not redpilled. He doesn't give a fuck anymore. He openly browses Sup Forums threads in videos.
why did no one tell me post election Sup Forums was this good
fucking communist
Are Sup Forumstards redpilled?
he is redpilled. his cousin posts on dailystormer and is in Nordic Resistance movement. I thought this was common knowledge around here.
His cousin shared some photos for proof. He confirms pewdiepie is redpilled.
pathetic b8 m8
Swedish billionaires are redpilled by default. Check out Notch some times.
Sup Forums is dead since a while
why this guy is so perfect?
have you seen how bad Sup Forums is now? Sup Forums is getting there.
Not fast enough, they refuse to accept traps are gay.
W-wait Pewdiepie said the bro-fist was a secret Nazi handshake. Natsoc. Not Communism.
Don't scare me like that.
Sup Forums is just about the bluest pilled website on the hovernet.
>why did no one tell me post election Sup Forums was this good
I fucking hate all of you
You`re under the assumption he browses Sup Forums
There are many other boards here.
he only recently embraced his true self and stopped hiding behind a fake "happy" character
He was posting on Sup Forums like 5 years ago and is still browsing Sup Forums to this day as he used /gif/ for source material for a video a few days ago.
Anyone that has been here that alone, especially a Swede, is redpilled.
He just got unverified on Twitter due to Hitler joke. (implying he was Hitler's son)
As well as saying "why is a white cis male doing a Jews work?" as he was shooting nazis in a game.
also he said "no more 'nazi' babies for you" as he was shooting the dicks off nazis in a video game. replace nazi with white and you can clearly see that this man is crying for help. Heil PewDiePie
nice shoop. almost as convincing as a lefty false flag.
>redpills floating in the background
made me think
>not playing cs with the cuck in the good old times
>not being in the same irc's with him back i the day
he was a Sup Forums tard back in the day, once you are here you are here forever, you guys should know this.
Is that info not in that ED shit you refugees use?
I doubt he could have had some much power to destroy it all.
He was crying at the end of his rambling 20 minute apology
That fag does not represent me
Hmm yep, PewdiePie Twitter account is now unverified with nearly 10 million followers.
That happened after the killing Hitler video?
>openly browses a hive of normalfaggotry
Fucking execute yourself
>apology cancer
>thinking that crying makes it any more irredeemable
I thought it was when he joined ISIS.
Don't celebrate plebs you dumb fag. By celebrating plebs you only invite more
Maybe she comes to Sup Forums
I wonder if I've called her a faggot before...
thread theme:
>why did no one tell me post election Sup Forums was this good
>this good
trump supporter myself but trump and this whole election cycle ruined Sup Forums tbqh
Not gonna lie, former Sup Forums shitposter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Sup Forums crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this board gas the kikes.
I never thought that there would be a timeline where I would think that fag is based but here we are
i love pewdiepie, he's based
This is an 18+ board.
His lonely
This warms my heart. Do you think Tay gets off on guys calling her a faggot, or telling her to an hero?
He knows the media hate his kind, especially since e-celebs have more power to influence gen z than kike propaganda, their biggest fear is the right wing internet culture sweeping around the web.
Buzzfeed explains it here
The part that says
>pewdiepie is more recognizable than Jennifer Lawrence among 13-18 year olds
This is why they want to destroy these people, because gen z' world view isn't warped by the msm and hollywood pop culture. There is a hidden war being waged by the establishment against gen z.
fucking hell
His face is the exact shape of candy corn.
Give me sauce on peediepie browsing Sup Forums or else!
That's one pissed cockatiel
ps you're one lazy cunt
>erasing nazis from the timeline
Gen Z comments are based
Holy shit it's fucking true!
I never had a thing against Pewds, his over the top style just wasn't my thing when he did his let's plays, but I appreciate his honesty in his videos when he started stepping away from his old shennanigans.
Can you post a screencap of his posts or more info on this?
>subtly introducing normie gen z kids to Alex Jones
Pewdiepie is normie friendly.
thats a perk.
desu the last time I visited Sup Forums was 10 years ago.
>that pic
I hope he doesn't do anything drastic, he should just doing non pc jokes. That way the media spergs and before long they will be like the boy who cried wolf and no one will take them seriously. Then he can do what ever the fuck he want and give the media something real to complain about, but by then no one will listen to them.
He is growing pretty fast, if he continues at his current rate he will hit 100 mil before the end of 2018.
>they watch PewDiePie
you have to be 18 or older to post on here
>they're from Africa
You have to be aids free to post here
memes. the most powerful weapon since Zyklon B.
Pewds has been a channer since 2007 you mongs.
How did you now know this?
The fucking madman
She doesn't visit Sup Forums, this "evidence" was fabricated.
Yeah, don't go there. It's fucked, full of literally hundreds of faggot threads.
I got banned for making a pewdiepie post. What is this?
>Pewds has been a channer since 2007 you mongs.
All Swedish gamers from that generation know about the chan.
Dicks, tits, guys with tits and dicks, ylyl and feels threads. That sums up about 90% of Sup Forums nowadays.
This is so stupid.
You forgot the gore and furry porn.
post election Sup Forums is fucking terrible, though. you fucking /r/the_donald tourists never left
Yes, I believe that's the other 10%...
Sup Forums is where the non-r*dditors among us come from
>Jared Taylor is a h'white supremacist
r/thedonald fags need to be lined up and shot
Correct. It's still fun to hop on and shake a stick at them and watch them fling shit everywhere.
he's a Swede, Swedish men are feminine and sensitive, it's just normal.
Agreed. I always loved a good nostalgia thread, alternative art (including rule 63), but I guess those ran out of steam for some reason.
I like going on and rocking the boat. Once in a while you'll run across an oldfag on there bitching about the Tumblr queers that stuck around after the war of 2014.
How do we know he's /ourguy/?
He was clearly making fun of alex jones not cheering him on.
I hear ya, at least Sup Forums is still somewhat decent. Well it was a nice chat but I'm heading to bed for another work day. Cheers from tacoland.
Literally anything can be written on your fingers. Goddamn leaf.
You guys care way too much about what celebs think.
We don't want to end up showing celebreties up people's throats to push an agenda like Hillary did
Cheers from my McDonald's rented booth.
We don't, but it's so rare
>Swedish username
>Makes 6 gorillion jokes
Shills like you are so visible.
We redpill the masses, and we either support our allies or are silent about them, but nothing will turn us against them.
He is not red pilled.
He is.
wow, pewdiepie is truly redpilled. one could even say he is /ourguy/
Calm down Ivan, just saying it's a bad idea to assume he's a full on Sup Forums shitposter and that it might risk ending up with us looking pretentious for using celebs for political agendas.
Like I already said, Hillary did this and it didn't end up well for her
Not. He's just out of material and desperate to be eggy for his unfunny channel. Sad!
>red pilled
Pick one
or better yet kill yourself red scum
Is he signalling us? He could have easily just watched those webms in full screen but he wanted to show Sup Forums.
What is his endgame?
While I agree on some points that image is still cringe as fuck
No he is not. If you say so you are either a shill or are unable to read the material. His choice of themes, words and manner of presenting them tell unmistakenly the level of his redpillness.
Fuck, what am I talking here, the media started attacking him intensely, they know whom to attack.
>They know whom to attack
I think it's safe to say that they faced a backlash for doing so. Not a big fan of Pewds but I admire how he stood up for himself
>use celebs for political agenda
In what way even, lol.
> Hillary did this
Did what? He had people who were walking propaganda with scripted lives since the fucking beginning, this was their mere function. How dare you comparing this filth to pewdiepie
*She had
That meme is disgusting. But its deep irony though right? Or do you condone trying to explain Sup Forums away to normies as reddit tier filth?
It's not even deep irony, it's surface level irony
>I can smell (((em))) already... all the bad Nazi jokes
>I can smell the out-of-context
Holy shit kek
So he browses /gif/. What does this confirm? He likes traps and scat?
Really makes you think. If famous people come here to Sup Forums who exactly have I been calling nigger faggot kike cock suckers all these years.
I left Sup Forums for pol.
its dead.