>Sweden won't become a third world cou-
Also Australia is the most powerful country in the universe
>Sweden won't become a third world cou-
Also Australia is the most powerful country in the universe
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Are you just gonna ignore Japan??
third bomb
>tfw 3, 3, 2, 4-5, 5
there's no way canada is that high
these metrics are shit m8
they should account for the weather
It's Human Development Index,
honestly the average canadian doesn't
really have that much problems tbqh
says u
>Greece and Slovenia will be better than the US
Welp, at least I'll still be in a white state in 2030...
How do they calculate this? What makes them think Sweden will drop that much? Obviously WE know why it would, but why would they? Assuming they think mass immigration is a positive.
>Australia ranked #1
And we think this is a good source?
Essentially it's a big troll like the Doomsday Clock.
> GDP falls slightly, perhaps to .906 or .910 or so
> This somehow is equivalent to being Third World
You guys know that Third World is basically .500 or below in HDI, right? Sweden will still be a very nice country relatively speaking, it will just get extremely shitty for a lot of the brown people who won't be able to make it by and in the areas they inhabit things may get worse. It will still classify as a First World Country.
*HDI, not GDP
>Sweden will be below Bahrain, Mexico, Latvia, Cuba, and Libya
>a-at least it will still be a first world country
>tfw war-torn Libya got us beaten
Third bomb makes anime real.
Australia and Canada will get fucked by their own inflation and socialism. Both welcomed terrorist refugees with open arms. Only good thing Aussies did was put them on some fucking island to have them 'vetted' first. Who knows how long you can keep them there before they flood your shithole mainland.
>thinks they are greatest country
>kangaroo puts their dogs in a headlock
>still punching kangaroos
HDI has three factors:
>Average lifespan
>Average income (adjusted for purchasing power)
>Average number of years spent in school
The only thing HDI takes into account are
1. GDP per Capita
2. Life expectancy
3. Literacy & Enrolment rates in Schools
So literally nothing. Every single jap I know wants to get the fuck out of Japan. These factors have pretty low influence on daily life desu.
>pretty low influence on daily life
and that's why you'll always be a nigger.
>purchase power
>working conditions
>housing conditions
No wonder people call you niggers
> Money
> Healthcare
> Education Quality
> Pretty low influence on daily life
Are you fucking retarded?
The only thing Polish care about when they think of other countries is how many toilets are available for cleaning.
> Purchasing Power
The reason money doesn't go as far in higher-GDP countries is specifically because the products that are consumed are of higher quality. For example, housing in America or Sweden will cost much more than housing in Poland per unit area, but it will also have much more amenities, likely be cleaner, etc. Food and certain other goods may possibly be more expensive but that's because the economies are productive enough to allow extensive regulations and testing to ensure that the quality of goods and services being consumed are high and to a safe standard for consumers.
> Working conditions
Countries with high GDP per capita almost universally have better working conditions than countries with low GDP per capita. See pic for general trend.
> Housing conditions
See the first point regarding housing/apartment quality and general quality of the country due to wealth overall.
cause they were so spot on for greece, amirite guis?
GDP will go down because of refugee influx. Life expectancy will fall because of constant grenade attacks and riots. When 14 year olds join kindergarten, you may have a problem
>Countries with high GDP per capita almost universally have better working conditions than countries with low GDP per capita. See pic for general trend.
The stuppiest thing I ever read.
>Overtime limits
>Payment for overtime
>Rest period
>Sick leave
>Work breaks
>Termination conditions
I can assure you that any european shithole has better working conditions than USA and Japan combined
two chico rolls for a late lunch
ooohh yeahh
> What is the meaning of almost
So, would you tell me that Poland has better working conditions than Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, France, Germany, Britain, ore Ireland?
*or Ireland
Slovenia really is dope country, thwir only problem is wild bosnians and too boring life
I can say that we have pretty much the same as they are enforced by EU. Also
>Overtime limits
Year and monthly limits of overtime work
>Payment for overtime
Overtime fully paid (which is not in Japan) at 150% rate.
>Rest period
Obligatory period of free time during day - 11h
5 days working week. Work may be on Saturnday.
At least 20 days of paid holidays. 14 days in one row. 4 days on demand
>Sick leave
Fully paid sich leave. No questions asked. Up to 6 month
>Work breaks
Breaks during work day.
>Termination conditions
Terminatios periods and justifications
Nice meme ;)
This doesn't take into account Japanese debt, glorious nippon is about to crash super fucking hard.
What a waste
I hate every cunt that heralded that as something to laugh at, be proud of, aspire to. Even the media was pushing it as a "lol australia" meme.
The guy had ample time to realise that the kangaroo had let go of the dog. He chose to hit it because he figured he had a golden opportunity, not because it was a direct threat at that point.
I mean I would have knocked the giant rat out myself if it attacked my dogs but if you watch the video, the guy gets there, the KANG lets go of the dog, there is a pause where it deescalates, then the guy lays into it
total cunt act
they're delicious mind you
Holy shit you're right
>below mexico
how is that even fucking possible holy shit sweden get your shit together
If anything it's evidence that the projection is retarded and inaccurate, not that anything like that is going to happen to Sweden. Like does anybody seriously believe that Cuba will fucking surpass Sweden, or Mexico full of incompetent mestizo and Amerindian retards?
with the way the swedish native population seems to be committing voluntary collective suicide, I wold say its possible
>at least they were tolerant right guys
>mfw the actual 2015 value is 0.907, about as low as the initial 2030 forecast
Russia, Italy and UK will fix Lybia soon. The same won't happen in Sweden.
good image friend, keep it up.
the original forecast didnt take into account all those muzzies you took in. it will only be worse.
>tfw 1, 1, 1, 1, 2,
We have 25% Non-Europeans (including Balkanshits and Eastern trash).
Yet we've basically stayed at the exact same spot since 2010.
2010: #13
2011: #13
2012: #13
2013: #13
2014: #14
2015: #14
Norway has been first every time since 2010-2015 and mostly likely 2016 and 2017 as well. This prediction was obviously made by a buttblasted Greek living in Australia.
He's just triggered as fuck man. Don't buy into it. We're clearly coming up in the world, kek.
Stop trying to defend your shithole. You guys wouldn't have such a high suicide rate if your country was as good as you make it to be.
At least you have us.
You are lucky that rape index doesnt count in HDI.
where did you get this?
maybe my english isn't so good, where did you get the pic?
Aus is going to be fucked when the coal and iron run out although the Chinamen will have probly taken over by then
When are autists like you going to learn that political standing is literally just a popularity contest?
Australia would be the quiet kid that lives in an isolated neighborhood that throw parties no one goes to.
Bbbut tthis are only predictions, surely it won't happen
wonder why the sites talking about this are pointing to this >ww.rrojasdatabank.info
but op's pic isn't in it
jesus christ
>Mexico full of incompetent mestizo and Amerindian retards
No, Mexico is white tyrone, thats why. Mexico is ruled by the descendants of the conquistadores, not stupid mestizos nor indios.
>white & arab
>grouped together as same ethnicity
Uk needs to stop treading water and sort itself out
The UK seems like it's been pretty fucked ever since WWII, economically struggling and not really able to keep up with much of the rest of Northern/Western Europe. Even Ireland has surpassed it in economic growth and GDP per capita IIRC.
Anyone making a forecast for more than 5 years is retarded.
To all these rating even make seance? There are tons of them, end every time there are different countries at the top(however always with Japan).
They are obviously factoring in the ascent of One Nation, followed by a major chucking for the younger generation whose had it too good for too long and start voting greens again
Japan is monetarily sovereign, they make money from thin air, like us.
Wow, rude?
Sorry, Latvia, but when you go to work, you aren't sending your best.
slow and steady wins the race
Which is why hell holes like Qatar rank so high.
Qatar isn't a hellhole at all, have you seen the lifestyle it provides for its citizens?
Except its 2017 and we're still below 900 at #26.
>Higher HDI than Sweden, even in 2030
Do they even have a central goverment right now?
Didn't 15 people get killed because a monkey removed a girl's headscarf?
i'll believe that sweden will go down, but i doubt Libya will surpass it
>Greece #13
we are importing Asians which are smarter than Africans.
So of course we are better
>not using IHDI