>tfw born in 1997
>tfw don't get to experience any age of prosperity
>tfw everything is stagnant
Tfw born in 1997
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw born in 98
>tfw you realise you have to clean up the mess the older, pathetic and all around queer generations made before you
>when you go to post complaining about underage b& and realize they aren't
Oh dear Christ, you're right.
Same, user, same.
HAHA your 1st problem is you live in australia.
Your 2nd problem is that this thread is bait.
Your third problem is you are too young to realize your brain isn't fully formed and you don't have the confidence to appreciate that this is the cutting edge in all of human history and you get to be present for the whole thing.
>mfw born in 1996 and already a wageslave with no future prospects, cant even buy booze to drown the suffering caused by shit work environment and crumbling political climate
>Can't into math
Sup Forums was my dad when I was growing up.
I was born in the memes, molded by them. I didn't see ghetto memes until I was a man, and by then it was blinding.
>tfw 1992
>got to live comfy 90s life
>comfy middle school life
>"my president is black and NY Lambo blue"
-general cultural decline and degeneracy
>24 now and have to be an adult
>just in time to be taken seriously when talking about the God Emperor
>life couldn't be going better
Get fucked gen z fags
1997fag here
Nothing special happened, i think there was a financial crisis at birth year
Why is suicide so hard to accomplish
Which ways have you tried? No mountain cliff or skyscraper nearby?
You may have led The Great Meme War, outliers of Gen Y, but it is the majority of Gen Z that will lead the race war.
You merely paved the way so that we may mature, but now it's our turn.
So just sit back, grab a cup of hot cocoa, and watch as we finish what you started.
Nice trips but don't actually tell me you fell for the Hitler dindu nuffin meme.
>tfw died in 95
>literally posting from the nether realm
>can't rest in peace anymore because living normies keep taunting and making the boss restless
Too much of a pussy to try
I have to grow balls to kill myself wtf
Gen Z is Hitler's Youth in disguise.
I want to say you're underage b& but you're somehow not
What the fuck?
>next year people born in 2000 will be able to post
>he fell for the stormcuck propaganda
Nazis need to go along with the Marxists.
>Born in 2000
>Able to post
Oooooh boy.
Fuck off ShariaBlue
>tfw born in 1995 and already a regular at the local liquor store
>He fell for the globalist kike's propaganda
Nice try, Dr. Goldberg.
'86 here.
>If you're not a Nazi you're a kike
You do realise Nazism is a dead ideology, right? Also this idea that you have to be a Nazi to preserve your own race is laughable.
heh....I like your spirit, kid
but the big boys still got this
>The 400lb hacker known as Sup Forums
You're a big guy.
It's no different than having a Spanish last name and being white -- nobody even calls you for interviews
Being white Spanish is the worst of all possible worlds
It's pretty hard not to hate you when you enforce your Marxist shite on us.
It can't be worse than being a nigger.
pretty sure you elected a Muslim mayor of London without our help, Sir Cuckingston Ackvar Muhammad
And you elected a black Muslim ad your president not once but twice. Don't even start, Jamal Fuentes.
these people are still able to post, they just don't say their fucking age, but you can usually spot them depending on the amount of shilling in the thread
It is not dead, unlike Marxism.
And even if it was, it doesn't stop the leftist from pushing their dead ideology and punishing our own. Fascism is the natural reaction to Marxism.
A new era is dawning.
This triggers the Brit
>everything that I don't like is a shill
You people really sicken me. You say that you love free speech and yet you use the same tactics as your supposed enemies. Go fuck yourself.
If you look closely you'll realise that these marxists you speak of are fascists as well.
>He's proud that his ancestors ran and hid while the real men fought.
>land of the """"brave"""""
You should really thank france for fighting that war for you
Gen Z here checking those trips
Someone colorized it!??
> Amazing
>being this butthurt over Sup Forums
it was a fucking joke you stupid bong, I just said people who shill are usually underage.
Kids these days are so young
>hahaha your mad xDDDD
They use fascist tactics to instate a Marxist regime, eventually leading to globalism.
I'd rather not, faggot.
>Forced shart in mart meme made by assblasted poo in loos
You have to try harder than that.
Really, try again.
nonsense, you get to experience me, the so called user.
what's with the pissed off brits? Did someone tax your tea this time?
>Did someone tax your tea
Same lad, we're not of a bad age however. We will be the trendsetters for the Gen-Zers, who should come out more redpilled than the shitty generation of Millenials that preceded them. Because of our age, we get the be the Mosely's and George Lincoln Rockwell's for them.
Youre literally are the inbred outcasts off the ships from England, the trash of the trash that wasnt even fit for a prison continent (Australia).
By 2030 all the boomers will have retired.
There will be a huge retirement industry
All their jobs will be available.
Why can't we all just get along :(
>you're literally are
You're literally are too mad to type correctly
They need to hurry to fuck up and die already, I'm tired of working at resturants.
>Loses two wars against inbred outcast
Poor Britain, must be hard being so C U C K E D.
>their jobs will be available meme.
You know many of these boomer jobs are disappearing as they leave right?
No w that the slimey limey has buggered off....
Look into urban development and city planning - especially in coastal areas. Even an inch of rising ocean means significant implications in those areas of specialization.
I learned this from a college professor who told the generation before me to look into the retirement business for the ACTUAL boomer generation (not sure what the other fag is talking about) in Florida. Lol and behold the retirement business in Florida boomed
>"slimey limeys, when will they learn?"
>*everyone laughs*
>limey gets even madder
Read what the other bong posted. France, Spain and the Netherlands did the fighting. The only thing you """people""" did was satisfy them. By that I mean your women riding French, Spanish and Dutch cock. You people haven't won a war in your entire history.
Feels bloody good when they see you though and are astounded that you're not shitskinned and actually white
>people born in 1997 are old enough to browse a sumerian tablet chiseling website despite not being old enough to know what chiseling is
>1997 was twenty years ago
you guys are the ones I'm honestly most sorry for
>underage cancer is adult now
>never got into politics before trump
>started browsing Sup Forums within a day or two of trumps announcement
>become more and more redpilled as our GodEmperor grows in strength
I can only imagine how much there is still im ignorant about, but I have the next 8 years to see where it goes. I've never been this excited about life before.
>civil war
btfo bong
They're already posting.
I was posting in 2011 and I was born in 1999. The only difference now is that I can explicitly state I was born in 1999 without getting banned. I'd say anywhere between 20-40% of the board is underage.
I'd guess it was about 20% before the election, but now at least 40% of the board is underage newfags.
as long as they mostly lurk and aren't cancer i dont really care. If more of the younger generation is getting redpilled here im not going to complain
Generation Z will be battling a severe case of the Japanese style stagflation mixed with affluenza hangover from crapitalism and overdose of red pill from hyper connected internet society. 4D chess, your move OP.
>I share a board with people 16 years younger than me
>16 years difference
>Completely different values and generation
Jesus Fucking Christ. Is there a Sup Forums for adults or adults only? This made me fucking sick. This made me hate myself too for not having any where else to turn to online.
I have to share a site with fucking kids, while discussing serious topics like gun laws, immigration, voting, sexual identity, rights and more. I'm literally arguing with children and their make believe struggles.
Wish I could hate OP to death. Fucking faggot probably didn't even vote.
They aren't able to post their real ages without getting banned though. It's more of reading "Hey look I'm born in 2000 and can post here" that's the shock.
20 is considered a young adult, sir.
>Different values
Gen Z is the most right leaning generation since WWII.
>mfw ive been using this website for 10 fucking years
I am moving to another country next week. Please release me.
at least (you) tried
Funny, I thought about that eariler today and it blew my mind that its been over ten years
It could be worse
It doesn't matter if 20 is considered adult, it's a fact that your brain is not fully developed until at least the age of 25, so they are objectively speaking not adult.
Move onto reddit grandpa this is our site now.
In all honesty, I don't believe that is always true.
I believe in some cases individuals reach their full potential earlier than most. Exception to the rule.
I'd consider myself to be a rational thinker, emotions playing an extremely minimal part in my thought process.
But whatever makes you feel better about being an old man, gramps.
Your frontal cortex is not fully developed until your mid twenties. This is a fact, and pointing to something as subjective "reaching your full potential" doesn't prove anything. Regardless if you've reached this subjective measurement point or not, it is a fact that your frontal cortex is still not fully developed. You making a post this stupid honestly just proves my point.