Let's talk about the alien pic that crashed Sup Forums.
Anyone have it?
Let's talk about the alien pic that crashed Sup Forums.
Anyone have it?
Other urls found in this thread:
I do but I'm not going to post it.
inb4 600 replies telling you to post a non existent picture on a shitty Israeli basket weaving forum
interspecies breeding is fucking degenerate. You can't even get a human female, what makes you think alien bitches will be interested in your inverted penis?
anyone want to fill me in here?
Can someone give me the basic gestalt about the alien pic that crashed Sup Forums?
here you go pal
last night someone posted a pic on Sup Forums accompanied by a set of coordinates. The pic was supposedly of a legit alien on Earth. The thread was deleted, user was banned, and all posting was blocked everywhere on the site. Images stopped loading, and a little while later boards just stopped being accessible all together.
I don't really believe it, but every time I read a recap I'm back to being curious about it again
Alleged alien pic posted and Sup Forums went down for 2 hours, since then increase autism has taken hold of this place
Any other boards aware of this?
I'm going to take a look at the archive, to check whether there are missing post numbers or not.
Now I need EXACT information, as there's hundreds of posts made every MINUTE, to decrease the time I need to find anything
When did the crash happen?
When did it end?
Post the times in CET please
could you maybe email it?
Nice try, CIA.
it's not that simple
something comes up that Sup Forums has to handle
they know everybody is going to go autistic because Sup Forums
post something just before takedown
come back and post constantly about alien being the culprit
the fact that everybody thinks its the alien means its unlikely the alien
images went down because /jp/ started raiding /qa/ though
>boards just stopped being accessible all together.
I don't remember this happening
I was here last night. There was a good 5 hours where images couldn't be uploaded but regular posts could still be made
Yeah, that leaf was spamming bbc
I heard it was because Sup Forums was spoiling the new Zelda game that had assets leaked
Another person said there was someone claiming to be CIA on /x/ who said "no more images for you!" after someone made fun of their logo.
What happened last night?
Oh by the way I've cracked the code
I haven't been this spookhyped in years, and now I'm realizing more and more just how fake all this actually is
god dammit i just wanted to see an ayylmao, this hurts deep
post it on here then britfag.
well if you insist. where do you live?
i was on /qa/ and 90% of the threads were anime spam due to /jp/ raiding
after that, images got rip
we all got buttcucked
CIA shutting down imageposting
so is this just some bullshit where people make something up and it becomes a meme? I was here last night before the website went all fucky and I didn't see any alien picture
To be fair, the mods wouldn't pull all image posting on the site just because some fucking anime spam on /qa/ of all boards
They didn't pull image posting when the Easter? shitposter completely took over Sup Forums
yee everyone is larping
I don't understand. I se aliens everyday. They're always standing outside how depot and working those questionable food trucks serving "fresh tortillas" with everything including pizza.
This, boards like /wsg/ are completely ruined now because nothing older than a day loads
>tfw it would be easier if mods simply nuked the board at this point