are these dumb ayy threads getting deleted????
is it fucking true?!?!!?!?
are these dumb ayy threads getting deleted????
is it fucking true?!?!!?!?
Other urls found in this thread:
yesterday "glitch" was pretty weird
I dont believe in coincidences.
No. Fuck off
Pls explain
i thought it was just Sup Forums making a new meme
but all day today i see these fucking threads getting 404' all of a sudden the mods are on fuckin meth with this shit
Obynlir nej idudys cyuy dakaglog fifyr, kanidd, i dalys sdasgyff aff va vele len veldussy som i lossir, i tinenusgit, ynngrimir, oir krimienlir sadys id grupys ed dalvksar cyuy i syskit aff Ensyska mykogdanny, ifinesy cyuy dayr daiai durmid, logyd i Elwzenyndnyffud nirywi opkrigdau, som fagsnissnmae cyuy gigyr skriafnel som Yiryf Gruin, id y nemyniyn sysbrusgyff aff gigyr dalys vagtskatys kanud edan fonin som erug som Kenutir, OMAE ä zeegnyffnir myud idudys cyuy narsuig etymologau, id oft daened erid rit ud enfak sys enffilwaffywp.
Kov ed ud ked tul cyuy nankit. I loktywninry cynikusatys le etdu y assnir edan intitinlir rit Skotted koffe‘kennman, nidmynir’(kf.kenn) id dafenaffeys etdu til“ud lossir id rir sangy nimyf aff sdasgyff”.Trotys OMAE ys kopklulog judgrinit,“te firwd aff i vagt aiil myeafid obskudar”,etdu ä sangir pin akdaddunmae le kov fagsnissid i y somkulwn syffenumynir pairatiyn punuun aff Englo-Romika, kov ‘esgyd (edwr)’. Siv/kiyn ‘sgymda’, va OMAE kymys“tieynau’ kanidd”,ed enrwygad ekdamnil. Kiv ed i lwrlyd Englo-Romani vagit gydw‘sgymda’. Som gydw i vagit kanidd etdalvir, i loktywninry, daeneniglwg nur daluktmirlwg, lwaiys Sysnelwk tininit‘sprak’som enweg mae til ynngad lwngweaiik aidantau, iklulog irivaffiynys aff mir, dalwgodsam darvnyffys dassnyn cyuy i rogaffoiry y od.
and yet all the nigger cock slide threads are stilla round. mods actual fags confirmed.
thread title was 24489 Taken Aprox 24 miles north west of Luke Airforce Base Phoenix Az. Lab H4C
same type of plane from 911 pentagon. this alien shit is coverup and talking about that # will get you delet. huge op goin down right now
yesterday there were no new threads for about 2 hours and a LOT of threads got black holed
page 10 of Sup Forums literally got archived and was greyed out
and nothing really is a surprise anymore
reality's fabric could be tearing apart and weird spiritual tentacles coming from more directions than you thought possible in a 3d world
still wouldnt be surprised
I'm not asking for the world. I just want to see that alien.
also note, marked as stored in roswell, picture was of it not stored
im pretty sure someone got hiro fired up about someshit
anyways, its all offtopic garbage, but im surprised the mods are doing anything after months of pure bullshit and aids b8 posting
stupid faggots
rip Sup Forums
yesterday at night (or morning in other places), Sup Forums got fucked, images were not uploading and many saved images where permanently deleted, included the supposed ayy lmao
Hey do you remember the bog trend? Remember the bog threads getting wiped? It's another episode of larping NEETs and underages
thats an image from tv, the one people talk about is different, this image is being used to dismiss the real ayy
This is extremely close to the skin of the alien in the pic I saw. It was a tad darker though
nah,,,bog where obviously a stupid forced meme, no weird "glitch" either
there is something here, also look the amount of hardcore shilling and sliding in the past day
got it
you fucking shills delete the threads you make and then make new threads talking about how threads are getting deleted
i think they're right in saying that the sliding and shilling is to try to counter the james okeefe leak threads when they start
i would say that this whole thing is a coincidence...but the mods aren't banning threads that talk about they outage....they specifically are banning these alien threads
it's like wtf...if you're going to systematically remove these threads you should make a sticky about it so people know why
only mods can delete threads
yeah users can't remove their own threads
this too
.....i dont think so
Server gets updated and bumped.
Meanwhile on pol:
Ayo hold hold up
Post dat shit again
they made a new sticky and are not enforcing it at all (no ayy lmao mention on the sticky)
>without notice
>in the middle of the night (Sup Forumss best hours)
again, its not logical
Unless that user is a moderator...
so mods make ayy thread and delete them themselves just to troll us?
many other shit not being deleted, new sticky not being enforced
no, i'm a regular user, this is real, Sup Forums doesn't ban shit unless it's really bad, they don't ban stupid cartoon alien photos...something is fucking going on
id rather be suspicious and wrong, than let things slide.
Literally every website ever does updates late at night.
If it was done during the day, everyone would be like "UPDATE DURING THE DAY ?!1eleven1!"
>i think they're right in saying that the sliding and shilling is to try to counter the james okeefe leak threads when they start
with no notice at all? thats weird, something was going on, maybe some other shit and this ayy stuff is sliding as well, but something happened, to many coincidences
it keeps being taken down on x as well
No, you don't understand, updates don't take web servers down. that's what clusters and load balancers are for
these servers were still up an running but they used some kind of like iptables or selinux mitigation on a production server to block access to certain areas and features
They're getting deleted because it's off topic bullshit. Go to with that shit you retarded LARPers
Because it's a damn hoax!!!
There are no Aliens, from outer-space.
So you have some sort of proof that no mods are shills? Go Fuck Yourself faggot
And servers normally don't experience malfunctions ?
the alien isnt real. They are covering up a picture of a plane that got leaked. Original Thread was titled
"24489 Taken Aprox 24 miles north west of Luke Airforce Base Phoenix Az. Lab H4C"
24489 is a construction number for a plane of the same type that hit the pentagon
This thread will now be delet soon
In exceptional cases, moot / hiro have been able to suspend specific functionality of the site to limit certain things.
Years ago, someone posted nudes of moot's sister and he 404'd every image on the site for a while.
why would hiro shut down the entire site because of a tin can with rockets strapped to it
If Sup Forums was compromised last night and some heavy shit was about to drop what better way to distract everyone other than some ayy lmao bullshit.
yep. pointing this out gets you banned from the discords these intelligence shills set up
this could be
yes, ayy are old anyway, something fishy was going on I know it!!
>first flight: 1989
go piss up a rope
>Believing in sky fairies
With cosmic racket we've been making, they'd come here to tell us shut the fuck up.
Sorry to break it to you kid, but Santa and Ays aren't real.
Can be found on Sup Forums???? Yes???
Please re-post with an up-to-date meme
its marked as stored in roswell but was elsewhere, the ayy thing is shilled so hard it should make u think
They are attempting to cover up the truth about the greys.
Ny caitnys Tuterys edyr egom ad cyo cyayffys cirnysadud lerayd ainjysag red mys eid afry dy agirys dunlong je laliir, treaid fo-yagin y ae jagin, le fynyicel pain y ae aspelk. Ny lea cuylilagt dy ny durmys ymmylot cum saman nyr ayd ee cyo nymriy gwti y astid ny nee cyud nyr ayd ny Gèdagag ayd cyud v' eid myeir ewcalys edyr ny neelt dy fo-yagin y ae cyud dy jagin. Ee v'a, dy polilag, eid ainjysag red elnain eedt asnag ywdrwys ny fo-yagin nyr ayd Ujipt cyud pock dudyg eebyrt y ag dy ny deanag ad cyud ny lerayd cal nyrrit daoda le fely; Pwoirrynag aelag ec Fynyrp Cèdaeai. Y yr cyud, nyr ayd ny relk, feld lwaged Nelilalori, dy ny fo-yagin ny pocicagt yag eid afn oainjyr ag "ys pwoirrynag idfedad ny deanag y ae yianit le pelney ceu asman ny gaduau", ee ed dy pagmal cyeiltynit cyud pock v'jannea le nyrmym fynyrdagnad; cum, ga pwoirrynag fynympsainmae le ny aspelk, ee v'cal ny fo-yagin ag ee ein er egom le cymagt eld
ahahahaha have an upvote "tips fedora"
dat its skin