Foreskin Fails

I've been seeing a lot of pro-foreskin propaganda on this board lately so I thought I'd come on and set the record straight.

>Foreskin does not reduce sensitivity

>Women prefer circumcised penises

>CDC endorses Circumcision

>Foreskin comes with health risks

Debate me. You will lose.

Other urls found in this thread:

Mark of the slave.

>You will lose.
>op is cutlet

You already lost.

>South Africa

>I have no argument hurr durr
>Still a smegtard

Two down 80+ more to go

Great argument. Upvoted.

(((they))) cut the tip off your dick to expose the nerve-endings of the head. It's hard to have self-control when the nerves are being constantly stimulated.

>Just another fact: the dickhead and clitoris are the same organs, the last x/y chromosome determines which route it takes.

>Falling for the cut jew

Cut men last longer friendo. Uncut """"men""" lack self control

Do you want to get the same treatment South Africa got? Pic related

Thanks Reddit

>mfw holy shit he's serious

Cutlets, when will they learn?

>he doesnt wash his dick
>doesnt even know what smegma is

>amerilards so lazy they literally cut their dick off so they don't have to wash it once every two weeks
Kek, these memes write themselves

Study showed that getting cut does irreversible damage mentally. (((they))) demanded that the canadian government have the scientists destroy the findings. Shouldn't be hard to find

Instructions not clear enough foreskin caught in shampoo bottle lid

So if (((evolution))) is real, then why haven't we just evolved to not have forskins yet over the billions of years or whatever.

Afterall, there is research that says it can actually be harmful according to OP.

I'm not talking about fucking.

I'm talking about normal everyday activities.
Your exposed dick is rubbing against your shorts stimulating the most sensitive part of your body at an excessive rate. The result from the excessive stimulation results in less control.

They cut the tip of your dick off so you lack control.

They cut off her clitoris so she is easier to control.

The (((MSM))) purports circumcisions so you are easier to control.

>But white niggers are too dumb to even realize they're slaves.

This. Threads over. Better luck next time cutlet OP.

>thread about foreskins made by american
I'm sorry for your loss, hahahaha


>do you see the irony in claiming evolution is jewish propaganda then claiming research shows uncircumcised is harmful.

You poor mutilated bastard.

>Foreskin does not reduce sensitivity


>Women prefer circumcised penises


>CDC endorses Circumcision

who cares?

>Foreskin comes with health risks

FUD & paranoia

you actually lose a fair bit of girth when you get cut.

Obvious distraction thread.
Because this topic always draws replies.
But there is no need to have this debate every other day. Actually OP has already posted this thread today.
Take the real red pill and abandon this thread.

> “I could feel his foreskin move along my vaginal walls during sex. It was a new sensation to me and a wonderful one … Feeling his foreskin also seemed to make it easier to experience orgasm during vaginal intercourse.”

Literally from the article you cited.

nah, new people visit everyday; somebodies getting redpilled even if its not OP

Here is an article that is easy to understand and has full sources. Long story short circumcision is terrible.



Jewish Rabbis Infect 14 Babies with Herpes

I'm 6 inches girth and cut. How much did I lose?
Make me even more depressed over it than I already am. I can handle the truth.

Well buddy, lets say you were right. Cut was better. Uncut guys could go get a circumcision tomorrow.

Now lets say you were wrong, and cut was worse? What could you do?

You just have stockholm syndrome. And I don't really blame you.

>remember that I'm cut

>Debate me. You will lose.

There's just no debate. Every male mammal is born with a foreskin. The sex-organs are the most important part of the body. Nature didn't fuck them up. You can't improve your dick by cutting part of it off.

Circumcision was originally intended as a punishment/cure for masturbation:

Circumcision removes the most sensitive parts of the penis

(double-blind study done in 2007 using special filaments that tested the fine-touch sensitivity of every area of the penis. It is the only study done so far with bullet-proof and objective methodology)

I'm cut too btw. You defend circumcision because you feel like an attack on that is an attack on your penis. Have some moral courage. Coward.

I didnt even need to open the thread to know this was an american posting this.

Only a stupid American could even begin to defend having Moysh lop part of your dick off before being sentient.

I didn't mean it like that, man.

>(((god))) tells people to cut the tips of their dicks off

I'm so sorry your good goyim parents have mutilated your dick to appease Dr. Shlomo Shekelstein.

>Doesn't even know what smegma is
It's not something that affects me little leaf

>No argument
>Stale meme gif
Post a pic of your face when you get phimosis and HAVE to get circumcised.

Was that in the journal of /pol conspiracies? I must've missed it

Humans haven't even been around for a million years, let alone billions. Fucking retard

This is a new argument. Do you have evidence for it? Of course you don't

Do you even still have a dick you frostbitten neanderthal?

>Some women have autism
And its very unfortunate

>Actually citing derp

>he defends a practice that violates bodily autonomy

cut people can't uncut themselves while I could always mutilate myself if I wanted too. It's like you lost the game and now you want everyone to lose.

Circumcision decreases penile sensitivity

Circumcision associated with sexual difficulties

Circumcision decreases sexual pleasure

Circumcision decreases efficiency of nerve response in the glans of the penis

Circumcision results in significant loss of erogenous tissue

Circumcision has negligible benefit

Neonatal circumcision linked to pain and trauma

Circumcision may lead to need for increased care and medical attention in the first 3 years of life

Circumcision may lead to abnormal brain development and subsequent deviations in behavior

Gee I wonder who could be behind this post

So can we circumcise labia too?

>they look ugly
>men prefer vaginas without labia
>flaps create room for bacteria growth
>it signifies status; I.e my vagina, my choice

((( )))
>replying to all of those posts
>Not a single argument

"But the mohel with whom I had worked countless times suddenly handed me the knife. He pointed to my squirming son, whose hands and legs were tied to the board. The foreskin had been pulled up over the glans of the penis and was now protruding through a narrow slit of the small, stainless steel clamp....'It's the greatest honor a father can have,' he added....There is no greater primal anger than that caused by seeing another male in carnal contact with your wife, in this case the physical intimacy of mother and son. And there is no greater primal envy than that caused by looking down at the person who was brought into the world specifically to be your survivor....The breast provides, but the knife protects. It channels the father's natural anger and jealousy into one controlled cut. He takes off one small part in order to preserve -- and love -- the whole....No father should be denied this experience, even vicariously, of inflicting upon his child a ritualized blow so intense as to make him both shake and recoil."

— Birth Rite, by Joshua J. Hammerman,The New York Times Magazine, March 13, 1994.

>Foreskin does not reduce sensitivity
Removing the foreskin certainly reduces sensitivity. Even if removing it had no harmful effects at all, that still is not reason to. You could do with chopping off a toe with no harm.
Aesthetic reasons ought to have little weight when you are balancing against physical harm usually against a baby with no autonomy at all and will be permanently affected.

>CDC endorses Circumcision
Doctors used to endorse blood letting and brain lobotomies , not a reason.

>Foreskin comes with health risks
There are studies going both ways on this.


>Muh nature argument
According to this autismo logic people shouldn't wear glasses because MUH NATURE KNOWS BEST.

>Circumcision as a cure for masturbation
And it didn't work

>Sensitivity Argument
>The American Academy of Pediatrics has concluded that circumcision's benefits outweigh its risks and that no well-done studies find a reduction of sensitivity.

>Have some moral courage. Coward.
Fuck off fat faggot

>This is a new argument. Do you have evidence for it? Of course you don't

It's theological evidence (pic related), but it's also just common sense--if you constantly stimulate a sensitive area it will activate the part of the brain the region is correlated to.

I'm so glad I have an ugly white scar circling the circumference of my dick.
I'm so glad I get drum tight erections and the skin of my penis is immovable.
I'm so glad I have basically no sensation down there and have to physically and mentally perform a tight-rope maneuver to orgasm.
I'm so glad that my orgasms last barely 2 seconds.
I'm so glad I had the most sexually erogenous part of my body amputated when I was a newborn baby.
I'm so glad I'll never know what normal, joyful sex feels like
I'm so glad


into the easybake it goes

You can stop any time Mr Goldbergstein

>bruh feels

If there's any reconciliation, I was afraid to take my dick out because of the non-normalization of an uncircumcised dick.

feels really bad, man

Glasses are to correct weak vision, circumcision is mutilation. By your logic you should just gouge your eyes out

>Glasses = permanent surgery
End your life. Putting on glasses doesn't have an inherent risk to mutilate your dick.

You're a fucking moron.

>Doctors used to endorse blood letting and brain lobotomies , not a reason.
>Hurr durr doctors were wrong in the past so their opinion means nothing
Can you refute the CDC since you think they're wrong?

>It's theological evidence

See >Hurr circumcision is mutilation hurr

Consider suicide you 4 chinned nigger

Why don't I get an answer?

If circumcision is so great then let adults decide to get one for themselves - I doubt anyone here would deny people that right.

I have a whole dick. You don't.


>It's theological evidence

You realize you get your dick chopped off for "theological reasons". Maybe if you weren't cut you'd have better faculty over your reasoning.

Does it give you pause that women who suffered through FGM also defend it just as strongly as you seem to defend male circumcision?

>all these fucking redditors getting baited
I wish Trump never happened

Shoeah, but if you rub it, it toins into a wallet!

shilling for the Jews

Look up Foregen, friend.

>cutting off a part of an otherwise healthy body
>not mutilation

>Why don't I get an answer?
With all the subhuman skinners I'm btfoing it's hard to keep track of all the replies.

>If circumcision is so great then let adults decide to get one for themselves
Some do. Go talk to your doctor

>You realize you get your dick chopped off for "theological reasons"
My parents aren't Jewish. I was circumcised because the evidence endorses the procedure.

Do I need to get the leafblower?

fuck my life

That's a very aesthetic peen

no homo

I mean he's even being a fucking namefag, which is almost tripfag bad, and they act like he's being real. Its too fucking funny.

Kudos Cutfag, kudos on your troll well done.

Sage this shit fucking tards.

That's not consolation you fucker that's fucking insulting

>Wahh I'm whole and normal poor me

Was you penis you lazy filthy degenerate fuck.

Then cut your own cock and leave innocent children alone.

I'd rather have a small dick if it was whole and normal

I don't even get excited about sex or masturbation anymore because of the kind of person I am I can't enjoy it knowing I'm missing so much

Foreskin is like cancer. You cancerous subhumans should fleeback into the wilderness where you belong.


You mention health risks. Could you show us how a mostly cut population was free of diseases (sti's and std's) such as those in north america compared to an uncut population like those in europe? I suggested na and eu due to their comparable technological development and education.

>With all the subhuman skinners I'm btfoing it's hard to keep track of all the replies.
And yet you still refuse to answer my question despite addressing me.

Go back to Israel Schlomo. There's settlements to be built.

>Doctors used to endorse blood letting and brain lobotomies , not a reason.
>Hurr durr doctors were wrong in the past so their opinion means nothing
Can you refute the CDC since you think they're wrong?

Yeah I can refute this article you posted : First of all it has a misleading title, when you read further it says the CDC "recommend that doctors counsel parents and uncircumcised males on the health benefits of the procedure" not that they think the benefits outweigh the harms.Then they throw a single guys quote in there. He said "the scientific evidence is clear that the benefits outweigh the risks". The article goes on to state "The most common risks associated with the procedure include bleeding and infection". Totally false. 50 babies die every year in US from botched circumcisions. Think about that.

More importantly doctors opinions do matters. Look at this doctors opinion.


>At worst, being uncircumsized means you have to wash your dick a bit more and pull back when your pissing.
>Unless you're fucking dudes, HIV shouldn't be a concern
>Evidence of "better sex" is questionable
>aesthetics is culturally determined


Already have, and donated, and been restoring for over 5 years.
If anything I'm even angrier than when I first discovered I was circumcised, since now I have a more concrete idea of how circumcision has affected my whole life. It explains alot, like my constant general frustration towards life, my depression, and my inability to not spazz out and spaghetti when a female shows interest.

Would it be fair to say that the way Jews cut their dicks is less harmful than the full surgical massacre that hospitals perform?

>some women don't like foreskin
>supposed to mean something
Holy shig to the fucking dig

Are they close to doing it, user?

>I'm thinking about all the teenage pewn i missed out on.

I didn't feel normal at the time.

>benis is the same as a banana

Activated my almonds

No one gives a fuck I'd take no sex for another decade if it meant having a whole dick

Can't believe you'd think that's remotely comparable that's just insulting

GTFO SJW cock worshippers and take you shitty thread with you. This belongs on Sup Forums.

muh bad

No one is falling for it anymore you retard, if you had your dick cut go fucking whinge to your parents you faggot, not my problem

>Reading comprehension
I never said that circumcision was mutilating your dick.
>End your life. Putting on glasses doesn't have an inherent risk to mutilate your dick.
>risk to mutilate your dick.
>will mutilate your dick
Seriously consider a lobotomy.

I pity all the people with mutilated jewdick.

You will never know how sensitive glans can really be and how good it feels when girl pushes her tongue under foreskin.

Foreskin has 20 000 nerve-endings while clit has only 8000. Foreskin keeps dick moist, smooth and super sensitive. There's no reason to cut it off simply because bible tells you so.

Cutfags should sue somebody for destroying sex life as it should be.

Instead of slicing off parts of your cock to stay clean, how about you just fucking wash it, you filthmonger?

Aww, you were doing so well dood. I mean you'll still get replies but they are going to be halfassed and counter trolling.
Good run though.


I'm not sure if your circumcision was "botched" or not, but the jew fuck who did mine cut into the shaft. LITERALLY. INTO. THE. SHAFT.

I have a gash on the left side of the circumcision scar that randomly itches and burns, and it gets worse if irritated. Fucking glad to know I'm not considered mutilated though.

I haven't donated to Foregen yet but definitely plan on it. Fuck, I'll make my parents pay for the operation when the time comes. They allowed it to happen in the first place.

8.5 inches, foreskin, 6 feet tall, white

How can anyone even compete?

>wanting goys to get circumcised
fuck off kike

>"humans havent been around for a million years"
>all evolutionary progress happens in a single generation, then stops for a few millenia only to start again
so is this what lefty education gets you?