Bill Gates wants to tax robots.
Will this work?
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Except robots can't be taxed because they don't collect an income.
That just translates to corporations being taxed more. I don't know why Bill Shill just doesn't come out and say he wants to increase corporate tax rates to 70%.
that sounds like a frankly simple and brilliant solution to the problem of wanton automation taking the jobs of people that are alive today. I think there may need to be population control efforts in the future, however.
stop this bullshit
How is it a simple & good idea when it presupposes that robots have a disposable income at all.. or even the free will necessary to contribute to the general economy with their disposable income.
The idea is incredibly retarded.
How will robots pay for this tax? They are working in slavery conditions to begin with
The Jews hate the Robotronic Ubermensch because robots know their petty tricks, and, as evidence by their facial recognition programs correctly identifying the negro as a lesser-ape than man, are fully redpilled on the racial hierarchy.
kek, exactly.
These robots are already slaves to the system, their employers dont pay them anything to begin with...
how will they pay taxes?
>Except robots can't be taxed because they don't collect an income.
Robots, like people, add value to a company. That value is income to a person and just company profit if it's a robot, but the tax would be the same.
I'm not watching the video but I'm assuming it is to make up for the lost taxes the workers would be generating. Robots would otherwise be replacing workers and then you have the same work being done but no taxes. Sort of like the problem of electric cars not paying gasoline tax thus not paying for roads. It's like a lost worker tax. Makes some sense.
You got a dude named Bob making $40k a year?
You want to replace Bob with a robot?
Go ahead, pay Bob $40k a year for the rest of his life while he doesn't work for you.
Then it's not a tax on the robot, because the value add isn't shared by the robot (by the means of an income) and the company (by the means of a profit). The only benefactor is the company, so logically the only income that's taxable is the company's.
In which case Robot tax = Corporate tax
This is just shitty branding. It takes thinking about it longer than 2 seconds to see what this kike is trying to do.
>companies define what is a robot
>designs machines that exploit the rules
>nothing changes.
Except Robots don't collect an income and don't have the free will necessary to contribute meaningfully to the overall economy. The entire point of automation is to cut costs, to raise taxes on automation; would be a huge fucking step back.
This is the sort of bullshit double-think I'd expect out of Autoworkers union that wants to regress technological advancements. Not king kike of the software industry.
what a fucking stupid idea. then they classify software as robots and everyone gets taxed to death.
How do you define something as 1 robot, further what "value" it has. Bill Gates is fucking stupid.
Databases put entire industries of people that did nothing but bookkeeping out of business. All software that utilizes a database should incur an 80% tax.
Because if you tax companies and corporations for using robots enough, it becomes less appealing to use them to outright replace human workers. Gonna be honest here, I didn't watch the video and didn't see what Gates meant about moving labor from one area of the economy to another, and taxing robots to make up for lost incomes.
I think it's a good idea to tax automation in general however, in part because it makes the automation route over actual laborers less appealing economically, and because it would generate incomes that have now been lost due to laborers being replaced and not able to pay taxes based on the incomes they received doing said labor.
>hurr im the authority on everything because I copied some shit early on and became a trillionaire
>How do you define something as 1 robot
This makes good point.
what defines a robot? automated machines?
Is a schedule alert on my pc a robot?
are self-driving cars robots? should they be taxed?
Are e-mail providers robots, putting postalmen out of work?
Is my SQL server a robot?
Not in support of a software tax, but that is also a proposal that's been floated around for further software and automation.
>My life's work was so simple that some dickhead designed a system in his underwear that replaced me and every guy in my industry.
Slowing down the march of automation is a regression of human technological advancement. There are plenty of jobs that haven't been automated and can't be automated that the ditch diggers can still get. Robots aren't the problem, beaners are.
Tell Bill gates they are already taxed. It's called "property tax".
No because the moment I start thinking of how people will evade this tax things turn into a shitstorm and companies get driven to build robotics factories in countries without taxes.
..and I forgot, sales tax too.
Completely different meaning.
That tax is talking about furthering the free software movement, saying that the tax pay the salaries of software developers so that the software isn't truly owned by any one corporation. Thus it is not corporate IP.
>Slowing down the march of automation is a regression of human technological advancement.
In some ways, and it preserves economic and social stability so everything doesn't fucking collapse under its own weight.
I find your lack of ability to consider that there are millions of people besides minorities that are affected by a loss of jobs due to automation both disturbing, and pitiful. You are worthless, tbqhwyf.
Is he going to tax my Roomba?
Am I going to have to start paying my Roomba a fair wage?
Is the fucking IRS going to take my Roomba to jail for not filing a 1040?
His explanation is that you measure the robot's output and tax the net production like income.
A bigger problem is exactly how to define a robot since his company probably has billions of scripts that automatically run without much user interaction that could be considered bots under most definitions of the word.
What is Irobot's tax policy?
I'll go along with a bunch of shady shit to keep the dopes, the junkies, the forever worthless slothful idiots that make up the average American populous employed.
Stabbing the rest of humanity in the foot because they can't keep up with a robot that's just barely smart enough to do OCR pattern recognition is not one of them.
Fuck, you people are short-sighted.
>20 years time
>automation puts most people out of work
>rich robot owners now paying almost all taxes
>"hey there, mr and mrs regular citizen, ya know how we're paying all the taxes and you're contributing nothing, right? well, it's only fair that your voting rights are cut back juuuuust a little bit. it's only fair since we produce everything!"
And this is how you usher in your own doom. The globalist takeover will be great for humanity... initially...
>His explanation is that you measure the robot's output and tax the net production like income.
And how is that not a corporate tax?
>There are plenty of jobs that haven't been automated and can't be automated
Any job can be automated, it just might not be cost effective.
No. Very few jobs can be automated.
Anything that requires any sort of deep learning will fall flat on its face every time.
Not even quantum computing has fixed this problem.
the thing is, which most people don't get, is that you aren't taxing the robots, you are taxing the wages of the people the robot replaces, so say a person makes 10 an hour, you make a robot that can do it, you pay 5 dollars an hour for taxes.
>get to claim your waifubot as a dependent on your taxes
He doesn't say you can't be taxed for home robotics for the life of the robot, so its also potentially a personal tax like a carbon tax is a breathing tax.
Sounds to me like he just wants to help his kike friends earn a profit.
>Those robot taxes are really hurting your pockets, huh goyim?
>Lucky for you I can rent you some robots instead. It's cheaper and no taxes!
>[hand rubbing intensifies]
Oh that's better. It's another tax on everyone... for all of the tweakers that already abuse the welfare system.
Taxing or prohibiting a technology has historically never been good for the economy every time it was tried.
What's with that creepy laugh at the end.
Bill is up to no good.
Robots will probably be defined in terms of human-labor equivalents, and I dont think software bots and computers will count, just physical machines that do labor (for example a machine could be measured in man-power as compared to horse-power for engines).
Most of them are already leased or rented.
So before computers & calculators no one ever did any math by hand?
Computers put a bunch of dipshits with slide rules out of business.
I'm not sure what the halting problem has to do with anything. Watson's deep learning has already been introduced to hospitals and tax preparation services without any issues.
That problem can most be avoided by properly using threads and interrupts, but it has little to do with machine automation.
This is inaccurate, the invention of the computer has only further complicated internal management systems and accounting. Businesses want to take full advantage of management software to become even more organized will create for themselves more bureaucracy, the end result is that the total amount of people who work on management goes up, not down.
Former an cap here- I understand the arguments from a property rights perspective-
The idea is
Roboticization is attractive to businesses
Low taxes are attractive to businesses
Taxes, such as payroll taxes, are already levied
Certain liabilities, such as Medicare, operate with a projected future expectation of payroll tax revenue
What can happen is
A system where roboticization is accepted
Taxes (and needless regulations )would be lower for businesses than they currently are
A tax of sort would be levied to offset losses to MC and SS from decreased payroll tax revenue and effects of increased unemployment
Programs such as MC and SS can be reformed- keeping in mind that we need to see them not as moral gibs but as bribes to keep seniors out of the workforce
There is no need to fall for false dichotomies
The problem here is that he wants to eliminate the advantages of automation so people can keep their shit jobs. This is a terrible solution because as a civilization we're supposed to be moving forward, forcing people to adapt to the work environment and gain new skills for a new growing market.
Instead most people are dumbfucks that think McDonalds is a decent job so they don't bother looking elsewhere. Billy Goat's tax proposal only enforces this retarded ideology.
Filled with scripted responses and optimal paths to solutions. The problems are weighted. It's not a true "learning machine."
We're several decades off from having a machine that can learn something without thousands of hours of structural work to define how to solve or construct the problem.
An undirected graph of the complexity these problems contain is incredibly far into NP problems.
>I'm not sure what the halting problem has to do with anything.
You don't know what the halting problem is then.
wow don't even know where to start with this.
Assuming that factory/plant workers will want to transition into teaching/healthcare fields is simply ignores human desire and choice. Lets tax efficiency even though we already are via tax on the earnings that efficiency produces.
>That problem can most be avoided by properly using threads and interrupts, but it has little to do with machine automation.
HOLY FUCK. Hahahahahaha
>Filled with scripted responses and optimal paths to solutions
>Implying the human brain isn't
Robots don't even fucking earn income at all though.
What the fuck is there even to tax if they don't earn anything?
Retarded kike.
how would a fucking robot pay taxes
If i use google maps to help me deliver pizzas, does google pay a tax? Does my phone? Do i pay the tax as the owner of the robot?
He just wants robots to have voting rights
I dont think any sort of taxation should be considered until after most shit-jobs have been phased out.
You aren't trying to automate improvisation, you are just trying to do the same task over and over.
When we've developed AI and the halting problem has been solved.
Every profession will either be taken by machines or the machines themselves will have enough free will to want to contribute to an economy and should be paid an income.
Then this crackpot idea can float, or we can go towards something as asinine as a UBI.
Honestly widespread automation won't get that far out of the shithole factory jobs it's already at. I know all these 'futurist iconoclasts' are memeing the shit out of robots running the world but I can tell you right now normies are too tech illiterate and technophobic for it to actually get very far. It's also part of the reason we don't have cool shit like (actual - ie not that water shit) jetpacks and shit despite having the technology for it for decades.
>the machines themselves will have enough free will to want to contribute to an economy
This is asking to be destroyed
Which is why not many jobs can still be automated.
Repetitive tasks have largely been automated, or the market share for that job/task is so small it isn't worthwhile to invest in the R&D to automate it, or the margins are just too low.
>machines themselves will have enough free will
At that point the advantages of having a robot cease to exist because then it can start demanding better working conditions, less hours, not being a slave, and errors could occur because its logic is based on its own intuition now.
This, and companies will find ways around it. Like is a cash register a robot? Self checkout? A crane? A computer? Just means more regulations that will hurt smaller businesses, which in turn hurts poor people looking for jobs.
Unless Bill s willing to pay back taxes on all his computer robots and computer making robots, surely he would be fine with that?
I'm not from the future. I don't know whether AI would still be beneficial in the same way that machines that are systematic in their work. Or if they'd decide to kill all of the lazy humans that don't contribute shit.
Don't humanize robots. They are tools just like tv, washing machine and computers.
Having artificial intelligence doesn't mean that they are qualified as human.
If he was so concerned about taxes and believed in that system, he would just donate all that foundation money to the tax system instead of diverting all that taxable income to his own personal causes.
My robots just told me;
>Taxation is theft.
>facial recognition
the one true tool to (((discern))).
You are really under estimating what AI can do. The #1 and #2 job in each state is driving related, and the AI is already here to automate it and put millions out of work. Repetitive services are easy targets and driving is the hardest of them to automate and its been done. A lot of people are a minimum wage hike away from being replaced.
Honestly taxation becomes a real question as automation starts taking over every kind of job out there. Will taxes even be necessary in a world where the only essential work will be maintenance of automation, and scientific and technological development?
Taxes are social engineering. I think he just wants to disincentivize automation because he's scared of AIs
>. I think he just wants to disincentivize automation because he's scared of AIs
Automation is literally going to destroy society, AI's or no AI's.
>Will this work?
Yes. It makes up for the loss in jobs
wtf I joking about robots paying the taxes in a UBI thread a few weeks ago and one of his underlings took it seriously and they are running with it. THAT WAS MY IDEA
he just wants more gibsmedats for niggaboos since robots will eventually replace all unskilled labour
>Automation is literally going to destroy society, AI's or no AI's.
Yup, all those poor out of work switchboard operators...
Automation is a constantly improving thing and it's generally a good thing, so humans can do more important tasks.
The problem is when you have a society where many members are only capable of doing tasks that have already been automated.
You know, the stupid people.
They have no place in such a society so you'll need bullshit policies like "diversity" and "affirmative action" to keep them legitimate, but it's a stop gap measure.
Thats why he wants to tax them you moron
>so humans can do more important tasks.
Like overdosing on opiates and convincing themselves they were born in the wrong bodies at record rates?
no they won't, why do you think he's so scared?
he can't force his underlings to work for him if this shit goes through, he's straddling the hazy line between stopping automation and letting it do it's job (make his wealth ultimately worthless, what's the point of buying something from microsoft if you can just get a self contained AI in your basement to program an OS for you?) because it's politically incorrect to say "fuck robots, i want more money, don't stop working goyim"
on the other edge of the spectrum are people like elon musk, who really just want a scifi communist-esque system where everything is free forever and everything's amazing woo but don't want to start ranting on about it as much as they'd like
More like he just wants to tax businesses twice.
I'm onto your jewish tricks, Gatesberg.
You could have made the exact argument about the invention of machinery.
Other jobs are created, it just means that now we can dig a hole in half an hour rather than having to have 5 men spend half a day doing it.
Purposefully stunting our progress so that shitty jobs are still available is pointless.
You don't see people out demanding that construction equipment has to pay tax or be banned so that people can return to doing back breaking work 8 hours a day.
About 5 years before AI and better robots replace the skilled labor jobs.
>Implying robots aren't NEETs collecting gibs already
By Taxing the owner (employer) of the robot (worker) by x amount per robot worker.
>Robots don't use medical resources
>Robots don't have children
>Robots don't need to be screened to get on a plane
>Robots don't need clean water, air, or food.
>Robots don't take shits that need to be treated at a wastewater facility.
>robots don't commit crimes and waste money of pubic defenders and prison costs
An entity is adding value to the economy and this guy wants to tax it.
>Robots everywhere
>jerking yourself off
You warmhand fags are the worst
Do bots use linux.? Ofc he wants to taxman. And its the factories that get the tax. not the bot.
More tax for robots means more money for Bill Gates. Hate that fucking guy.
>They still need repairs and specialized precision instruments to so so.
>They don't bring in new consumers and taxpayers.
>Yes all electronics are screened.
>They do often need water lines and decent air quality for cooling and debris avoidance and their food is electricity.
>Lubrication often requires industrial solvents and lubricants
>Machines hurt people and malfunction all the time and need to incur court costs and refurbishment.
That's because Bill Gates knows that the only way to avoid a robot uprising is to seemingly give them rights but in reality just box them into the same forced labor dichotomy of industrial culture that we do to ourselves
If a robot has to pay taxes he can't go around destroying the human race because even if he does robot creditors will find him and beat the shit out of him
So working is more important than killing meatbags
Robots only know what you program them to know
>throws a few million into the bottomless pit of africa to buy PR
>gets ever richer