What was America like pre-9/11?
What was America like pre-9/11?
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>Republican national security
Pretty fucking glorious desu.
Based Bill Clinton years were fucking amazing.
Dropping folder now.
watch the movie 'you've got mail' with tom hanks and meg ryan. Life pre 911 was great
Kids could visit pilots in the cockpit during flights
Everyone's Internet was terrible
Anime was hard to find
>inb4 right wing retards
>inb4 muh dot com meme
>inb4 muh fake unemployment
>inb4 muh fake surplus
my main concern back then was obtaining a ps2 so pretty good I guess
Someone post the compilation of obamaleaf posting the same graph 100 times
much freer
>Based Bill Clinton years were fucking amazing.
Clinton is a criminal asscrab, but yes.
>tfw i don't get new ones anymore
feels bad, right wing retards
This is the one, someone post the compilation titled autism.png
>Kids could visit pilots in the cockpit during flights
mfw millenials can't even imagine this.
I used to love travelling for that very reason
also inb4 bush dindu nuffin
George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.
It was a different one every month, retard.
wtf I love the Clintons now. He deserves all the whores he wants on lolita island.
still possible actually.
Witnessed! I loved meeting the pilot when I was a young pup
Politics were moderates
No one knew or cared about islam at all except for stupid nerds
Being a roller skater was short hand for being a tough punk
>"It is striking to note that the best growth years for the bottom 99 percent since 1990 have taken place in the mid to late 1990s and since 2013, shortly after increases in top tax rates," Saez wrote.
Oh sweetie, of course it was.
the 1990s was a period when the house and senate were controlled by republicans..., THEY controlled the budget
Lol those are from April 2016. 14 million jobs created? Ancient history desu.
childhood post 80's birth was surrealistically appropriate and quite perfect; the last utopia before the millenium took a giant shit in the mouth of the economy. fuck you for the nostalgia
Based Bill Clinton had a Dem Congress for the first 2 years. It was Bill Clinton's 1993 budget that raised taxes on the rich and turned the economy around. Republicans said it would cause a recession. Instead America had 8 years of prosperity.
Previously the top individual tax rate of 31% applied to all income over $51,900. The Act created a new bracket of 36% for income above $115,000, and 39.6% for income above $250,000.[2]
Previously, corporate income above $335,000 was taxed at 34%. The Act created new brackets of 35% for income from $10 million to $15 million, 38% for income from $15 million to $18.33 million, and 35% for income above $18.33 million.[3]
The 2.9% Medicare tax had previously been capped to apply to only the first $135,000 of income. The cap was removed.
Transportation fuels taxes were raised by 4.3 cents per gallon.
The portion of Social Security benefits subject to income taxes was raised from 50% to 85%.[4]
The phaseout of the personal exemption and the limit on itemized deductions were permanently extended.
The AMT tax rate was increased from 24% to tiered rates of 26% and 28%.[5]
Part IV Section 14131: Expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit and added inflation adjustments.
Presidents submit the budget. Right wing retards don't know this.
best transportation (yfw millenials will never fly on a Concorde, or have legroom on the Greyhound bus-like flight home at Christmas, let alone a real meal served free)
best music
coolest bands
best movies
coolest actors
shit TV tBh
best fashion
best decade
BASED BILL CLINTON handed right wing retard hero and leading conservative thinker George Dubya Bush and a GOP Congress a $230 BILLION SURPLUS. What happened to it?
probs my fave pic tbqh right wing retards
America was about two towers taller
On the books this is correct, problem was Obama never submitted budgets lmao you know this, he went the entire first term without a budget
>inb4 muh republicans
>22 posts by this user
>40 posts in this thread
Is it tough being you?
it sucked
it's much better now
The president can suggest a budget, but the congress makes the actual budget and votes on passing it.
There's no legal power behind the president's budget, just like any other US citizen submitting a budget proposal.
I came into this thread jut to tell you this. Get fucked canuck
>Bill Clinton's 1993 budget...
was submitted by George H.W. Bush.
The Democrats only passed 2 budgets before the Republican Revolution.
Lol wtf kind of a fake news right wing retard meme is this? Obama submitted a budget every year. You can look them up on the OMB website. Where are you retards getting this from? Must be some extra special kind of libertytruthnews.blog.retards.net
Here's 2015 for example.
Page 5
Seriously wtf is wrong with u retards?
>The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (or OBRA-93[1]) was a federal law that was enacted by the 103rd United States Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. It has also been referred to, unofficially, as the Deficit Reduction Act of 1993. Part XIII, which dealt with taxes and is also called the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993.
Lol not 1 Republican voted for it.
You retards really fucking brain dead you know that.
The funniest thing is that he'll waste time responding to anything.
Kek, I like this one, can I keep it?
>dotcom bubble carried him
>not fighting extraneous wars carried him
>signing NAFTA fucked the next 15 years up
All that being said, Clinton years were nice. If I thought it had anything to do with his crime boss ass I'd vote for him in a heartbeat
Have you congratulated Trump yet for the continued rise of the stock market?
I did this when i was around four, fucking awesome.
lol he even thinks that Obama had a budget during his first term
it's ok, he still has graphs
btfo by Obama Leaf yet again.
Obama Leaf 999,999,999 -
Right wing retards: ZERO
How does it feel?
We'll see where we are in 4 years
here u go
Seriously wtf kind of right wing retard fake news is this? This is honestly a new one for me. I'm usually familiar with most of your retards autism. That Obama didn't submit a budget? He did every year. Was this just posted on ZeroBrain or InfoTards or something?
Give me a rundown on your newfound autism
Naive. Really fucking naive.
you sure? you seem lost.
I believe you're looking for this?
It was nice when schools didn't have security cameras, until Eric and Dylan decided to shoot up Columbine
You got 2 responses with that one. Nice work.
What the fuck??? Was Bill Clinton actually a based president? Aside from his degeneracy.
shit's just the same
been fucked since long before the '90s. Pre 88 was cool. We had more terror fears in the 70s. Big woop
we make it look easy
How the fuck did Obama not submit a budget when he did every year? I'm giving you retards the links to his budgets.
You retards just make shit up
I don't you think you rural freaks have any fucking clue what you're talking about.
You hear some shit on some youtube channel or read some shit on some fake news blog and u believe it
You make it look like you're retarded. I agree it is easy. Almost like it comes naturally to right wingers.
Nuh uh. Facts and graphs aren't proof
>The final spending bills for the budget were not signed into law until March 11, 2009 by President Barack Obama, nearly five and a half months after the fiscal year began.
The President hadn't passed an entire budget for a number of years while in office. It was all done in piecemeal.
pffft.. it was Newt that balanced the budget.
is that trump voter rural or suburban?
This pic is totally fucking fake, anyone who's been on a plane knows it. (I've flow 20+ times)
>How the fuck did Obama not submit a budget when he did every year?
The House writes the budget, fuckhead
Just because you show us his budget doesn't mean it's true. We're 60 gorillion dollars in debt and the unemployment rate is 250%. Read Shadowstats, Infowars, and Zerohedge for some real facts
The 2009 budget was George Bush's last budget.
Holy shit this is what your autism is about? The US fiscal year runs from Oct. 1st to sept 30th so an incoming president inherits the previous president's budget up until oct 1st of that year.
How do you filthy retards not know this?
Here's a CBO report to aid you on your autism.
>CBO projects that the deficit this year will total
$1.2 trillion, or 8.3 percent of GDP.
No he didn't. He had nothing to do with it. Newt got btfo and thrown out in disgrace by his own party in 1998.
They don't teach you that in right wing retard class do they?
Look it up.
Newt predicted a recession lol.
What was America like before they got a gorillion debt?
how many of them did Harry Reid allow a vote on?
What did you fly? Coach on delta?
better. it's that simple.
You're 100% qualified to be a right wing retard! You just summed up their entire ideology perfectly!
Speaker the House.. that writes the budget, had nothing to do with it. that's bretty cute
Nice job ignoring the second point, maplenigger.
Are you trying to right wing retard dindu nuffin that time when the Republicans tried to crash the US economy and default on the dollar?
I'm still waiting for you right wing retards to explain how the fuck OBama didn't submit a budget for 8 years.
Comfy and carefree
Didn't have good internet... People actually talked face to face before smart phones. We actual went out and enjoyed life now everyone stares at their phone. The Religious Right were the SJW busy bodies of that time. It was good
submit doesn't mean shit when it isn't passed
Arabs had attacked us 5 times before 9/11, but our Resident was busy getting bj's from a kid.
Obama submitting a proposal doesn't mean shit. They always sat on the Hill and they just passed temporary spending bills until something could be agreed on. His final proposal was a fucking joke that never went anywhere.
more civilized.
people didn't carry assault rifles in public like in fucking middle east.
Bill clinton passed nafta and gram-leach
Fuck him
If the world was filled with boomers like my dad, an autistic egocentric engineer who cares more about money and his job over his own body and his health, I'm glad I was born in this generation. My dad is lacking a lot of basic information that I find important, like nutrition and art. He thinks walking up a set of stairs counts as exercise and he's had 4 surgeries before the age of 60. He's not even fat. He's never read a book for fun, everything in his office is a textbook, or the Bible. I feel bad for him but he also wants me to become just like him. He doesn't realize that I despise his lifestyle. Maybe we are very fortunate to have so much information at our fingertips.
>87 posts by this ID
Yet, another episode of 5'4 Indian living in Toronto wants attention.
>Speaker the House.. that writes the budget
this retard thinks the speak writes the budget
So let's get this straight.
Based Bill's 1993 budget turns the ecnoomy around. Massive tax hikes on the rich. en.wikipedia.org
Not 1 Republican voted for it. Newt predicts a recessionEconomy soars.
Newt gets kicked out of office by his own party Based Bill leaves Bush and a GOP Congress the best economy ever. A $230 billion surplus They crash everything with no survivors.
So basically right wing retards dindu nuffin chimpout when they're in charge and try to take credit for Democratic accomplishments.
Pretty much sums it up.
Unless aircraft have significantly reduced their width and height since the 70's, I highly doubt you know what you're talking about. The man wearing the brown suit in the center aisle is easily 6"+, and so am I, every flight I've been on has been so cramped there's no way this is a real plane.
Best early Conan Obrien
Submitted just in time to never pass, but who cares, when we can decrease the deficit to Bush era levels :)