>The Spaniard who keeps making communist general threads
>The Turkroach who keeps making Islam general threads and then doing a terrible job at defending his religion when people reply to him
>The Australian who constantly posts cuck porn threads
>The Leaf who who keeps shilling for Hillary making threads reminding us of "The real winner"
>The American who keeps making the thread about owning a gun and then posts the exact same picture of his gun every time
>The Malaysian (Mike) that shills his comics
>The Israeli that post videos of machines fucking women with the Jew merchant logo in the corner
>The butthurt Argentinian in the Trump threads
Users you recognize:
>Turn this place into a cancerous general or reddit by identifying anonymous people
Fuck off newfag
little do you know theyre all the same shill with a proxy
>the jap who posts "japan needs immigrants"
>that leaf faggot "Mr. Westmount" who posts the same bitch pics in every comment
get necked strayafag
>the Serb shill
Hi plebbit.
That one pajeet who's actually pretty cool.
Wait, that's me!
I miss the eternal Anglo poster
>The south african israeli
Buttepost.org blogger who mirrors his comments here
>that polish dude who keeps spamming his white women with nigger pictures
The "tfw nip" poster
The canadian who posted the same Hillary gif for several weeks
The serbian shill/troll
The polish Hillary and now Schulz troll
The brit posting the same Anglo vs Aryan memes all the time (filenames dude)
>1 post by this ID
you have to go back
>the multiple tranny threads
why do we have them? we should just ignore them
Sup brahs
You bunch of fucking morons, you really think if intergalactic alien life exists our puny ape minds could even grasp it
I have access to classified army files about an encounter that happened in the 80s
A REAL encounter. No UFOs, no little grey men, just a presence descending and communicating with military personel. It couldn't be photographer or otherwise recorded, and all of the men who is communicated with either died on the spot or went mad, dug out their eyes and ripped out their own brains through the sockets.
The last one to commit suicide created this picture. A rendition of the alien creature, from the mind of a madman. He later commited suicide the same as the others.. while in a straightjacket
fuck off mike
>not mentioning the mummy poster
communism spaniard
the portugese-canadian that keeps posting in med threads about how portugal isn't white
the retarded swede that keeps posting his shitty map of european cultures divided by four different cultures but it's awful and half of them are wrong
i'm sure there are more
You forgot the serbian shill.
>The butthurt turkroach that makes BLACKED threads
That one Sri Lanka poster
And that other super hateful Bolivian poster
>The Korean that absolutely hates on Japanese posters
>>The butthurt Argentinian in the Trump threads
>The butthurt Thai shill that does not love Trump.
the bong seminary student whose gf left him because he wasn't born-again who spams Christian threads with degenerate Anime porn and crap about the eucharist that is barely relevant to the discussion while he spews vitriol at "protties" getting "BTFO".
The literally psychopathic Croatian guy.
Oh, and this goy.
The most handsome and clever Australian poster who is never ever wrong and is probably your soon-to-be stepdad.
Glad you recognized me :^)
I literally have never encountered any of these guys. Not even Mike, I feel left out
Also the Vatican animuposter whose posts are invisible to faggots.
he's obviously a malaysian chink
The Brazillian who says Meds are superior to Nordics and posts anti-nord infographics
the posters who make every thread, fill up every thread, all day and every day
Not even the Spanish commie?
He makes a thread every fucking day
>The south African that keeps making recognized user threads
Uhh I think he was talking about me, you stupid motherfucker
Fucking Rimmer.
Well my dick looks nicer than yours, cunt.
Holy shit can it be?
Nope, I guess I'm just fucked by time zones
No one has mentioned me yet, I must still have a long way to go. I must shit post harder for recognition.
>There is a specter haunting Sup Forums, the specter of Socialist Shit Posters.
I love that Jew
>The guy with proxies shilling his Photoshop meme of PJW
>Pupperfridge user
>Thirsty Syrian because rebels blew up the water supply
>SA Zionist
>Aussie who tells us not to investigate the deep ocean
>German who constantly says nothing is happening I admire his determination and staying power
At least two americans who are former south africans.
One of them is really quick to bring up all the godawful shit Mandela did to get sent to prison in the first place.
> The Polish guy that always makes blacked comments
> Space Elevator Guy
> The one guy that posts his selfie pic all of the time, with brown eyes and black hair with a really long face and big chin asking if he's good looking or White or whatever
Lots of shitty Tattoos?
>Red flag
She might be a whore, user!
>Serb shill
>Obama leaf
>(((Nationalist view))) even though he doesn't use his tripcode much anymore.
There's some guy who always posts about smoking tobacco and how we don't live forever
>the one highly bitter and angry brazilian who posts antiwomen stuff all the time because hes mad he cant get a white woman to sleep with him
>She might be a whore, user!
Which means she knows how to work a dick. I don't see how this is a bad thing when you are fantasizing.
that namefag that posts traps in every thread and NEVER gives me nudes >:(
>the burger that owns an RPG-7 with an "I Heart Violence" bumper sticker
The CIA tranny who posts the tranny slide threads
That NSA agent who logs all of our posts to be used against us in a court of law sometime in the future
Next time use the correct logo, OP.
The english teacher cuck pretending to be japanese
The OP that is always a faggot.
I think I saw that guy, wasn`t sure he was pretending since there was something off about the way he replied.
Ohhhh, I love that mummy poster, bless their heart.
Didn`t know he was pretending.
I've always wondered if anyone recognises me when I say I drive cranes and my mrs is Swedish.
>that one German deerposter
>that one Greekanon who REALLY hates racemixing and MGTOW (possibly a woman)
>that one Dominican who blames everything on Germanics
>that one American who makes "Why don't milennials X" threads
>that one Croation cuckposter
>that Serbian Hillary shill
>that absolutely based Brazilian who writes multiple posts consisting of multiple paragraphs, analyzing the psychological effects of cuck porn and the anti-white media in the USA
Haven't seen the last one in a long time.
>The South African who makes Users you recognize threads
chink canadian that gets buttblasted by shit nips or koreans say
Lauren Southern making, Lauren Southern is the queen of /Pol / threads
>shitpost literally around the clock
>nobody mentioned me
> Lauren Southern making, Lauren Southern is the queen of /Pol / threads
creepy indian guy that doesn't have full control over his spacebar
Tell you how shot you are at this mate.
Aren't all Japs on Sup Forums gaijins?
>The Serb who is defending pizzagate/shilling for HRC
>The Egyptian spamming blacked.com threads
That """"american"""" with muh whites are just albino and blacks are superior.
I'm like the only kiwiposter worth recognition tbqh
>That one German still salty about brexit
ur the 'nobody notices me' mate, i memeber u!
t. Lauren Southern
>the pedo sex tourist from Thailand who always shows up on pizzagate threads
>The NZ flag LARPing as a chink that owns 3 properties
The Brit who complains about how inexpensive American houses are but always uses the shittiest property listings to back up his argument.
The JIDF South African
The Albanian living in France
you bastard
Burger who posts
along with pic related in every single thread
>the american poster with a fart fetish
o wait its me
a bunch of regional flag users
Me too.
that started off as one but i think more ameritards started doing it
>TFW always on and always make people think
>Completely BTFO everyone I talk to
>No one recognizes me because I change the syntax of my posts all the time to mix things up
Fuck off plebs, staying user is the most important rule of this board
>trying hard to get recognized on a vietnamese xenoestrogen forum
These fucking people.
>the german mosleyposter (RIP)
>nip lady living in Vatican city
>leaf that only speaks french and calls everyone bubba
The German Marina poster who used to make threads on race mixing.
There's that one guy who's always talking about throwing people into the bog...though I havent seen him as much since Bogposting became ubiquitous.
>inb4 quick rundowns
The leaf Obama/Clinton apologist
please give me a job putin. trump won't.
detective nigger over here
The German that says Poles on Sup Forums are shit, but Poles irl are cool.
>The German that says Poles on Sup Forums are shit, but Poles irl are cool
Haha! :^)
>the "romanian" that posts russian songs and always shills for russia
Name one thing Poland ever did for the world. I'll wait.