This #protecttranskids trend on twitter is a gold mine. What do you guys think about this trend?

This #protecttranskids trend on twitter is a gold mine. What do you guys think about this trend?

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Great fap material

twump hates da kids u guys ;((((((

fpbp also how about we shitpost there




We need to hijack this to get them to piss in public.


>trannies become hysterical because they can't pick their own bathroom
>still not a mental illness

In fighting games they have a term called "adapt"

It's what these candyasses need to learn to do.

How do we stop them


Holy shit this actually is good idea. They are probably stupid enough to fall for it

when i first read that shit i thought it was about him peeing himself or peeing in public. it wasn't until i looked and saw his pants weren't wet that i looked further and knew it was trans shit

If anyone is good with Photoshop, make some OC and post a new thread.



>allowing gay to marry wouldn't be a slippery slope they said

and welp my worst suspicions came true

>have to go back to using the "wrong" bathroom
>kill self


If a trans actually looks like a girl then it can shit in the woman's bathroom and no one will notice

only the ugly trannies who are the majority are worried about this shit

>kids trying to politics

These kids and their parents need to be rounded up and killed. Idiots, the lot of them. Why the fuck is it always left-wing people who do this shit to their kids.

Trans needs to be recognize as a mental illness already, this is some fucking stupid shit.

Actually I dont care about gay business
let the faggots sort it out

If a trans actually looks like a girl then it can shit in the woman's bathroom and no one will notice

only the ugly trannies who are the majority are worried about this shit

some clever bored user should get a fake phone number and post his own tranny helpline and then mock the f o of them when thy call and post the calls so we can all have a mild kek.

I won't live in Trump's America. I won't live this lie anymore. I know I'll be beautiful on the other side. Goodbye everyone.



Fuck me these trips have made me angry.

Yeah, because some kid drew that and phonetically misspelled every single word and even drew some of the letters backwards.

Is that a penis flag pol

How the fuck do you make a Twitter account? I've tried making one several times now, and every single time the account is suspended, even after confirming the e-mail.

Fire up the twitter and start red pilling about mentally ill trannies?

literally shaking

>no consistency in handwriting
>can't write some letters correctly
>can't spell
>can't color within the lines
>is still old enough to have the mental capacity to identify as gender fluid
Okay then.

God this shit makes me so mad, just give them their own fucking washroom

how do people live like this

They already have them, they're called unisex restrooms

why the fuck can't i make a twitter account? they're suspended as soon as i make them.

We don't have them here in Vancouver I'm pretty sure. It's a liberal hell zone.

link so we can spam the vote

user pls vocaroo a call to Trevor, I need a kek.

Pre-op or post-op?

You cannt operate your chromosomes, m8.
You are a mentally ill male or female which was allowed to mulitate your body.

I feel so fucking sorry for these kids that this stuff is VERY LIKELY coerced and forced into them before they can even understand any of this. It's sickening. There are so many trans, gay, etc these days, and it is unprecedented. I'm positive a lot of it has to do with them being nudged into that kind of lifestyle by their parents and the media they enjoy.

Pre-meat hole or post-meat hole?

Maybe it's your ip or a cookie


Holy fuck are these snow flakes triggered. This is better than pre-inauguration hysteria.

Went from 28% to 24%

post this on their twitter feed

geez the shit kids do to try and be cool these days.

"Just shrink my dick up and give me gynecomastia doc" "I'm sure I won't regret it later"

>go to dark web
>pay russian botnet operator to launch voip attack against phone lines
>no one can get through

sane people would only go as far as giving them a portapotty

These are not "transkids", these are mentally ill children and should be treated accordingly.


Trannies are the only ones strong enough to challenge the cis white males top position. They are lost souls and the only way for them to gain their powers back is for them to use their respective bathrooms. It's the key to their power


Liberalism is going to destroy the very meaning of aesthetics and beauty.

It's infinitely more damaging to society to let CHILDREN decide their fucking gender

>should everyone be able to use the bathroom they are most comfortable in
>almost 10k votes
>mostly yes

What the actual fuck? I didn't realize that America was so fucked up.

>11 years old

Please tell me this ain't true

>letting social media shape your view of the country at large

in reality, the vast majority of people don't care either way

Yep,this is pretty bad. If I had a mother or father that nudged me into being the sex I am comfortable with and started confusing me from a young age and introducing me to these weird ideas, AND I ended up being the opposite gender I would have suicide by now. I genuinely feel sorry for these kids having idiot parents.

No, I think that in reality people want fucking females in the female bathroom and males in the male bathroom. That's why Trump got voted in. We're tired of this weird shit going on. It has gone too far.


problem solved amirite guise

The people that argue that you should use the bathroom you're most comfortable with will be the first ones to cry when some white male uses the women's bathroom and claims he's transgender


What exactly is the worst case scenario with kids growing up with the idea that they get to decide their own gender? That some of them will grow up with the wrong one? Because that's how it is now. That's the entire issue to begin with.

can't wait for these kids to get raped by a pedo in the toilet.

Well the best case scenario for the worst case scenario usually happens, so not much consequence.

btw its suicide.

>fail to get promotion

it will fix itself

Because its a psychosexual disorder.

>i'm peeing where i want
a very dangerous precedent


It isn't.

There has to be something in the water causing their parents to do this shit to them. I refuse to believe people are this stupid.


Lets just call them what they are,
retarded, degenerate faggots.

I'm more concerned about all the "non binary" genders rather than trannies. Sure, most of them are fucked up individuals who need therapy, but some of them are better off with SRS.

Basically though, you give agency to the bi-demi-pan-queer-genderfluid other special snowflake niggerkin, they sky is the limit as to what these people can bitch about.

It's fine if it happens naturally, but kids are being coerced into becoming a sex that they are not. They'll likely end up fucked up gender confused weirdos with really bad mental issues later in life, but I care because I want these kids to not have to deal with that shit. You have to realize these parents aren't just having them wear drag. There's often indoctrination and bringing them up as the wrong sex, the use of hormones, all kinds of bad shit. Basically it's fucking weird and we should stop and have normal families again. There will be outliers, fine, but let us not make them the norm please.

Is there like a reason people think this happens?

Everything in nature is a gray area, everything is a spectrum where we draw arbitrary lines. You're the first person I've seen try to make a slippery slope argument that doesn't actually lead anywhere even in their own hypothetical.

It is.

The World Health Organization, American Psychiatric Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, and pretty much every accredited medical school says so.

This. Im going to go out on a limb and say a majority of your supposed trannies are retards with mental issues, hence the suicide rate, while there are a small handful that actually fit the profile and would benefit from SRS.

The difference between the two is self awareness. The retards that get lampooned in front of us are more likely the ones to kill themselves whereas the others just go on living life, happy and confident with their decision.

>It's fine if it happens naturally, but kids are being coerced into becoming a sex that they are not.
Yeah, that's how it is already though.

>They'll likely end up fucked up gender confused weirdos with really bad mental issues later in life
Yeah, that's how it is already though.

>but I care because I want these kids to not have to deal with that shit.
Weird, that's what I'm doing too.

>You have to realize these parents aren't just having them wear drag. There's often indoctrination and bringing them up as the wrong sex, the use of hormones, all kinds of bad shit.
Are you doing this on purpose? Is this copypasta?

Kids are not mature enough to decide their orientation.

If you aren't old enough to vote, you aren't old enough to call yourself transgender or even worse, switch genders.

I have no problem with trans kids if they are shitskins.

No argument is a valid argument in your eyes so why don't you just go back to your /lgbt/ echo chamber already you brainwashed degenerate

Please see a mental health professional.

Define "nature". By natures standards with human beings, you must have two parties that possess appropriate sexual organs to reproduce, literally like half of our primal instinct, the other being self-preservation. I see no gray area in this equation. Sure, people aren't exactly born completely masculine or feminine or sometimes with even working sexual organs like a majority of hermaphrodites, but you simply cannot escape your own biology, no matter how hard you try.

They need protection from their own snowflaky feefees and their irresponsible single moms. But I'm guessing the drones posting under the hashtag interpret things differently.

sometimes i wish trump actually was a fascist and we could oppress the shit out of these degenerates.

these people exist only to fuck with and ruin our youth. we need to make lgbt people afraid of telling the people who they are



I wonder what the statistics are for MtF vs FtM. Curious how no one questions why in it seems that there's 100 MtF for every FtM.

I'd say kill it with fire, but that's being harsh to the fire.

You're anthropomorphising nature. It doesn't have any standards, or preferences, or goals. By the way it sounds like you're arguing against homosexuality. Which brings me to:

So was homosexuality with all of those organizations that were around back then and for all the same reasons given in this thread especially:

...this one. And that's what it all comes down to, though, isn't it.

Fucking exactly. I'm not worried about traps, I'm worried about fucking """Christine""" Weston Chandler.

Yes, it actually kind of of does have standards. If it didn't have any sort of standards, we wouldn't be so efficient at breeding to the point of having an overpopulation issue. They are simple stands, a working penis and a womb, but they are incredibly functional and essential to the survival of our species.

Homosexuality is a preference, nothing more and I frankly don't care about it.

Notice after literature (say DSM-IV to DSM-V) and practice was updated with regards to gay and lesbian, gender dysphoria remained.... Probably has something to do with suicide rates and sexual criminal behavior. But hey, data and logic are "just perceptions", right?

>Not mature enough for consent
>Somehow mature enough to decide their own gender

Really makes you think....

I feel bad for kids these days, what happened to the days of climbing trees and throwing eggs at your neighbors windows?

Goddamn hippies that complain about wasting the food, harming the tree, managed to reproduce and raise a litter of dumb cunts