ITT: Politicals beasts and beliefs that don't exist without massive cognitive dissonance
>civic nationalists
ITT: Politicals beasts and beliefs that don't exist without massive cognitive dissonance
I'll post another
Alt-Right. You are basically admitting to everyone you have an inferiority complex and feel like your being cuck'd by Tyrone.
Literally what does Alt-right even mean now? I mean seriously, who are you referring to when you say "Alt-right"?
I would say "alt-right" a made up term of the left to demonize unabashed patriotic americans . not just whites but proud latinos and blacks and asians as well. And overtime you people make it about race the non-whites fight even harder thats why your failing to lock down and assassinate this moment . Your fighting the wrong way. We have just taken up your labels from the beginning so obviously name calling without facts or information is a losing tactic . Jeff of insanity is repeating the same thing 100 times and expecting a diff out come. so by deff you people are insane
Always blaming the left. Why do you think 'the left' came up with the term alt right? They call themselves that. We ('the left') call them neo-fascists.
>this is what civic nationalist newfags from /r/the_donald actually believe
Oh no! You called us fascists! How will we ever recover?
See !!!!! you can't not name call hahaha you people are addicted to using name calling like we give a shit
>lalala if I keep ignoring facts then that means you're not basing your views on facts
Have fun when Jose and Jamal, who don't care if you "Don't really see race" string you up by your fucking neck you delusional faggot. The only people who "don't see race" are white people. Blacks see everything through the lens of race. Hispanics do too. Asians also. Jews see whites as the eternal enemy whose just waiting to shoah them "again". Also you type like you're underage or mentally handicapped.
Pretty much this. Leftist trying to discredit a rise in conservative views within the populous.
>pic related
>backwards.baseballcap means I'm young.
>sniff. Affirmative Blaction killed my dad fucking niggers
Five years later
>wtf I love niggers who shoot my brother
Yeah, Richard Spencer is SOOO a leftist, right?
>"neo fascists"
Yeah that's because you guys are fucking retarded.
It's like you ("the left who storms the streets pouting") was educated by Huffington hooha and Hollywood.
You may have had a good teacher who showed you some.ww2 flick but I have yet to see a leftist of any stature give an adequate definition of fascist when asked.
Don't get me wrong. I know that's what you guys came up with. It's just retarded.
I bet you guys also discuss other retarded made up shit like 'neo renaissance' or some shit.
Should we call you 'neo hippies'?
No because that sounds dumb as all fuck
>Literally what does Alt-right even mean now?
Nothing. It's a label that Liberals and neocons use to shut down arguments.
teenage libertarians with no financial/work living on daddy-mommy welfare. its an archetype i tend to see a lot
>literally starting by a "far-right" traditionalist race realist years before the media even used the term
Wow, yeah it's definitely made up!
I'm not even a lolbertarian but you can't understand why those things aren't comparable you should reconsider going on with life
Marxism because the foundation on which it is build on is faulty:
>Humans are tabula rasa and an individuals abilities and capacity are determined by socioeconomic factors
Remember that the communist manifesto was published 12 years before Charles Darwins Theory of Evolution came about.
>Workers are exploited
Around the time the communist manifesto was published, workers conditions were horrible and their pay was shit. This was in the early phase of the industrial revolution, later on conditions and wage got improved, especially in Germany, when Bismarck started the foundtaion of the welfare state.
stop replying to shill posts
To add to your point, Marx's understanding of Anthropology and "Primitive Communism" as a goal to be striven towards, is proven completely false by modern anthropology.
Like, if the main justification for Capitalism was based on the idea that ancient humans natural state was entirely driven by some proto-capital exchange, it too would be fucking retarded.
>Marx's understanding of Anthropology and "Primitive Communism" a
Can you please elaborate?
Any political opinion that places you in the left libertarian quadrant of the political compass requires some serious cognitive dissonance